Helena van schaik




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The Ancient Secret of the Flower Of Life - Drunvalo Melchizedek
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Comment Wall:

  • janet myers

    Wholeness!  Welcome to the Official Resistance Site!  When I first came on this site, I found really helpful clicking on START HERE on the Home Page.  Sevan guides us through the site and some interesting concepts.  May you have a very in joy able journey! Janet

  • Kishaun

    Welcome to the Resistance family. Happy to see you and send well wishes your way on this never ending journey")

    Click the link below:http://www.resistance2010.com/group/new-members


  • FlowerofLife

    Welcome, I'm happy to see you on here! Told you that u won't be disappointed ;) great to see your art work on here, you're deeply talented, my friend. Wholeness and balance vibrations.
  • Sean Logan

    Thanks for the welcome! 

  • Roderick Scesco

    Thank you Helena, glad to see another awaken soul..may you journey well on this quest called life:)

  • Morad

    is this crystal ...scolecite .?

  • Morad

    hey thanks for your reply., lately i have gently not obsessively ;0) been really into crystals and have brought around 30. not feeling its a quartz from Brazil, nevertheless its a beautiful crystals & great photo