
What are some natural remedies to ease cavities, or protect teeth in general. I don't have any myself but I keep running into cycles where the question is about cavities, and I'd like to resolve it, herbal remedy, natural tonic, anything to help repair/strengthen/ease the problems people have that doesn't require massive dentist bills, which usually only result in toxic plastic or mercury being placed into the mouth. Crystal is preferred, but not always available as a filler.

Aside from that, any thoughts on the general health of teeth? I innerstand that chlorine naturally erodes teeth, so avoiding that is good advice, filtering your water through the right kind of filters or distillers.

If nobody minds i'd like to upload this knowledge to my own site as well, just as a free article, which anyone is welcome to get a credit or link in back to their material.

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Replies to This Discussion

Leading expert in health and teeth and gums is Hal Huggins. No metal, no root canals. More later

Clean with MMS 10 drops in water. Never use any health and beauty products including all

toothpaste on the market.

Oh, yeah, only have your mercury fillings taken out by a Huggins specialist...maybe best done in Mexico with Hulda Clark dentists. Replace with diamond lite... this is baked and adhered, two sessions. never have them exactly one week appart... never in 7's like 14 21 etc and never cross the center line... do a section at a time and you can take charcoal tablets for a while after BUT get that nasty mind killing body killing spirit killing stuff out. No healing can really be complete until that's done. It's in your head man...get my drift???? 2 mercury filling can kill a whole lake... I had 10 in my mouth... are they trying to kill us or what!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you Sylvia, gratitude manifested and sent for the advice and sharing.

MMS 10 drops (activated?) seems alot to use in a glass? Maybe 1 or 2? Or is better in unactivated form?

Here is the toothpaste i use, natural no fluoride, can you see anything out of place in it:


Definitely no to mercury it is one of the worst possible substances that can get into the body. I saw a presentation about a year ago where crystal was discussed as the best alternative to a more unnatural plastic filling, as the plastic will leech unnatural substances into the blood/body. Its common sense when it comes down to it.


Not kill you, unless your reasoning from the root/second chakra, but press you down, so the pressure helps kundalini raise you back up, and you take that momentum with you. I genuinely feel some felt that way, in this holophonic designed world we live in. Only somewhere along the way, in my opinion, that directive got perverted and too many toxins/pressures were laid on people, and we have the situation we have.

See holophonic

I use vita-myr products. The guy who made it cured his own gum disease. His mouth wash has zinc clove oil folic acid and myrrh in it. I highly reccomend

Hi Mark,

   I'm not very well prepared for this reply, but I thought I would just mention it here, that I found several videos on   on how to remineralize teeth, how to reverse cavities and gum disease with some very common natural products.  Some even claim that you can regrow your teeth and there are actually researchers who have developed a tooth stem cell protocol that can, indeed, regrow teeth.  But, I'm sure the cost would be out of reach for me, as well as having my mercury fillings removed and replaced with something other than what dental insurance will pay for.  But, like I said, there are many testimonials from experiencers and Dr.s alike that will attest to the amazing benefits of 'Oil Pulling'  Specifically,' Coconut Oil Pulling'  for repairing cavities, reversing gum disease, remineralizing tooth enamel, and whitening teeth.  I bought some, but I haven't tried it yet.  It doesn't work overnight and I have a liver flush to prepare for.  Coconut Oil is Amazing.  I don't know if it is all hype or what, but there is a protocol for Coconut Oil for Weight Loss, Coconut Oil topically applied and massaged into scalp for hair regrowth, thicker, softer, longer hair and lashes.  It has amazing skin and face moisturizing benefits and even a slight sunscreen benefit.  I am going to try them all except the weight loss.  Only time will tell if it works.  There are also Dr.s claiming amazing effect on memory loss, alzheimers, dementia (personal testimonials on that last one), and just plain clearing the brain fog.  Organic, virgin, Coconut Oil. My computer has been breaking off and on, but I will try to get all the links to those videos if you'd like, or you can just go to the site and look up "Coconut Oil Pulling"  "Coconut Oil for Weight Loss"  Same for Hair growing thicker, hair regrowth, Coconut Oil and Teeth Whitening ,Coconut Oil for Gum Disease, etc. Usually, if it comes to mind, there is probably a video about it.  I'll be back...(sly smile)...   

Love, Taylor

    Oh, I almost forgot, I think it was Whole, that posted the videos by Dr Robert Cassarr "You Are What You Eat, Drink and Breathe" (There's more to the title, but I think that should get you there).  He discusses many things including teeth and mercury fillings and where to go to replace your mercury fillings with crystals. It's on Youtube, as well as on this site. (I can't remember where) but, one of you guys will know, I'm sure...


You should check out the book, "Cure Tooth Decay" by Ramiel Nagel.  The program may not be for everyone but the information and claims are fascinating.  I'm on my own version of the program and I have to say that my teeth do feel stronger.

Root Canals cause heart attacks. A Lady got a root canal, then wondered why her heart beats became overly fast... drs reply... he gave her a pace maker...DA boy she loves her health insurance... she can get anything on the market but wisdom.


Maybe this link may help you:

I have worked as a dental assistant over ten years and currently no more but when I did you become highly familiar with whats being put in peoples mouths.I would not work for any doctor who would put mercury in patients mouths. On point as everyone else stated get the mercury out, stay away from the commercial toothpastes and mouth washes. It amazed me how many people came to the dentist and didn't ask whats being used in their mouth. I know a lot of people will use baking soda but it strips the enamel off the teeth and you don't want to lose the enamel. So stay away from natural products that use baking soda as many do. What tomtom said zinc clove oil folic acid and myrrh are very good ingredients for the teeth. Try looking at etsy- some natural soap makers also make natural products for the teeth and are inexpensive. I have tried this and her tooth products are good but messy to work with was my only complaint. But quality ingredients. Much success with this product it has colloidal silver in it which is known to kill bacteria. As everyone shared I too suggest the first step is getting the mercury out because it really doesn't matter what you use if you keep that junk in your body. 

Thank you all I wanted to let you know I am still following this as I still haven't yet found something to recommend for the average joe that removes cavities, at least to the level I can follow (and thus logically explain), but I am still reading your links and thank you for any product personally that helps. Even if all I do is find something that works for me, that is enough for some people, just not enough for the majority, the majority need some clear relateable concept for me to get the message across

I don't have any cavities but all of my family do, but I am sure I'll pick up some eventually.

Your welcome, I don't know of anything that removes cavities but some of the products mentioned here may prevent them from occurring.  This might be just a matter of genetics.  i have known several people who have had perfect teeth from birth and never had a cavity until the age of 40, after that the environment, science, genetics, time and  what we put on our teeth has contributed to a progression of gradual decline.  

Accessing the dna is probably the key or being able to access the higher states of consciousness are the only suggestions i can give to removing cavities.     

I've used a product called Pristine it is a dental care system that consists of cold pressed liquid oils of spearmint, peppermint and almond.  It does not contain flouride, chalk, sweetners or detergents.  This is dributed by ElectricLife, Utah 84601 and agent of Life unlimited, Panama.  

I have no affilation with them other then using there product.  It's worked for me and i thought i would lose all my teeth before i got to be a senior citizen.  I am now a senior and i still have all the teeth i had when i started using the product.   Wish you well.   



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