Wholeness! I could use some helpful insight to further my experience, please. During the last year my family and I have changed the way we view food and supplements as a whole. Very responsible with our dietary choices, no chemicals, make as much as we can ourselves so we know what ingredients we use and where they come from, no meats so lots of brown rice and grains etc. the final hump we still need to make it over is dairy. When we need it we use unpasteurized milk from a local farmer but I'm stumped on cheese. Does anyone have experience with other choices? I have young children in the house and they have been so on board with our efforts to eat and live healthy and dairy is our last obstacle. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thank you, much love to all!

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Goats milk yoghurt

Jackie, I know your pain all to well!The last worm I burned out of my diet was the cheese and it really put a damper on meatless taco week for me!lol... I'm over it now though and enjoy putting other ingredients in its place, like black bean and corn salsa. As far as the milk goes, I would suggest switching to unsweetened almond or coconut milk. They are both dairy free, have more calcium than pasteurized milk and are loaded with plenty other essential vitamins and minerals. WBV!


B.O.N.D, thank you! We actually just got some and the kids love it so I'm happy about that. Now that I've got that covered for them I'm just going to put my big girl panties on and get over the cheese for tacos too :-) it's worth it and we've come this far. I need to keep my perspective on that being the reward! Thank you for inner standing! Blessings

Blessings to you and your crew as well! WBV!

Aloha Jackie,

I have been there myself too, I use to love cheese, but... 

For a Milk substitute I like to use Hemp Milk, Oat Milk & Hazelnut Milk.

* Hazelnut milk is the closest to taste & texture of Cow's milk that i've come across.

Here is a great cheese alternative: Coconut Cheese recipe from Dr. Robert Cassar:




Also,  Oazis Zoller is right on... Moringa & Spirulina are loaded with a powerhouse of nutrients !! OMG !!! Yesss lol :)



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