Wholeness to all. There are different fast for different individuals, I have found main ones so far that people can begin to base their research on. There is the water,fruit, vegetable, and lemon drink fast. The water is the most difficult because it requires one to be an emotionally stable environment at work and at home so that the body can focus on healing and not on stress. It requires one to converse energy and to not to drink anything but water ( this includes hot tea) for a prolong period of time. I suggest for all of these fast that one shouldn't necessary make the switch right away as transition is important. For example I would eat just soup one day and oranges the next just to get use to a liquid diet beforehand but you're more than welcome to experiment. Even the post fast its important to take it easy on your stomach as it will not function the same way as it did before right away so it requires gradually adjust or you may become emotional unbalance very quickly ( The stomach is after the center for emotion). 

The next fast is the fruit fast which is broken up into groups, the mono-fruit and the multi-fruit fast. As you can probably tell one can choose to eat one fruit for however long they wish. It is best to get organic fruits if you can for this one as the purpose is to clean out the system where the fruits will just tug on areas like the intestines to remove the food particles off the villi. Like I mentioned before transition is key to a healthy entrance and exit for these thing so adjust to your own body and see what you enjoy best to ease the cleansing process.

Green juicing has been known to be the most excellent for your body because it contains alot of fibre and minerals to clean and enrich your body at the same time. If people are unsure of some good green recipes I recommend checking out the liferegenerator channel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ol9UQuMqd6Y. I found his juices to be better tasting and enriching than most I have tried and it can be a lot of fun testing out various fruits and vegetables you have become familiar with.

Lastly there is the lemon drink which is comprised of 

1.2 tablespoons FRESH squeezed lemon or lime juice (approx. 1/2 lemon) 
2.2 tablespoons genuine organic maple syrup, Grade B (the darker the better)* 
3.1/10 teaspoon cayenne pepper, gradually increase (the more  
   BTUs the better) 
4.300 - 500 ccm (10-14 oz) pure water 

I myself have tried this one found it to be excellent as it caused me to feel full from the maple syrup and satisfied if I drank enough of them a day ( varies of course). I can also see the fruit fast to be very good as you can find all the sugary goodness of an apple for example and get some substances off of that.

I haven't tried the other three but I will be attempting the fruit fast this upcoming summer with bananas as they're the most popular and cheapest product around. From other channels like freelea on youtube I've been told 30 bananas is the optimal amount and a lb here at least costs 89 cent for organics. So if anyone is considering a fast I would love to help guide them in the right direction


Watch this video on Dan the regenerator explaining the 14 benefits of water fasting

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Hello White Knight,

I started my detox yesterday (Internal Cleansing Kit).  Leading up to this point I wasn't a bad eater.  Don't eat fast food, don't each much crap.  I understand the gentle transition into detoxing so I haven't gone into a straight liquid fast.  I had a headache/migraine last night, I'm presuming it was the caffeine withdrawel as I normally have 2 cups of coffee daily but went without.  The "what can I eat" "being creative" thing is what is the most hardest I feel.  I have done this before so it's not too bad this time around but for first timers this can be what makes or breaks it. 

Being prepared, having the recipes at hand will make it a breeze. I have purchased a high end juicer and that will arrive shortly.  I will begin the juice fast right away.


Do you have any other recipes or can you direct me to some good information regarding organic juicing?



Wholeness & Balanced Vibrations!!



Yeah the caffeine will do that. I have researched 1-2 weeks cleansing of caffeine addiction in advance helps. For "what I can it" is definitely challenging as you can basically only drink tea unless its the water detox then nothing. But you can compromise this negative by refocusing your attention on something else. One recall one lady would paint a bowl of fruit which she could not eat. This is a great way of resisting the craving as food is primarily satisfaction based seeing, drooling, and smelling exotic smells than eating it. So you must challenge the problem in what fits you but make it a direct approach instead of avoiding the problem. I found after day 3 I lost the sensation for eating much but I guess its different for everyone. I also recall Sevan saying spirulina pills are helpful to take because they contain a lot of vitamins and minerals our body needs. As I mentioned I did the lemon drink fast and I found it somewhat easier by taking maple syrup containing many minerals ( expensive thought I must add) without taking supplements ( which you should not do as they're more difficult to break down where your body should focus on fasting. This drink I found gave me energy throughout the way to keep me busy  , I hope it will help you

— 1-2 heads Celery
— 1-2 Cucumbers
— 1 bunch Cilantro
— 1 bunch Spinach
— 1 Thai Young Coconut (water)

I suggest checking out liferegenerator for simply recipes on the go as he creates simplicity for everyone from children to adults in order to receive optimal health

"what I can eat"*

I looked up more information of Spiriulina and is excellent during a juice fast. Add some honey as a sweetener and blend the power in a blender. You can also mix it with the veggie juice for that extra boost. You also get an energy boost if you take the spirulina veggie juice mix to the gym. As I mentioned the green juice are the most incredible as its much like eating a regular diet with lots of content within it but less processing time, Its the one I highly recommend. However this summer I cannnot afford raw organic so I'm going to just eat bananas for 60 days and record my findings 

White Knight and Others - A couple of questions I had in relation to health and energy activation. How effective is fasting if you are already using MMS, and moving to the organic and then fresh superfood range of foods where possible. 

How long do you personal fast for?

Kurt - Something to think of afterwards to hopefully help. Have you tried Maca instead of coffee? I mix it in milk or water, usually twice a day having one heaped spoonful, occasionally on top of food. That is a sure fire way to kickstart some energy into you, just like coffee's pickme up only much more beneficial. If you have maca in your diet and even one of the chi supplements, you'll have more energy than you know what to do with. (Supplements - Chulen, Jing Builder, Shilajit). Like Coffee though I wouldn't have any of these right before bed, especially Maca. It has a rougher nutty taste to it, so it might need sweetening but I find it okay with coconut milk.

Hello Karrade, I have read in several books that you must fast in order to properly digest the food; there's no around it. This is because the burgers MacDonald feeds us for example have destroyed much of the enzymes in our body that helped break down the food by the time we were 12 ( It really depends of course). What fasting will do is give you the ability to be able to absorb your organics much better so you feel more energized rather than using energy in order to digest. What you can do is is just blend the organics together into several smoothies and drink those throughout the day and get those spirilena pills to fill you up with protein for the first few days  as you will need it or get the real stuff and make some green juice. The organics will rip the junk off of those suction cups in your intestinal tracts to allow for the absorption to occur. Hope this helps and if you need more help check out life regenerator on youtube, hes where I can most of my info

The Lemon Drink Fast worked well for me too and was really great for helping to heal my ulcers, I don't have them anymore.  The Cayenne Pepper is the ingredient that does this.  Plus it is also very nutritious.


I'm glad to hear that Taylor :) Ive also done that fast a couple of times and I found the drink to be filling but for next time I want to try a green juice fast to get alot of vitimins and minerals in to help healing in such a state of stravation which is not to say the lemon drink did not do that with the maple syrup.




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