I have recently switched over to drinking distilled water upon the recommendation of a friend.  I have read the general arguments for/against drinking distilled water, but am looking for additional opinions on the matter.

Does anyone have a strong opinion on this and/or any good information to share?

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Still...thank you. We'll try it with his sickle cell...he's just in so much pain and I want to help as much as I can. I appreciate the message and the love. Balance and Wholeness! <3

Our company does not use electricity to make our alkaline water, our processes are to mimic as close as nature would intened it to be. Aside from that there are countless people who have helped to heal thier conditions by use of our water, a customer just came in with a book she wrote about how she cured herself of cancer and attributes the alkaline water as a major factor. However it is not my intention to prove this to you or make you a believer I am just stating from my own expierence what I know to be true.

I think we can find pros or cons to any kind of water really if we look hard enough. To state that someone is down right incorrect is just ignorant and disrespectful not to mention it shows proof of not transcending dualistic concepts. There is no right or wrong, do what works for you and let your body tell you whats working and what is not. We do not tolerate disrespect in this community so please respond with care and thought.

Great.  Again, I have only given a bounty of resources to back what I am saying.  

Again, I am not disrespecting anyone.

I have not stated that 'someone is downright incorrect'.  I have only refuted their position as to water, and the misuse of some terms. 

"I think we can find pros and cons to any kind of water..." Again, my point was that it ISN'T water.  

To point out an obvious misuse and point to sources of other information, and I become "ignorant and disrespectful"? How does that work?  

"not to mention, it shows proof of not transcending dualistic concepts..."  are you implying that debate and conversation shouldn't be exercised to find higher more resonant adjuncts to diet of mind, body and spirit?  

"we do not tolerate disrespect in this community so please respond with care and thought."   This implies I am being careless and without thought - Both observations are far from correct.  I am very thoughtful and full of care with what I convey to assist people.  As well, I am not following on how I've been even the least bit disrespectful. 

Am I being disrespectful to your company...or this resistance community?  I can assure you I mean no disrespect to the community of people here, only assistance.  As far as your company, I don't know who you work for of what you are selling,... maybe what you sling is good, maybe not.  

It does seem that the 2 parties upset with me providing more information and resources to obtain knowledge have some tie to a water company, either by job or MLM.  Both have claimed me to be disrespectful and ignorant which is divine comedy.  

I think it was Upton Sinclair who wrote, "It's difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding."





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