3 Ways To Do The Kit

90% of our customers choose to do the BEST Option of the Colon Cleansing Kit™ to achieve maximum removal of intestinal buildup. Although this is the most popular and our recommended way to cleanse, we recognize every individual has unique needs. It is still possible to achieve a worthwhile level of colon cleansing by choosing either the BETTER or the GOOD Option. Most important is to begin some cleansing no matter at what level.

BEST Option: 9 Days, 5 of Them a Liquids-Only Fast

Overview of the BEST Option

For the BEST results, the Colon Cleansing Kit™ should be done over a 9 day period that includes a 5 day, liquids-only fast. Liquids-only fasting assures that Toxin Absorber's™ ability to remove old waste will not be lessened by the presence of solid food. In addition, taking Toxin Absorber™ every 3 hours, while awake, will maintain the optimum concentration of waste-removing herbs within your digestive tract and give you a sense of fullness thus lessening the feeling of hunger. This option is unequaled for removing old accumulated intestinal debris.*

BEST Option: Step-by-Step
  1. This method starts with a 3 day pre-cleanse with daily reductions of food portions and/or diet changes. During this time you will also discover how many Digestive Stimulator™ capsules you need to take before dinner to assure three daily bowel movements the following day. This number will vary depending on your current regularity.
  2. You will follow the pre-cleanse with 5 days of liquids-only fasting, while taking Toxin Absorber™ 5 times per day (every 3 hours). Generally on the second or third day of liquids-only fasting you will begin to see the largest amount of old waste being removed from your body (results vary individually).*
  3. After completing your 5 day, liquids-only diet, you'll take one day to gently break your fast and resume eating solid foods again.
  4. You should continue taking any remaining Digestive Stimulator™ until you have completed your bottle (if you want, you may order more and continue using it for as long as needed).

Detailed instructions for this and the other methods are included in the Users Guide and Dosage Calendar that come with every kit.
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BETTER Option: 8 Days With Modified Diet Changes and No Fasting

Overview of the BETTER Option

Alternatively the Colon Cleansing Kit™ may be done while eating solid foods. If you choose to eat while cleansing you can control the strength of your cleanse by varying what and how much you eat (see chart below titled "Controlling the Strength of Your Cleanse"). By eating less and/or easier to digest foods you will have a deeper cleanse with more old waste removal.* This scale ranges from the strongest cleanse, occasionally eating raw fruits and vegetables with a mostly liquids diet, to the mildest cleanse, frequently eating difficult to digest foods like meat, pasta, sweets, and fried foods. If you do choose to eat, taking the Colon Cleansing Kit™ over the more intensive 5 day period will still provide a deeper cleanse than the 30 day option.* This option is BETTER if you feel that fasting for 5 days will be too difficult for you.

BETTER Option: Step-by-Step
  1. This method starts with a 3 day pre-cleanse where you may begin modifying your diet. During this time you will also discover how many Digestive Stimulator™ capsules you need to take before dinner to assure three daily bowel movements the following day. This number will vary depending on your current regularity.
  2. Like the BEST option you will follow the pre-cleanse with 5 days of taking Toxin Absorber™ 5 times per day (every 3 hours). During this time you will use the chart below titled "Controlling the Strength of Your Cleanse". This chart will show the effects of eating more or less during your cleanse and will help you choose exactly what and how much you want to eat while cleansing.
  3. Again you should continue taking any remaining Digestive Stimulator™ until you have completed your bottle (if you want, you may order more and continue using it for as long as needed).

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GOOD Option: 30 Days With Optional Changes to Diet and No Fasting

Overview of the GOOD Option

The third option is to take one packet of Toxin Absorber™ 1 hour before bed each night for 30 days. In addition you may elect to make dietary changes as mentioned above. This method is GOOD if you are usually constipated and want to establish a pattern of regularity or simply want a very gentle cleanse.*

GOOD Option: Step-by-Step
  1. This method starts with a 3 day pre-cleanse where you will discover how many capsules of Digestive Stimulator™ you need in order to have three plus bowel movements per day. You will continue taking this number before dinner and one packet of Toxin Absorber™ each night 1 hour before bed for 30 days.
  2. Optional diet changes (see chart below titled "Controlling the Strength of Your Cleanse").
  3. Again, after the 30 day period you may continue taking any remaining Digestive Stimulator™ (if you want you may order more and take it for as long as needed).

Note: If you currently have bowel movements less than every 3 days you will probably need to order an additional bottle of Digestive Stimulator™ or you may run out before completing the GOOD Option of the Colon Cleansing Kit™.
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Dietary Changes and the Strength of Your Cleanse

As mentioned above you can control the strength of your cleanse (see chart below titled "Controlling the Strength of Your Cleanse") by varying what and how much you eat. By eating less and/or easier to digest foods you will have a deeper cleanse with more old waste removal.* This scale ranges from a liquids-only diet to 3 full meals per day plus snacks.

Remember, it is recommended that you do a liquids-only fast for the 5 days of intensive colon cleansing. If you are looking for maximum results you should only elect to eat as a second option if you feel liquids-only fasting is too harsh for your body, or if you are unable to do a liquids-only fast for other health reasons.*

Specific Foods to Eliminate While Cleansing

Some foods are particularly difficult for the body to digest or process. Below is a list of foods that are beneficial to eliminate while cleansing.

  • Dairy products including cheese, ice cream, milk, and yogurt because they clog and congest, thus slowing down the elimination of toxins and old intestinal waste
  • Fried foods, especially pan-fried with oil or deep-fried because they also clog and congest
  • Processed sugar (white sugar, artificial sweeteners, corn syrup, etc) in candy, soft drinks, or added to food, because they depress the immune system
  • Common Iodized Table Salt because it constricts and holds in toxins (you can use unrefined, untreated earth or sea salt lightly)
  • Meat because it takes the most energy to digest and slows cleansing

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Controlling the Strength of Your Cleanse

All options will use this chart below during Step 1. Then the BEST Option will follow with a liquids-only fast, while the BETTER and GOOD Options will continue to use the chart throughout Step 2.

This chart gives a more in-depth look at the effects of eating different diets while taking the Colon Cleansing Kit™.

To use this chart, locate your current diet type in each column.

You can make your cleanse stronger and more effective by moving up in any column or in any combination of columns.

Likewise, if your cleanse becomes too strong, you can move down in any column to soften the effects.

Note: Raw and organic juices are the best because they are packed with readily available nutrition which requires less energy for your body to digest. No pesticide residues means less toxic exposure for your body cells and less energy expenditure to process toxins.

Recommended books on different diet types

The following is a list of books that represent some of the different diet types mentioned above. They can all be found at any good bookstore.

Standard American Diet with Healthy Changes

Cooking the RealAge Way
-Michael F. Rosen, MD & John LaPuma, MD

The Golden Door Cooks
Light & Easy

-Chef Michael Stroot

The Professional Chef's Techniques of Healthy Cooking
2nd Edition

-The Culinary Institute of America


Moosewood Restaurant Low-Fat Favorites
-The Moosewood Collective

The New Moosewood Cookbook
-Mollie Katzen


The Self-Healing Cookbook
-Kristina Turner


The Balanced Plate
-Renee Loux

The American Vegetarian Cookbook from the Fit for Life Kitchen
-Marilyn Diamond

Raw Food

Hooked on Raw

Living on Live Food
-Alissa Cohen

Raw Food Real Wood
-Matthew Kenney & Sarma Melngailis

Raw Juices

Juicing for Health
-Julie Stafford

The Juiceman's Power of Juicing
-Jay Kordich



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