Patrick Bernard Cage


Chicago, IL

United States

Profile Information:

What is your current spiritual level of innerstanding?
How did you find out about the Resistance?

Comment Wall:

  • aura

    greetings patrick welcome to the home of the resistance

    Welcome Graphic #102

    Welcome |
  • Iris

    Greetings Patrick,

    I am close to you, geographically speaking. You have found a wonderful group of people and more information than you can imagine. If there is anything I can help with, leave a message. Skype? Read "The Code" at least twice. It is amazing. Good luck on your journey brother-22
  • Iris

    Hi Patrik , this is Iris but I believe my husband was logged in under my name when he wrote the previous message to you. His name is TruthSeeker, or Jeremy, if you prefer. I will relay the message. He is right though, the members of this forum are, for me, warm, incredibly insightful, and a comfort to have near. Welcome!