
Markham, IL

United States

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Comment Wall:

  • Kishaun

    Welcome to the Resistance family. Happy to see you and wish you well on your spiritual journey")


    Below are two links to assist you from here.



  • santhip

    Yeah.. Kundalini is no joke. Not many people realize this when they try to activate it. If one isn't prepared for the entire journey, one really shouldn't be playing around with it. Many people are still in the midst of the journey. The proper way to do it would be to find someone who knows what it is inside out and can speak from direct experience as they did in the olden days. Otherwise it is really easy to be confused. It is good that there is a like minded community here though.

  • santhip

    Definitely agree with you on how different things can be helpful for different people depending on where they are on the path. In the beginning one begins to uncover the lies. Then one begins to discover the truth of their own potentiality. So yeah. Different things definitely is useful for different folks ..

    Whether one has a teacher or not, one has to walk the journey alone, and has to do it himself.. So yeah.. its good to have someone who is sharing the same journey as you are .. Good to know you my friend :)