Crystals - How does quality effect them. How do you protect from Weather?

Three Questions from the experts or those with personal experience who sensitive to their crystal's fields.

1, Crystals - How does quality effect them.

2, Weather, How do you protect crystals from the elements.

3, How do you fasten individual crystal together into larger clusters, or structures?

1, I am trying to get my head around how quality effects crystals specifically. Does a high quality crystal, more flawless internally, effect a larger area externally? I was offered a flawless crystal point, natural, handpicked by the shop owner from a trader. Will this effect as much of an area externally, as something with more flaws but lets say three times its size? Not speaking internally here, purely in the external world. If I want to build a crystal that effects a meditation area, am I better off picking larger pieces and placing them in a large crystal grid, or smaller flawless ones?

2, Weather, How do you protect from the elements outside, without compromising on its ability to amit a field or carry charge? What do you apply to quartz again for example to keep the elements from eroding or damaging it over time.

3, People talk about crystal cities. Well I am right at my first purchase now to begin to build crystal items to place outside, or inside. Starting small, and working up. 

Any methods you have for fastening crystals together, or linking them in this way to build for example a crystal structure, even a simple one like a tripod with three central pieces linked at the bottom. How would you do it, if you wanted to for example build something which carried charge, will or frequency, what materials would you link or bind them with?

Thank you for any help!

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2 Questions out of 3 answered, thanks everyone, just number 1 or any more ideas on the others needed.

Q2 On Weather - Transparent Orgonite:
Polyester Resin that cures in the radiation of the sun - Like was an answer from a particularly helpful man :) He said it'd hold up to freezing for example. - I had mistakenly thought all orgone had a darker shade to it, but this would still give it the appearance of the original crystal to an extent. Water was another interesting idea from a lady here :)

Q3 On Binding  -  ^ He also said the same substance would bind pieces together, even if they were already covered in orgonite, so you could add things indefinitely, as long as you sanded down the side a bit to give it some pours to set in. - Still seeking ideas on this however, so any welcome!

As a side note, did you know you can mine your own quartz for about 20 dollars a day?

For example. - Hope it helps.



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