Hi all I am experimenting with a viral marketing technique with a new group I have created in opposition to Health Canada's initiative to allow the planting of the "enlist" brand of GMO- corn which will tolerate tenfold of the current pesticide threshold as well as a resistance to the copious use of Agent 2,4-D. Which has numerious deleterious health effects as explained in the link below.


If you are connected to facebook and would like to help support this initiative by simply "liking" the page you can help be a part of this growing awareness.

Check it out!

www.facebook.com/no24d4mein13 Thanks! And let's protect our Staple crops, they hold things together!

Views: 65

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thanks for this post, I will go on fb and like your page. Up here in Kelowna we have a great crusading bunch against GMO crops. Have you ever heard of the True Food Foundation? A lady named Heidi Osterman who is a nutrionalist started the group a few years back. We have rallies here from time to time but the turn out have not been so good lately.

The last picket was against the arctic apple that they want to start growing here in Kelowna. iTs basically an apple that does not brown once its cut..ever!! Pretty scary stuff. Would not even want to know what they have spliced the apples genes with to accomplish this. I find Canadians to be somewhat complacent when it comes to topics such as these. I dont think most people see the debilitating problems that lie behind GMO foods.



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