After Your Cleanse


What you should do after you are done with the cleanse.

After completing the Colon Cleansing Kit we recommend taking the Internal Cleansing Kit™ for a complete cleansing of all your organs of detoxification.* After completing the Internal Cleansing Kit™, if you are in relatively good health, continue cleansing once a year, and talk with your health practitioner on how to get started on a good maintenance program and the benefits of cleansing. If you are exposed to toxins, we strongly recommend cleansing two to four times a year, along with any protocols your healthcare practitioner determine necessary.

If you are cleansing to support a chronic health condition, talk to your healthcare practitioner for a schedule that works for you.

How often you should do the Colon Cleansing Kit™

This is best answered by listening to your body. Ultimately you are the best judge of your needs and if you intuitively feel now is the time for you to cleanse, then do so. That said, there are general minimum and maximum guidelines. What determines how often you cleanse is the state of your health and whether you have ever done any cleansing before. Those who are not in the best of health and/or have never cleansed before, will find they need to cleanse more frequently for the first 2–3 years and then return to a yearly or twice yearly maintenance program of cleansing. Minimum - once a year or once every Spring and Fall. Maximum - once every 2–3 months, followed by alternating periods of a rebuilding diet/program. Please consult your healthcare provider if you elect to choose this more intensive path of cleansing.

How to Sustain Your Health Improvements

Herbal Cleansing can lead to many different health benefits – but remember that sustaining your benefits requires an ongoing personal commitment to improve your eating habits and lifestyles.

Five Keys to Ongoing Health
  1. Maintain a healthy digestive system
  2. Maintain regular elimination (daily!)
  3. Be sure to get sufficient, restful sleep
  4. Detox your whole body, at least once a year
    to reduce the effects of exposure to internal and external toxins
  5. Eliminate or reduce exposure to toxins

Key Diet and Lifestyle Changes that We’ve Found
to be Universally Effective
  • Answer nature’s call immediately – never suppress the urge for a bowel movement.
  • Consume 20–25 grams of dietary fiber daily.
  • Drink lots of pure, filtered water each day.
    Water is beneficial for many reasons, however it is essential to drink plenty of water when using fiber supplements such as our Toxin Absorber™ to help reduce constipation.
  • Choose organic, non-processed whole foods.
  • Have 1 tablespoon of flaxseed oil daily.
  • Take a nutritional supplement of Organic Superfood™ daily.
  • Include a small portion of cultured or fermented food with every meal.
  • Maintain good dental health – and chew your food well!
  • Exercise moderately – every day.
  • Avoid or reduce consumption of common toxins (tobacco, caffeine, alcohol, sugar).
  • Repeat your herbal colon cleansing 1–2 times every year.
  • Keep a positive outlook…enjoy life!

Blessed Herbs Offers a Complete Line of Digestive Support and Detoxification Products to Help You Maintain Your Health

Blessed Bitters™

For indigestion, occasional bloating, flatulence, constipation, nausea, heartburn, etc.*

Organic Superfood™

A daily nutritional supplement that is a great source of organic whole food vitamins, minerals, amino acids, antioxidants, etc.*

Friendly Bacteria Replenisher™

A daily probiotic supplement is highly recommended immediately after your colon cleanse – and can be taken year-round to maintain your digestive system’s balance and health*

Digestive Stimulator™

A natural herbal stimulant that tones, cleanses, and purifies the entire digestive system and can be continued after your colon cleanse to maintain regularity and provide ongoing digestive system support*

Toxin Absorber™

One packet daily provides 24% of your daily fiber needs*

Refreshing Green Tea Blend™

A daily tea to support everyday cleansing needs*

The Colon Cleansing Kit™

Repeat your colon cleanse once or twice each year for optimal health*

The Internal Cleansing Kit™

We highly recommend following up the Colon Cleansing Kit™ with our 3 week program that detoxifies and restores all your organs of elimination: Intestines, Liver, Kidneys, Lungs, Blood, Lymph, and Skin*


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