Patrick O'neill


Shelton, CT

United States

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Kundalini Awakening: A Gentle Guide to Chakra Activation and Spiritual Growth
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Comment Wall:

  • Mr. Spirit Matter

    Welcome to the Resistance Patrick
  • Iris


    This in response to your forum post. I have been a member here for over 2 years. Know this before you get too deep into all the resistance noise. The only truth you will ever discover is in a mirror. The only answer you will ever need to know is already present within. It sounds to me, that you are what I would term "sensitive clairvoyant". Whatever it is that you've been experiencing or abilities you've found are not unique to only you. We are ALL capable of seemingly impossible feats. some of us are more in tune, but do not understand it or know how to control it. Remember if all life is ONE, then all life has the same abilities. Anything that suggests we are unique(in the physical plane) is falling victim to their own ego.

    I suggest reading 2 books. If you are a perceptive reader, these are the only 2 books you'll ever need to "get it". the first book is called "Anastasia" by Vladimir Megre (it's actually a series that I HIGHLY recommend reading all of, but book 1 will suffice) The other is "The Secret Life of Plants" by Tompkins. These 2 books gives one all the information one will ever need to start realizing your true potential. I warn you though, they are not what you might expect them to be. That is, they are not based in all things occult like most of the stuff here. The first thing I urge you to do is to figure out a means of refusing to participate in all things "matrix". Use what money you make to purchase items that will provide the basic requirements of life. Don't buy into any of what society deems important. The majority of them are still too indoctrinated by the system to understand any of this, but they will understand soon enough. Western Civilization is crumbling before our very eyes, but no alien spaceship is coming to save us. Don't buy into the quasi-ascension 2012 b*******. The natural upward progression through our energy centers along the path that is "life" is what "ascension" really is.  One needs no supplements to achieve adept abilities. One needs a diet of light organic food produced with Love and living water, and a meditation regimen, nothing more. I guess what I'm telling you is, time is short, don't get bogged down in this site. It's a great resource with a lot of really great people, but it's not "The only way" to anything, nor is the leadership as enlightened as they'd like to portray themselves. I don't spend much time here anymore, so this is a bit of a hit and run. Any further conversation can be run through or private messaging if you wish. Good luck. I will be meditating Love and light your way.