Vortex Universe: Spiraling Electric Phi of the Divine Architect

Vortex Universe: Spiraling Electric Phi of the Divine Architect

From the smallest electric motions which give form to Atoms and to the largest electric motions which give form to Stars and Galaxies, we see the spiraling electric vortices of Phi. The Creator using spiraling electricity as the sole force to inwind and unwind all of Creation from the smallest to the largest. The Creator's laws of Creation are seamless and are the same from the micro to the macro. The sole working tools for the Creator's Sacred Geometrical Universe are the Sphere and the Cube. All possible geometries exist between the forms of Cube and Sphere. The Cube is the Sphere expanded to cold dark space and the Sphere is the Cold Cube of Space compressed compressed into the fiery incandescent sphere.

This Universe is composed of spiraling electric Vortices from the smallest to the largest which show the signature of the Divine Architect, spiraling Phi! This is the very proof of the Creator which is despised so much in the sterile and sanitized psyence of academia, which chose to remove the Creator from its Creation and idolize the atheist and agnostic myths and guesses of mere mortals as their their certified "knowledge".

Academia has failed miserably in teaching real Science. It was once dedicated to studying Nature and explaining it. Since einstein was falsely raised to the status of genius, academic science fell into the pit of ignorance where formulas and equations replaced the logic and reason associated with scientific investigation. Now this corporate owned psyence has dumbed down several generations of people who memorized this dysfunctional system of mythematics and created a slave world, where the corporate owned psyentists are the wolves which keep the sheeple in their pins.

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