I am wondering if my current beginning regimen with ayurvedic and etherium supplements is accurate in regards to it being synergetic rather than an overload. 

I find it hard to decide which one to take first since there are a couple that say they should be taken first thing in the morning.

Ex. Awakening at noon hour I took my 2 Semde (taking 2 Ager 35 at night before bed)
     Then waited for about 15-20 minutes before taking one pellet of Chulen. Waited about another 5 minutes before taking the Jing Builder and Shilajit with hot water. I then waited another 10 minutes before taking the recommended Black with an additional Pink (which says to take first thin in the morning upon awakening)
Thirty minutes later Iam finally able to get some food in which I take Aulterra.

I am expecting black to be added to the list soon.

Feeling a bit of sickness coming on today after having a very intensely stressful past 5 or 6 days which I feel heavily undermined my immune system. It did not help that I had a late night last night reading and researching.

I take Chlorophyll at some point in the afternoon usually, and at another point in the day, some chlorella, and at another point milk-thistle with mulberry leaf extract for liver support. Ever since doing the complete Internal Cleanse in august I have felt a bit of a sensation in the liver/gall bladder area. 

I took just plain milk thistle for about 2-3 months earlier in the year around spring time and am hesitant to continue taking all those mentioned in the above paragraph as I do not want some kind of negative reaction. It seems like it may be a bit much. I eat spurilina everyday and a mouthful of coacoa for magnesium and calcium as well as the many other benefits. I also mix in nutritional yeast in with a meal at least once a day since I am a strict vegetarian. I stick to organic foods, avoid dairy, have reduced wheat with minimal gluten intake (haven't had it for 2 weeks or so until just the other day), eat a majority of raw (especially when in season for the garden), and cooked when necessary. I do not currently feel I get nearly enough green leafy vegetables/salads.
Organic spices of oregano, cilantro, pepper, himalayan salt, dill weed, basil, sage, ginger, dandellion leaf are commonly used when cooking.

Along with introducing black to the list, I am also looking into purchasing/trying out some biochemical salts soon.

The reason behind this rather intensive approach is due to having struggled with anxiety and depression for years and so am finally throwing everything I can think of to really help the releasing of this detrimental energy. With the new diet that i've become more strict with for about 7 months or so now, I have felt more capable of dealing with stress and managing energies. The recent new regimen I hope will provide a significant boost since I feel I am so close.
This is in addition to taking Bach flower essences with weekly reiki treatments for the past month or so.

It is also worth mentioning that I am planning on attending plant ceremony in just 10 days and so am trying to cut back on spices and other strong tasting foods in preparation. I am noticing a significant decrease in weight and do not feel it would be healthy to lose anymore.

Oh, and I have been trying to maintain a steady intake of mms when I remember, I have cut back after 2 or 3 days of protocol 1000 but feel 3 doses at 3 drops a day in a glass of water is sufficient. I am not taking it everyday.

Is this all too much? Or is it just a matter of trial and error in finding out what works best when getting to a point where non of the above will be needed to be taken daily?

Any insight that can be offered would be appreciated.

Views: 145

Replies to This Discussion

Hello, I feel you I was where you are about 15 years ago. Yes, in my humble opinion you are very much overdoing the supplements.  Just think about it, if you were given a project to work on, say a painting and 10 or more people had to work on it  also, you must draw it and they do the coloring and framing and delivering etc.. and you all start at the same time.  What would be the result of that painting??????  You did the right thing with the internal cleanse, now if you feel there is still a problem with your liver work on that for 2-4 weeks. Then move on to the next regime and give it the same time frame.  Don't be like me and spend all your money and time just getting in you own way, and not giving the supplements the time and space it needs to work. You are doing so much its like you have an addiction or something.  These supplements are the best so don't miss out on the benefits. Just check the dates on each and see which ones you must use soon and the ones you can use later, its not going anywhere.  I congratulate on taking care of yourself, just be sensible about it.  I wish you love, peace, joy, happiness and good health.

Thx Stacey for your thoughts. I received clarity soon after posting this, but thought it'd be useful to leave up for anyone else that may have similar concerns. The rigidness I experienced to 'do it right' may have been beneficial in the end since i'm much more relaxed about it all now. I'm not sure how much credit can be given to some of the supplements, but somethings changed. It's also good to know that for some, this is just a natural part of the journey.
Lastly, i can't remember if I mentioned the details/uniqueness of the situation in another post or not, but due to the struggle with anxiety and depression, the urgency seemed necessary at the time. So for anyone in a similar position, or experiencing adverse situations, I would say the first thing is to just try and be a detached observer of what's happening within. As an aide, for my particular case, I feel/felt the semde and agar 35, along with etherium pink and chulen have been the most helpful.

It has also been helpful to consider that all one's questions are born from the answers already known.



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