About the dosage of monoatomics, go with your feelings and intuition, if you feel that one a day does or feels nothing take more, but well, it all depends on your self-consciousness. But I'd rather say don't over do monoatomics, as many things in this world, excess is bad. Well, i guess u already knew that, but that's all I could say. I find that it releases a lot of unconscious energy up to the open.
Marina Luna
Welcome! Many Blessings sent to you!
May 8, 2012
Hello Etereys here's the page with the info. http://www.whitepowdergold.com/framehudson.html Hope you`re doing good with monoatomics, I've had really positive experience with it.
May all be in love
May 15, 2012
About the dosage of monoatomics, go with your feelings and intuition, if you feel that one a day does or feels nothing take more, but well, it all depends on your self-consciousness. But I'd rather say don't over do monoatomics, as many things in this world, excess is bad. Well, i guess u already knew that, but that's all I could say. I find that it releases a lot of unconscious energy up to the open.
May 15, 2012