Hello Resistance Family!

I am currently undergoing the colon cleansing kit and will proceed to the internal cleansing kit. I was wondering if anyone knew a good website or cookbook for a high/decent protein raw food meal plan. I am switching to raw vegetarian after being a person who has been a "meat and potatoes" kind of person my whole life. Any links or recipes that you all use would be extremely helpful!!


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A raw food regimen as an adjunct to your colon cleansing and internal detox is excellent. Going from "meat and potatoes" directly to raw foods is really tough, both psychologically and physically. Thus, you might try moving into a plant-based diet first followed by entry into all raw. But I would be wary of your jumping "whole hog" into raw foods from your typical SAD (Standard American Diet) plan of eating. You might want to first try green-food juicing as a part of your detoxing and see how your body reacts to that over a ten-day span of time. Matt Monarch of "Raw Food World" has a number of YouTube videos that should help you along. As for recipes, they are endless and some freely available if you Google for them. 

You might also benefit from a web site devoted to healthy foods at WWW.HEALTHYFOODERS.COM

Thank you for the advice!, I am probably going to get some meat substitutes and slowly ease into it but I figured it would be stupid to spend all that money on the detox and go through it to just go back to the same foods! I'll definitely check that out!

what you must do is create your recipies. Use herbs with high iron flouride content and mix and match unhybridied plant food. Do as you like for their mineral content. Thats how that ancients would have eaten.


Started eating a Ayur-vedic diet it is vegetarian,

The cookbook is : Ayur-vedic cookbook  by Amadea  Morningstar and Armila Desai. from amazon.com

It works with your Chakras through the ancient Indian Vedas, Spices and Herbs are essential to this diet.

Hopefully this suggestion appeals to you

Love and Light for the day ahead

i just did the lemonade cleanse about two weeks ago and it has opened me to tons of possibilities. Then i got a book called RAW The UNcook Book by: Juliano with Erika Lenkert. These recipes are incredible

Indeed! please go to my website www.lovenraw.com as I have some raw food recipes posted there that may benefit you.  I would also recommend drinking herbal teas such as ginger to clean your digestive tract and colon.  Make sure you're also drinking the purest water (distilled water), juicing is also amazing if you can do that and buy organic.  Best of luck to you my friend. 



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