Locks and Keys to things both seen and Unseen.

At present, you have herein the 2D monochrome Tree of Life (Sephiroth Only not qlippoths); the coloured version; the three dimensional version; the version where all nodes are interbracteate and each junction therefore becomes analogous to an individual yin/yang - which is a helpful way to remember the dissemination of judgements and how they vary with relative perspective across Assiah, Yetzirah, Briah, and Atziluth consequentially - the ring of the Covenant (the rainbow as the breaking down of white light into different degrees of separation and understanding), and the flows which help construct and form through different levels of the soul of the living quintessence, and how sometimes this can lead to confusion. I included my silver sphere here because, for me; being both spherical and silver, it represents the alchemical key of 9-Yesod-The Foundation-Luna-The Moon-Silver-Sphere, so the shape and its material become a link that straddles across many different fusings of unseen layers of understanding.

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