I sat down to half way watch Paramount Picture’s Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull written and directed by two popular prominent Alien-UFO Hollywood ILLUMINATI front men, George Lucas [1] and Steven Spielberg[2]

During the late 1970s, Lucas and Spielberg made a deal with Paramount Pictures for five Indiana Jones films [3]that prominently feature the Nazis, the occult and Cold War themes throughout the series.[4]

George Lucas created the popular Star Wars movie series featuring for mass media consumption distance galaxies, solar systems, Aliens, VRIL Flying Discs and characters dressed like Himmler’s black uniformed Knights of the Black Sun, the SS; and “May the [VRIL] Force Be with You.”[5]

So, I am watching the opening of Lucas and Spielberg’s Kingdom of the Crystal Skull and there she is right before my face, a personification of psychic-mystic GUDRUN, one of the Nazi VRIL SOCIETY MAIDENS. She is deeply imbedded in the movie as Irina Spalko.

Colonel Dr. Irina Spalko in the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull is Joseph Stalin’s favorite and most gifted psychic-mystic. Dr. Spalko is an agent of the KGB, and well as a scientist and dedicated military officer of the Soviet Union. Dr. Spalko desired the use of the Crystal Skull of Akator to brainwash and manipulate through “psychic warfare” the minds of American forces, giving the Soviets a tactical advantage in the Cold War.[6]

The VRIL SOCIETY MAIDENS were pyschic-mystic mediums tied imitately into the development of the Nazi’s secret rocket-flying disc programs; out of body vastral travel (remote viewing); and wonder weapons such the Atomic Bomb. The maidens allegedly obtained their knowledge thru astral contact and communication with white blue eyed aliens from a distance solar system 65 million light years away from Earth.

Their background and real names were guarded secrets with the exception of the leader of the group, Maria Orsic, above. Before the fall of Nazi Germany, the VRIL SOCIETY MAIDENS for all practical purposes disappeared, and is classified and top secret stuff. GUDRUN is one of the maidens that disappeared and haven’t been seen or heard of since March 1945. GUDRUN is very specialized and compartimentized information.

Flip the script, Spielberg and Lucas’ ficitonal character, Dr. Irina Spalko, reveals a clue and open a window to what actually happened to GUDRUN after she had been secreted out of Nazi Germany just before its fall. It still remains highly classified and military top secret stuff. But, the fate of GUDRUN must have been within the domain of the ILLUMINATI and the CIA and their blood oath codes of secrecy.

GUDRUN after being secreted out of Nazi Germany by the SS and OSS became America’s most gifted Top Secret psychic-mystics. GUDRUN became an agent of the CIA, and as well as a scientist and dedicated military advisor to the Pentagon and U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff controlled by SS Fritz Kraemer. The CIA desired the use of the Forces of VRIL to brainwash and manipulate the minds of American enemies and the masses, giving the Deep State (Shadow Government) a tactical advantage in the Cold War.

GUDRUN and the secret Forces of VRIL is the symbolic heart and soul of the Nazi’s“Satanic Principle”.

In Munich, one of the maiden’s outspoken initates, German Physicist W.O. Schumann,gave a chilling lecture at the Faculty of Sciences.

Dr. Schumann had studied the VRIL maiden’s secrets from extraterresials very carefully from a scientific perceptive. He found their specifications for a flying disc and wonder weapons plausible in applied physics. The underlying principles that he learned from them provided a door to a new era. In Munich, he unveiled, “THE VRIL SATANIC PRINCIPLE”,

In all areas, there are two principles that determine events, light and darkness, good and evil, creation and destruction, as the positive and negative in electricity. This is always one way or another! These two principles designated concretely how the creative and destructive principles determine also our technical means [...]

The destructive principle is the work of the devil, the creative principle, the work of God [...]

Any technique based on the principle of explosion or combustion can be satanic technology. The new era that will be the age of a new technique, positive and divine! [...] (Excerpt from the secret archives of the SS).[7]


“… We have carried out this most difficult task for the love of our people. And we have taken on no defect within us, in our soul, or in our character.” –Reichsfuhrer SS-1 Heinrich Himmler, Posen Speech, October 4, 1943[8]

Fast forward to the black uniformed mass murder assassin, James Eagan Holmes. Holmes is another yet disturbing Dark Knight, Pseudo Knight of the Black Sun, to run amok in mass murder and mayhem.

If you believe for any second that James Holmes is falsely setting the stage for an insanity defense to avoid responsibility for mass murder and mayhem, you are badly mistaken.  James Holmes has become exactly what he had been programmed to become to befuddle the masses. In mass media, Holmes is designed to be an enigma, a riddle and a puzzle. He is the JOKER.

Step away and sit back for a moment, apply Schumann’s New Era “Satanic Principle”of duality between Good and Evil, Light and Dark, and Life and Death, and Himmler’s Knight of the Black Sun divine character of murder and destruction to James Holmes and the senseless and heartless massacre of human beings in Aurora, then flip on the switch.

On July 20, 2012 at the midnight premiere of the movie, “Batman, the Dark Knight Arises.” in Aurora, Colorado, He entered the theatre shortly after the movie opened dressed in all black with full body armor. Armed with an AR-15, shotgun and Glock automatic pistol, he shot 70 people, wounding 58 and killing 12 in cold blood.

Immediately after the massacre, before witnesses were interviewed and bodies recovered from the scene, law enforcement declared that James Holmes acted alone, he was a “werewolf”, a lone nut wolf.  

From Lee Harvey Oswald, James Earl Ray, Marcus Wayne Chenault, Seung-Hui Cho to Sirhan Sirhan, the government cover story is always the same, the act of political murder, mayhem and violence in America – it was a Lone Nut Wolf. 

After the massacre of innocent citizens, Holmes calmly told police that he was the personification of  “The JOKER”, a very clear Satanic Principle.

Almost a year ago on July 22, 2011, Norway’s mass murderer Anders Behring Breivik, 32 years old, slaughtered at least 92 people in the city of Oslo and on the island of Utøya in Sweden.[9]

Anders Breivick is a self acknowledged member of a satanic principle, an international occulted cabal, the masons.  Breivik is indeed a Freemason — the Johannes lodge St Olaus TD Three pillars Olaus (T D Tre Søiler No. 8) of the Norwegian Masonic Order in Oslo.[10]

Breivik is also linked to another satanic principle. He is a pseudo Knight Templar. He claims to belong to the “European Military Order and Criminal Tribunal” of the Knights Templar founded in London in April 2002. He says that eleven more “knights,” he claims, are programmed to carry out similar terror attacks in the future.[11] Breivick was/is a prominent member of yet another satanic principle, a Swedish Nazi Internet forum called Nordisk.[12]

Nevertheless Breivik’s horrendous worldly deeds and crimes against humanity that occurred a little more than a year ago, his picture, name and satanic principle have been conspicuously dropped from the national and international scene. Anders Behring Brevick acted alone; he was also a ‘werewolf”, a lone nut wolf.  

Already, James Holmes’ links to the “Satanic Principle”Anschutz Medical Center, and U.S. Military Intelligence will also be conspicuously absent from national, international news and debate.

The “Satanic Principle”, the JOKER and the Knights of the Black Sun

The best political weapon is the weapon of terror. Cruelty commands respect. Men may hate us. But, we don’t ask for their love; only for their fear. –Reichsfuhrer SS Heinrich Himmler[13]

The JOKER is a fictional character, a super villain who appears in comic books published by DC Comics. He is the archenemy of Batman, having been directly responsible for numerous tragedies in Batman’s life, including the paralysis of Barbara Gordon and the death of Jason Todd, the second Robin.[14]

One of many themes in the Dark Knight film, is both Batman and the JOKER are damaged individuals, suffering from severe childhood trauma. Bruce Wayne’s childhood trauma shaped him for the better, or at least in a better direction. This was a reflection of the positive nature of his upbringing by his parents. Wayne channeled his parent’s ethics into a positive direction. The movie suggests the opposite of the JOKER. The personal stories he tells his victims suggests a horrific childhood. A child raised in a dysfunctional family will very likely follow in those dysfunctional footsteps. The JOKER seems as intellectually brilliant as the Batman, but his intellect is aimed at trying to prove to the world how unfair life is and how morality and civilization are all a joke. The JOKER’s rage is actually against his childhood.[15]

The JOKER being chosen to represent Batman’s archenemy is hardly happenstance or just, so to say, the draw of the cards. The JOKER actually represents advanced and ancient satanic symbolism. It involves levels of very sophisticated subliminal implantation of the “Satanic Principle” for mass public consumption and indoctrination that links directly back to the VRIL Forces, L. Ron Hubbard and Scientology.

It also wasn’t happenstance or just the draw of the cards that James Holmes had become the personification of “the JOKER” to senselessly slaughter or sacrifice human beings. Holmes had undergone extremely sophisticated “Satanic Principle” mind control programming.

The JOKER and the FOOL

“The JOKER is an example of a Jungian archetype, the trickster. The trickster is a mythological character who plays tricks on clueless humanity. They were often malicious, such as the Norse trickster god Loki. Other tricksters were the fairies whose used their “glamour” or illusion to befuddle mortals.”[16]

The JOKER card is reputed to be based on the Tarot card, the Fool. The Tarot’s JOKER, the Fool, is the only unnumbered card.  It shows a vagabond wandering with a bag hitched over his shoulder and a dog nipping at his legs.

The JOKER, Nazis, L. Ron Hubbard and Scientology

During the late 1940s and early 1950s, Weird Jack Parsons and L. Ron Hubbard (ONI) were initiates of the Great BEAST’s 666 Aleister Crowley’s OTO Temple in Pasadena.

They preformed many OTO Satanic Rites and invocations of the Satanic Principle. One of the best well known and documented satanic incantations that they invoked was the “Invocation of the Goddess, Babalon.”

Weird Jack and L. Ron Hubbard (LRH) performed the “Babalon Working” ritual along with “Scarlet Woman,” Marjorie Cameron, above. The goal of this ritual was to produce a satanic “Moonchild.”

The only other reference to a “Moonchild Ceremony” being previously performed is by Adolf Hitler:

“From page 24 from the Chapter Gods and Beasts – the Nazi’s and the Occult by Dusty Sklar, “[Ernst] Pretzsche had introduced Hitler to consciousness-expanding drugs, as well as to astrological and alchemical symbolism. Hitler told [Walter] Stein that Pretzsche had been present when [Guido vonList tried to materialize “the Incubus” in a ritual designed to create a “Moon Child.” “…About 1912, disciples of Lanz and List started the Germanen Orden under the leadership of a member of List’s Armanen, a journalist named Philipp Stauff, and several others.”[17]

During the Invocation of Babalon, Weird Jack acknowledged that Crowley’s “Book of Thoth” was in LRH’s possession at the time of this ritual. The “Book of Thoth Tarot Card Deck” also holds some symbolism and influence that LRH used and vocalized in teachings to Scientology members. LRH conveniently used “redefinition of words” to change meanings to cover the sources he was to use from.

“…Parsons put in hand the ritual preparations as indicated in the text. Again in his own words:

On March 1 and 2, 1946, I prepared the altar and equipment in accordance with the instructions in Liber 49. The Scribe, R** H***, (emphasis – Ron Hubbard*) had been away about a week, and knew nothing of my invocation of BABALON, which I had kept entirely secret. On the night of March 2 he returned, and described a vision he had had that evening, of a savage and beautiful woman riding naked on a great cat-like beast. He was impressed with the urgent necessity of giving me some message or communication. We prepared magically for this communication, constructing a temple at the altar with the analysis of the key word. He was robed in white, carrying a lamp; and I in black, hooded, with the cup and dagger. At his suggestion we played Rachmaninov’s Isle of the Dead as background music, and set an automatic recorder to transcribe audible occurrences. At approximately 8 am he began to dictate, I transcribing directly as I received. H***’s vision sounds a bit too glib to me. It sounds rather like he’d seen a copy of The Book of Thoth Atu XI, Lust, showing the Whore astride the Beast. There would have been at least one copy of The Book of Thoth around Parsons’ place, I would have thought. Interestingly, in spite of H*** being referred to as “the Scribe”, it was H*** who was giving utterance to “astral communications”, and Parsons writing them down. As far as the Babalon Working is concerned, H*** is the JOKER in the pack, the factor infinite and unknown. His whole career, both before and after his involvement with Parsons, shows him to have been a confidence man par excellence. Events after the Babalon Working, when he effortlessly swindled Parsons out of thousands of dollars, demonstrate that Parsons was as readily taken in as anyone. It is surely legitimate for us to wonder, therefore, to what extent H***’s undoubted talents for deceit – both of himself and of others – coloured the whole Working.”[18]

Similarly, above, the “Fool Card” in the 1969 Aleister Crowley “Thoth Tarot Card Deck” has a triangle and double triangle Scientology’s symbol with double triangles has one lower  ARCtriangle,” (affinity, reality and communication,) and an upper triangle, theKRCtriangle (knowledge, responsibility and control.)[19]

Note bottom right triangle, and double triangles in the Hand of the Fool – (upper left)

Significantly, this symbol [double triangle] is used in Aleister Crowley’s “THE FOOL” Tarot Card in ways that reflect the Golden Dawn Teachings. There is also visible a faint S after ‘The Fool’ on the card above which looks much like the typeface used for the S in Scientology…

“In his 1952 lectures, Hubbard also referred to the Tarot cards, saying that they were not simply a system of divination but a “philosophical machine”. He gave particular mention to the Fool card, saying “The Fool of course is the wisest of all. The Fool who goes down the road with the alligators barking at his heels, and the dogs yapping at him, blindfolded on his way, he knows all there is to know and does nothing about it … nothing could touch him” (030).”[20]

LRH seems to have seen himself as Parsons did as “The JOKER” card, and his minions as “The Fools” According to L Ron Hubbard Jr. his father considered himself to be the one “who came after”; that he was Crowley’s successor; that he had taken on the mantle of the “Great Beast. ” He told him that Scientology actually began on December the 1st, 1947. This was the day Aleister Crowley died.”[21]

Slung over the Fool’s shoulder is a bag containing the suits of the Tarot. The four suits of the Tarot cards represent the various conditions of human existence, but they are tied up in the Fool’s bag, unrealized and unused.  The Fool is unaware of their potential, and his own.[22]

The next card in the Tarot is the Juggler.  The Fool’s bag is now opened and their contents are laid out before the Magician on his working table.  The Magician understands his potential and exercises it.  The Fool wanders the earth clueless to his potential in his bag, chased by the dog of mundane everyday life.  The Fool card symbolizes a state of ignorance and unawareness.  The other cards of the Tarot show a steady progress through the various states of human existence on the path to final enlightenment.  But at the very beginning is the Fool, completely oblivious to his great potential.[23]

Don’t fool yourself, James Holmes’ JOKER related to the Dark Knight Series is a clear and unambigious personification of “The Satanic Principle”, SATAN-DEVIL.

Get the picture, James Holmes is the Fool that wandered the earth aimless and clueless with some entity nipping and biting at him internally [deeply imbedded subconscious MK ULTRA levers and programming].

Throughout his life, Holmes had been quiet and shy, and academically brilliant. He was an outstanding honor student, Phi Beta Kappa graduate in neuroscience, and member of Golden Key Societies.[24]

James Holmes had mastered neuroscience, an interdisciplinary that collaborates with other fields such as chemistry, computer science, engineering, linguistics, mathematics, medicine and allied disciplines, philosophy, physics, and psychology in the study and science of the human nervous system.[25] Nothing would touch him, neither things deeply buried in his subconscious or conscious mind. So, he thought.

In his first court appearance, witnesses described Holmes, “head nodding, eyes rolling around and wildly blinking at times, Holmes did not seem to be fazed by what was happening in front of him, but almost totally oblivious to it as he appeared to struggle with consciousness.” [26] Of course, it strongly suggest that he had undergone some type of extensive “naro-hypnotic” programming. Holmes will end up like Sirhan Sirhan locked in a maze of amesia barriers and layers unable to recall the shootings and the events leading up the massacre.

Holmes is undoubtedly a classic iatrogenic multiple personality disordered individual. We may never know what exactly triggered Holmes, but he suddenly became the Juggler-Magician that gained the keys to final enlightment of another altered and deadly fiendish “Satanic Principle” artificially drummed inside of him, and in the final analysis,  he was powerless to control or overcome it.

James Holmes and the Phillip Anschutz UC Medical Center

James Holmes held some type of paid research position at the Anschutz Medical Center in Aurora. It is a research position that the medical center for whatever reasons refuse to reveal. Holmes’ apartment building was generally off-campus housing for the university medical center.

It is also clear without any other source of income, the money to buy Holmes’ vast arsenal  of weapons, amunition, body armour and explosives came directly from Phillip Anschutz UC Medical Center.

The University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus is one of two campuses of U.C. Denver. The name of the portion of Fitzsimons Army Medical Center that houses the university facilities was changed to its current name in 2006 after the Anschutz family [Phillip Anschutz] donated $91 million to construct the Anschutz Centers for Advanced Medicine. [27]

Phillip Anschutz shouldn’t be any strangler. He headed Anschutz Entertainment Corporation (AEC). AEC employed Michael Jackson and Scottish Rite Mason-Knight, Dr. Conrad Murray, for Michael’s European Tour. Dr. Murray was setup as the “werewolf” lone nut found criminally liable for Michael’s assassination; nevertheless Dr. Murray had been acting pursuant to an executed AEC employment contract.

Alleged Murder Masons, Anders Breivik, Dr. Murray and Anschutz with a secret familiar Masonic Air Gesture. Michael Jackson became worth more money and control over the music-entertainment industry to Phillip Anschutz dead than alive.

In a previous post, I found it highly likely than not that Phillip Anschutz is a Scottish Rite Principle of the Knights of the Golden Circle (KGC). The KGC was established as a clandestine para-military unit of Scottish Rite Freemasonry of the Southern Jurisdiction under Confederate General Albert Pike that wanted to overthrow the U.S. government and reinstitute Slavery in America. The KGC-compatriots Albert Pike and John Wilkes Booth are implicated in the 1865 Assassination of President Abraham Lincoln.

Sometime after the Civil War, the secret KGC established headquarters in an old building on Fatherland Street in Nashville Tennessee. Reportedly, the old building stood where the “Grand Ole Opry” got its start. About 1884, KGC headquarters were moved to the Colorado Badlands at the foot of Pike’s Peak, Colorado Springs with its horde of ill gotten money and gold from the Jesse James and Colt Younger Gang robberies. Outlaws Jesse James, Frank James and the Younger Brothers were Knights of Golden Circle. The money and gold financed KGC’s clandestine operations to drive America into mass “modern slavery” and “psychic dictatorship” right into the present time.[28]

UC Anschutz Medical Campus says that James Holmes was in the process of withdrawing from the university. How do you be in the process of withdrawing? Most of us have been students. It’s simple. To withdraw, you file withdrawal cards. Where are Holmes’ withdrawal documents? That dog won’t hunt.

Aurora is a key military town linked to the U.S. Navy, Army and Air Force. Buckley Air Force Base is a U.S. Air Force base directly located in Aurora, Colorado, that was established by the U.S. Army in 1943. The base was named in honor of the World War I Army pilot, LT John Harold Buckley.[29]

During the Cold War years, Buckley AFB had been the U.S. Navy Air Station Denver. During America’s Wars of Aggression around the globe, Buckley AFB was vital to various military operations such as Operation Desert Storm, Operation Northern Watch, and Operation Iraqi Freedom.[30]

Today, the U.S. military industry operations at Buckley AFB are expanding in an unprecedented amount of new construction and modernization.[31]

The Phillip Anschutz Medical Campus is located on a portion of the former Fitzsimons Army Medical Center. After the base was decommissioned in 1999, the campus became known as the Fitzsimons Medical Campus, or simply “Fitzsimons.”[32]

Nevertheless being decommissioned, the Army Medical Center and military operations are still deeply imbedded within Anschutz Medical Campus. In fact, the U.S. Veteran’s Department is constructing an $800 million hospital within the Anschutz Medical Campus Complex in Aurora.[33]

Undoubtedly, it was Phillip Anschutz and the university’s trade-off for the U.S. Army Medical campus grounds. Phillip Anschutz and modern and even more secret, powerful, ruthless and clandestine Scottish Rite KGC is only interested in more POWER, MONEY and CONTROL. Anschutz Medical Center is highly influenced by the U.S. Military Industrial Complex, and clandestine Scottish Rite KGC.

Additionally, CIA’s National Resources Division spent about $20 million to relocate its employees to the Colorado Badlands in Denver.[34]

Who was James Holmes working for at the Anschutz Medical Campus? My guess from the secrecy and cover-up surrounding his employment and tenure at the university campus, it was the U.S. Military.

The JOKER & Fightertown USA

Beside Aurora, sleeper assassins that run amok in America are often found closely aligned to other secret U.S. military base installations and complexes. James Holmes has been no exception.

He was reared in Rancho Penasquitos in San Diego. Like Aurora, it is yet another related military industrial complex city.

Rancho Penasquitos is about 8 miles outside of Marine Corps Air Station Miramar. Rancho Penasquitos provides the marine base with secure off base housing and other facilities.

Miramar is a vast classified military complex that also provided launch facilities, grounds and underground bases to SS Werner von Braun’s NASA[35].

The Miramar Marine Baseis the former location of the United States Navy Fighter Weapons School (NFWS), its TOPGUN training program and the movie of the same name. [36]

In 1996, NFWS was relocated to Naval Air Station Fallon in western Nevada and merged into the Naval Strike and Air Warfare Center (NSAWC). During the heyday of TOPGUN at NAS Miramar, the station was nicknamed “Fightertown USA”.[37]

Admiral Thomas Hinman Moorer with a secret Masonic Hand Gesture Symbol.  The U.S. Navy Fighter Weapons School was established on March 3, 1969 at Miramar at the direction of the then Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) Admiral Moorer.[38]

Admiral Thomas Moorer, former Chairman, U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, was no stranger to the Knights of the Black Sun, Brotherhood of the Bell, and Deep State (Shadow Governments). Admiral was a close compatriot of Pentagon Military Adviser Fritz Kraemer. I believe that the Late Great Mae Brussell was right; Kritz Kraemer was actually the same Brigadefuhrer SS Fritz Kraemer, Hitler’s Right Hand Man, who simply walked away from the Nuremberg Tribunal for Crimes against Humanity and Dachau Prison and landed in the U.S. Pentagon in Washington D.C.[39]

As the as Chief of Naval Operations (1967-70) and as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (1970-74) , Admiral Moorer was also no stranger to the Forces of VRIL.[40]

In 2001, former US Navy Commander L. R. Bresmseth submitted a paper on Remote Viewing, the VRIL SOCIETY MAIDEN’S ASTRAL PROJECTION exercises, entitled, “Unconventional Human Intelligence Support: Transcendant and Assymetric Warfare Implications of Remote Viewing” as part of his studies at Marine War College in Quantico, Virginia.[41]

Bremsweth is acclaimed as having sensitively written an overview on the research, development, and operations involving the remote viewing operations conducted by the US Government from 1972 to 1995. His paper covers the reason why the US Government was interested in remote viewing due to Soviet research, and that the preliminary and subsequent scientific studies funded by the US Army, US Air Force, CIA and the Defense Intelligence Agency were a success and that remote viewing for ‘transcendent warfare’ can be used beyond national intelligence, defense, and warfare.[42]

Admiral Moorer and the U.S. Navy had been delving into the secret Forces of VRIL for decades well before World War II with LRH as a key point man.

In fact, Miramar NAS appears to have once served as an experimental flight and launch base for VRIL SOCIETY MAIDEN’s Project PAPERCLIP Nazi Peenemunde Rocket Team.[43]

I imagine that Miramar NAS still holds a lot of classified and top secret projects and operations that may involve the Holmes Family.


Within hours of the Aurora Massacre, the news carried stories about James’ father leaving Rancho Penasquitos immediately for a flight into Aurora. The news stories deliberately didn’t mention his name or what he did for a living.

James’ father is Robert Milton Holmes. Robert is a software engineer. Robert Holmes lists a University of California, Berkeley Ph.D. in Statistics from 1981. He currently works for FICO, but also lists working for HNC Software from 2000 to 2002. HNC Software was acquired by FICO.[44]

Robert’s father was a decorated military veteran. His father was Lt. Col. Robert M. Holmes, who served in the Okinawa campaign during World War II, retired in 1963 as the last commander of the Nike missile group in San FranciscoBay. He was one of the first Turkish language students at the ArmyLanguageSchool, now the Defense Language Institute, graduating in 1948, a school spokesman confirmed Friday.[45]

After his military retirement, Holmes taught math and science at YorkSchool for 17 years. He died in 1990. Robert’s mother, Mary Jane Crawford Holmes, attended StanfordUniversity and worked at the Monterey City Library, Fort Ord Library and Pacific   GroveHigh School before finishing her career as librarian and college counselor at YorkSchool. She died in 2010.[46]

A 1945 graduate of Pacific Grove High School, she was also a member of numerous historical societies, including the Order of the Crown of Charlemagne, Descendants of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company of Boston and the Monterey Bay Colony of Mayflower Descendants, of which she served as governor.[47]

The Holmes Family is from an elite tran-generational military family.


When Robert Holmes’ employer HNC was launched in 1986, it focused on U.S. Military Industry defense-related research and development.[48]  Well, it gets deeper.

HNC is in an area that scientists still know very little about: the human brain. HNC is working on a long-term research project launched in 1998 that is jointly funded by HNC and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), part of the U.S. Defense Department, to investigate ‘cortronic neural networks,’ a concept originally proposed by Robert Hecht-Nielsen, HNC’s co-founder and chief scientist.[49]

In other words, Robert Holmes works for a firm, HNC, which is into developing for the military industrial complex artificial intelligence systems-transhumanism. HNC scientist like Robert Hecht-Nielsen is developing through enhanced biology, artificial intelligence and artificial neural networks to advance human beings into a post human age called transhumanism.[50]

Scientist Terrence McKenna the developer of the “Novelty Theory,” believed brain enhancement through Technological Singularity will enable transhumans to contact other dimensional being, entities, unseen intelligence, and communication with dead people, spirit guides, angels and extraterrestrials.[51]

Well, the JOKER James Holmes takes us right back to “Satanic Principles”, LRH, Scientology, Dianetics, MARIA ORSIC, GUDRUN and the Top Secret and Mysterious NaziVRIL SOCIETY MAIDENS.

At first, I was dumpfounded by Black Manchurian Candidate Marcus Wayne Chenaultdemonstratively spitting in his parent’s faces during his murder trial. In June 1974, Little, less than 5 feet tall,  sly, and harmless Markie, that ordinarily wouldn’t harm a fly, shot and killed Dr. Martin Luther King’s mother in church. Markie had had been programmed to kill Dr. Martin Luther King, Sr., but he had been uncustomarily out of his usually position in the church pulpit when Markie’s iatrogenic killer alter was triggered.

All of Markie’s family members were associated with the branches of U.S. Armed Services. Markie was too short and nearsighted to qualify for any type of military service. The senior Chenault was a long term employee of the Atomic Energy Commission’s (AEC) “Mounds” laboratory in Miamisburg, Ohio, 15 miles south of Dayton. The Mounds Lab was part of the S Factor, Stanford Research Institute (SRI). It was directed related to the VRIL Maiden’s Wonder Weapons and research. His mother was a nurse like James Holmes’ mom, Arline.

Markie was a real life Mr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde case. When he had been arrested, police asked Markie about a long scar on his skull. Markie had no recollection of the scar and where it had come from. Markie had undergone some type of unknown remarkable invasive brain surgery that he couldn’t recall. When asked if he killed anyone, Chenault could not remember, he responded accepting responsibility for the homicides with unbelievable glee and joy. Smiling, he said, “I assume I did, I assume I shot someone.”

Markie had been linked to a group of Black mind control assassins, “The Troop”, being run out of one the Top Secret hangars at Wright Patterson Air Force Base. One of the hangars allegedly held the remains of the Roswell UFO-VRIL flying disc crash. Markie and “The Troop” hit list targeted most of America’s leading Black religious and spiritual leaders straight out of COINTELPRO.

As you should be aware, Wright Patterson had been the home base to some of the most ardent Operation PAPERCLIP Nazi-SS scientists. They were the VRIL SOCIETY MAIDENS’ Peenemünde “Satanic Principle” VRIL rocket scientitist secreted out of Nazi Germany soon after the maidens disappeared.

The JOKER is a NEW ERA SATANIC PRINCIPLE bloodline tran-generational military industrial MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE. He was offered up and scarificed for experimental mind control just like Little Shy Markie to become the footrint for an unworldly frightening  and ungodly TRANSHUMAN SUPER SOLDIER as originally envisioned by the Nazis and the VRIL SOCIETY MAIDENS.

[15] Id.

[17] Sklar, Dusty, The Nazis and the Occult, Dorset Press, New York (1977)

[19] Id.

[20] Id.

[21] Id.

[23] Id.


[30] Id.

[31] Id.

[36] Id.

[38] Id.

[42] Id.



[48] Id. At footnote 40

[49] Id.

[51] Id.

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I am so filled with knowledge since reading this. In awe over the depth of historical, current and futuristic significance. Grateful that you have stepped up to the plate (which will never be clear by the way:) in all courageousness and earnestness to share higher knowledge and information with humanity.

I hear myself often asking "Y", and this post alone cancelled out many of them. Of course all of your posts within the site (those that I have read) provide extensive detail and most of all such clarity for us. What I love is that, the Resistance family, we get to have eternal protection from those attempting to deceive and destroy. Your constant flow of truth on this level is completely necessary in developing the foundation for humans to stand on now and for eternity. Sevan, we are proud of and appreciate you for putting an end to our innocence.

This day we are Whole with Balanced Vibrations:)

Thank you for ~SharingINAll~




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