Hi all I am on my last day and as of right now the final packet of Blessed Herbs toxin absorber powder as part of the colon cleanse kit. I have to say, I cannot believe I waited so long to do this, but the results have been nothing short of amazing.

The key issue about the cleansing kit is that it removes "mucoid plaque" which is left behind from regular digestive processes, this is a defense mechanism that the body uses to protect the colon from leftover toxins. Unfortunately our bodies are stressed today and let me put it in plain words for you today, the colon cleanse took about lets say about 3-5 pounds of this "gunk' out of my body.

This is as far as I will go, I decided against taking "pictures", but if anyone is hesitating doing this, dont hesistate to ask me about my experience. I feel a lot better, though I had the ability to rest throughout this cleanse, It would not be impossible to pull it off during a "busy" schedule.

I have to comment on the smoothe effects this Blessed Herbs kit had on my body, at no time does it feel "unnatural" or forced, the effects are slow, though you will have "moments of clarity" when you "release the kraken" - its amazing how smooth the kit worked with my body, I chose the ginger (as opposed to mint) since I generally have cold extremities and of course it is winter here in the North and Ginger is a nice way to warm up the Ki.

I'll also note that I followed the strict end of the cleanse regimen, doing a liquids only fast, after the food reduction period. (Made various soup broths and drank the liquid portion during the middle stage of the 5 day "intensive" cleanse)

By the way at this point I am a 24 year old, so I can only imagine what a 30, 40, 50 year old body that has never done so would reap in the term of cleansing action.

Finally let me say that I literally felt the tension in all of my body release and I'm definitely facing a rosy outlook, of course this is only the first stage of my total regeneration, and I plan to do the internal cleansing kit (for the entire digestive system) sometime in the new year.
Final Note - It is important to cleanse the colon first, from what I have read (and seen) as this will allow the other digestive organs to continue to do their jobs, while not being backed up by a colon that is not in it's optimal cleansed state.

I hope this info helps anyone considering to begin the cleanse. It truly is amazing how well it has turned out so far now that I am on my last day! I feel fresh, healthy and can't wait to eventually do the full internal cleanse.

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Replies to This Discussion

Thanks for the share..for I have just sent for the Complete Internal cleanse and will begin the colon cleanse portion as soon as it arrives.  I am very excited & grateful to be able to do this for myself...to be gifted a blessed "re-connection" through the blessed herbs "removal"....(lol)..... I'm looking forward to what's on the other side.    I will share!        wholeness~

thank you for this post!  Helps me to proceed forward.

I also ordered the Blessed Herbs Colon Cleansing set, as well as the Internal Cleansing kit.
I was on my fifth day of the cleanse (out of nine days), until I decided to do some research about the Colons Cleansing products and "mucoid plaque".

This is what I found:




What is your opinion when you read this?

'Question EVERYTHING'.


Hi Hidde, there is a lot of disinformation out there that attempts to discount the concept of "mucoid plaque" , I can tell you from experience that you will find the results vary per individual depending on the amount of "blockage" within the lining of the large intestines a.k.a colon, for myself I had a "LARGE" blockage of this substance in the ascending colon that was causing physical pain, upon the cleanse this was literally released over the course of a few days of "movements" and my symptoms have slowly dissapeared since then! With an increase in my vitality, (over the course of the past 6 months since the cleanse). So I can truly vouch for the truth in the matter having experienced it firsthand.

So to say the least, critics cannot tell me something does not exist when I literally saw, felt, experienced it.  These assaults on breakthroughs in knowledge by calling it "junk science" etc, only serves to further contain and compartmentalize breakthroughs in healing within the individual by placing doubts in their effectiveness and using schoolyard ridicule to keep minds penned in.

Hi Joeronimo, thank you for your reply. There is a lot of disinformation on this topic indeed (as on almost any health related topic). Have been continuing my research and have also concluded that the Blessed Herbs Colon Cleanse does what it is supposed to do. The only thing that bothers me is that a lot of these product's User Guides claim that the 'rubbery feces' you produce after taking the toxin absorber, ARE the actual  "mucoid plaque"(and is already in your body), while it is this rubbery substance that pulls out the bacteria out of you colon, and 'rubber' is actually produced by the Psyllium Husk powder and the Bentonite clay powder.
So this is not explained completely truthful in the product's User Guide...  

Hi Jeronimo. I was reading through this thread and I found your reply to Hidde. I just ordered the complete cleansing kit and of course I have a few questions about the whole process. Does it come with a full set of instructions as to what to eat what not to eat etc during the cleansing period... How long will it last? is it compatible with my active last style? Meaning will I be able to still train, play soccer and lift weights? etc... Your response will be greatly appreciated

Try ashtanga yoga or body weight exercises plus you are going to need more then a colon cleanse. Change your diet,  goto a raw food diet or as close to it as you can.  The mucoid plaque as they speak of doesn't exist. The body that is out of homeostasis (alkaline) has plaque (acidic), called cholesterol.   When the body is (acidic) inflamed you put it out, the bodies parasympathetic nervous system does this automatically, unless you are a master yogi(n),  by producing cholesterol, however, we humans continue to keep the body inflamed by eating a bad diet, thus the cholesterol is continually being produced, thus high cholesterol, high blood pressure, heart attack etc. etc. etc.   If you can't or won't do any of this put chia on everything you eat and drink plenty of water, if you are diabetic, let your doctor know because the chia will drastically effect your insulin levels 

I decided to stop taking the cleanse when my skin began to turn a copper color. I emailed on this site to ask if anyone else had such an experience but no one commented back. I was drinking aprox. 64 oz. of filtered water everyday so I dont believe that was the issue. There is still a bit of color differential between my legs and feet...I look really funny in sandals !

A nurse told me it was an excess of chromium in the body but I have not been able to find anything on line. I dont feel ill or weak or anything odd...I'm just a different color!

Anyone care to comment???   

I saw you posted earlier about MMS and your skin changing colors too? Could you be more clear as to when these symptoms occured?

the coloring started after using MMS after abt a month so I stopped using it & started drinking more water...the coloring began to fade but came back after 2 wks on the total cleanse...I hav ben off the cleanse for about a week & the coloring is fading. The coloring was especially heavy between the fingers...looked like saddle soap or the old Coppertone suntan coloring

I took the MMS and i was taking massive amounts, i think it was16 drops mixed with the water  twice a day, couldn't stand the smell of bleach after that.  Didn't notice any skin change color but don't know if i would recommend this product.  What i would suggest is becoming familiar with raw food products and the working of the alkaline body, also i would take a very long look at chia.  

Hidde, I believe Lord Baal certainly does work thru our bowels& our food is not only toxic but addictive. I believe a regular cleanse assist with the addictions that are virtually claiming our ability to make healthy choices. I am getting to the point I would just rather stop eating. If I could find a product that was balanced enough to cover the basic needs of my body, I would get rid of most of the kitchen. I do not enjoy the kitchen nor do I enjoy shopping. I have come close to a product called brewers yeast which I raised my kids on with a drink I called "Hypo Main-Liner" & then the public came along with "smoothies" which was what I had been whipping up in the kitchen  for my kids but adding things like black strap molasses for iron, brewers yeast for all the B vit's & Lethin for fat distribution and brain food. 



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