The centre picture above is a side view of the human body and it's 7 main chakras, showing the front/back aspect of the 'funnel' shape attributed to them. The two side bars accompanying the drawing represent the chakras aligned to the spinal column and their respective mandalas in the corresponding colours. See also the chakra diagrams on the Crystals Page.
The term chakra is a Sanskrit word which means 'wheel' or 'wheel of light [or force]' referring to the constant rotational spin of the chakras. It is likened in esoteric teachings to the lotus flower as it unfolds its many petals, in reference to the unfolding of the chakra's individual vortices. This 'spin' alternates direction in sequence from the base to the crown chakra, and is different for both sexes. For males, the rotation is clockwise, starting at the base chakra and anti-clockwise for females. In many teachings, the chakras are seen to be energy vortexes of the subtle bodies - the correct functioning and alignment of which is necessary for our physical, emotional and spiritual health and well being.
The main chakras are associated with glands of the endocrine system of the human body, and as already stated, lie along the spine. It is through them that a person's spirit and soul can become receptive to and communicate in a form of 'biofeedback' with cosmic energies.
So, we may define a chakra as - an energy centre of the Human Energy Field (HEF) which spins like a wheel and opens like a funnel shaped flower. Our 'biofeedback' channels to the Universe around us.
Carl Gustov Jung referred to them as 'gateways of consciousness'.
Esoterically, each chakra functions at seven levels and is associated with an archetypal principle of consciousness relating closely to the psychological functions of man, and can be thus related to the seven visible planets of classical astrology.
Uranus, Neptune and Pluto also have their respective roles, but these outer, trans-personal, 'new-comers' tend to operate on a more subtle level. The higher energies of these planets touch that of Spirit and the collective consciousness of mankind as it relates to our planet and in turn our solar system, through the galactic to the Universal or Cosmic Consciousness - "As Above; So Below".
The First or Base Chakra according to esoteric tradition, relates to the element of Earth and our connection to it. Psychologically, it mainly concerns our relationship with the material plane and archetypally relates to the principle of limitation in both constructive and destructive forms. Basic trust, self-confidence and our sense of security in harmony with the laws of nature feature strongly through this energy centre. It relates to the Sensation Function of Jungian psychology. At it's lower level of expression, this covers such things as greed and lust, and the drive for survival. At its highest expression, this can manifest in wise relation to matter and physicality, one's body and the physical universe generally.
The Second or Sacral Chakra relates to the element of Water, and psychologically governs our emotions and how we experience them. Such matters as survival of the species, sexuality, family, sociableness and solidarity with the surrounding world are governed by the 2nd chakra. It relates to the Feeling Function of Jungian psychology. At the lower expression this may occur as escapism, excess, and dogmatism; at the higher level of expression it can denote more constructive enthusiasm and spiritual devotion.
The Third or Solar Plexus Chakra concerns the Fire element, and it's expression psychologically refers to emotions of a more energetic type. The powers of imagination, visions of the future, desire for action, and coming to terms with the past are factors governed by the Solar Plexus chakra. It has been referred to as "the inner fire that both creates and destroys". It relates to the Intuitive Function of Jungian psychology. In the lower expression this may manifest as anger, and combativ
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