

Eatontown, NJ

United States

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What is your current spiritual level of innerstanding?
How did you find out about the Resistance?

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  • Anunnaqigirl

    Hi Galactic Wacko

    Regarding the ringing in my ears. I have this happen all the time... But not before bed ,,, this happens during the day also. What i had experienced today was something very new. I was outside walking my dog when suddenly i was looking at the street and the grass in my yard but i saw a split in mid air happed as if i saw the dimension split and i saw a gap in time happen. It was like how when you teat a picture in half but when you try to put it back together you have a small gap inbetween. I saw that happen then both images merged together again and then everything returned to normal. At the time the split had happened i noticed that the surroundings around got slightly foggylike and dim. .. This is the same type of thing you see when a person had died in the same room and their spirit is around but havent crossed over as if theyre in a state of transition... I think the 3rd dimension is starting the shift up now into the 5th.

    Now with the Yemen Stargate activated in January. Allot of strange phenomena is happening around the world... Theres a stargate in florida,detroit, ny, texas, iraq, egypt etc.... so look out for strange things happening.