Hi everyone. If you're any type of "psychic sponge" or Empathic individual, you can well relate to the direct link between the state of your health and that which surrounds you. I wanted to touch on this subject because I feel that it will be beneficial for those who are newly "Awakening" and do not yet understand about the different energies and frequencies we are subject to that affect our emotional and mental state; therefore directly impacting our health. Also useful for the "highly-sensitive" or Highly Empathic, as "dense" or "low vibrational" energies affects this group intensely and this manifests in their 3D on many levels; such as depression low self-esteem, unexplainable fear etc. Even "low energy" days we feel like doing nothing, are not necessarily out our natural emotion or desire, but can be the culprit of psychic attachments and drains.


I wanted to share this psychic tip/tool/technique in particular as learning to manage energies and determine what is "mine" and what is a "program" or  suggestions to my emotional and mental state that I do not want has helped me grow tremendously in so many different capacities. Learning to monitor my sphere of energy has helped me manage my Emotional and Mental Bodies; which directly impact my Physicality.


I was led to begin practicing Energy Clearing Baths/Showers a few years ago, and it has impacted my life tremendously. Whenever I feel drained, tired, angry, upset, or affected in any way that is draining my energy, I take a "clearing" bath or shower, and I am able to come more fluidly into a neutral or calm state of being, and calmer mind.


Some Tips and Techniques:


* As you allow the water to cleanse your skin, imagine a clear light penetrating the top of your crown, all the way through the soles of your feet,  into the earth.


* Say any prayer, mantra, or affirmation that resonates with you:

i.e. I clear all negative energy; I cut all psychic cords and attachments, I am a Sovereign Being, etc.  


* As we are Beings of Light, imagining or using Light Therapy can also be calming and healing. Imagine a light that resonates with you to help heal, energize, rejuvenate, etc. Imagine the water as colors of light, and imagine immersing yourself in this light/color.


* Designate a special soap or salt scrub for "psychic clearing" to use solely for this purpose.


Most important, is your intention. We are Sovereign Beings, and learning to use our own power is the best tool of all.


Attached are pictures of soap I use solely for this purpose. Some of my favorites: La Purga, Naked Sage Clearing Soap, and Black Tourmaline Soap.  This company is awesome, and right on time.

Forgot to mention for anyone interested, the soaps are from Instruments of Alchemy. www.instrumentsofalchemy.com. Pretty amazing "Conscious" company.

Views: 334


Replies to This Discussion

Forgot to mention that "SMUDGE BATHS" work excellent as well. For those that love to use Sage smoke to clear spaces or items, one can also "bathe" themselves with SAGE smoke. From about a foot above the crown, all the way down to the soles of the feet, and all around you. Allow the smoke to penetrate your Auric field. Breathe,  exhale and release. As always, sending you all love and promise from the Angels and the Most High!

THANK YOU!!  You are so generous to share your knowledge, time and energy with us!  I will definitely try your suggestions out!


Hi Taylor Young! You are very welcome! It is my pleasure & I am here to help serve and assist our family during these times of transition :)  Thank you so much for your kinds words.  Hopefully you can share if the practice has been beneficial; as there are so many out there that are influenced by countless attachments/programming/generational cellular memory that they do not want, and it can be incredibly frustrating to feel as if no matter how much prayer/ meditation or "positive thinking" one does, that there is still a heavy energetic pull that is difficult to manage. Energy baths are extremely effective as Water is able to "hold/capture" the "program of our intention," and the PHYSICAL act of declaring our intent acts as a strong "message" to the Universe, as well as to our sub-conscious. This directly relates to our ability as CREATORS, and an easy way to learn about becoming more proactive in using our own psychic self defense. SO IT IS!



Love & Light! I continue to face this. I imagine that the cleanse program will assist with this. Also, have you seen anumy specific wisdom on necessity of The Akashic DNA Activations?
Thank you I posted a question below.



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