Sacred Sounds and Music

Everything is Vibration; All that exists Vibrates. 

All Atoms, Electrons, Protons, Adams and Eves, all Matter Vibrates. Vibe R8s; The rates of vibration are key to understanding what is holding you and me back, or forward; in the future or the past, stopping us from enjoying the blessings of the present moment: Now.

The Sacred Cymatic Patterns which create the shells which all life resides within: 

^ as seen in this turtle shell.

"In the beginning was the word And the word was with 'God' And the word WAS 'God' "

So the saying goes. And now it has been proven true. So what are we going to do?

This group is dedicated to investigating and utilizing Sounds and the musical talent we have present here at the resistance, for beneficial purposes and our combined ascension. 

Techniques for healing, quickening, loosening, tightening, generally resonating at the particular place which will be most conducive to your balance and continued development, are listed here, as well as the interdisciplinary cross-sections of music, poetry, mc'ing, improvisation, sound, geometry, maths, physics and the spirit. 

Questions as to where bands derive there names and lyrics and deeper messages and or hidden symbology

Wholeness and balance everyone! My question is about the message and the deeper meaning of names,lyrics, and symbols of bands with sort of"cult" followings such as Wu-tang Clan or The Grateful Dead? Anyone that can elaborate with whatever insight they may have is great. Thank you!