Just want to remind everyone to prioritize the fractal, natural foods. Sweet, juicy, fruits and veggies go hand in hand with the extremely medicinal herbs.

Foods from nature demonstrate sacred geometry and toroidal energy to help your body incorporate the vast amounts of information you ingest. Add these and you start to clear up.

Aside from helping the efficacy of supplements by helping you innerstand all sorts of information, the foods contain trace amounts of some amazing substances that you might have been told to take.

On or have been on SSRI's for depression? Try bananas. Thinking of doing a parasite cleanse? Eat papaya with the seeds. Want to look after achy joints? Eat strong crunchy leafy greens.  Want to clean out the pineal? Eat lemons.

These things reconfigure the entire system. The last paragraph was a simplification just for an illustration of why you'd want to get started, but the whole fractal foods also help in step after step of healing:

The tryptophan in bananas eventually gets to be melatonin helping you sleep and repair. The papain in papaya helps you digest all other food, The alkaloids in the greens ward off acute disease. The dissolving properties of lemons will help cleanse your liver...

Theres so much to learn from nature and adding seemingly simple foods to your journey actually lends you more tools. 

Wholeness and Balance Vibrations

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love this. thank you.



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