I was pondering our position on this planet, It occurred to me that we may have been hybridized many times and the last hybridization may be the reason for the current quarantine/serpent chasing it's tail.  I began thinking of all the camps on this planet. All the division the nagas, the birds, the bees and the propaganda.  It occured to me that through all our different choices/stages we are always predictable. We forget very quickly, we are selfish and want to rule each other. It's all well to say we built this and did that but it's all in seperation all the while our soul tree is here on this planet. It's very beautiful and easy to observe, it's isolated, cannot run for help... Enter the alien motif.  We are you friends/ we created you/we love you.  It occured to me that each one of these are doors...  We want to take you somewhere else... to another matrix....transplant you into our tree....we came and made deals with your government...not nature...not you....we exist in 4d...we enter through the gates of the dna...we give you technology to mimic your nature... then we assimilate you...your cube already programmed with archtypes..becomes ours..so now you will drift through space on a new orbit in a new cube... the humans will become the borgais/borg'e/borg... it wont matter if you are neter, naga, arian, avian, ether, feline or insectiod... you will be transformed and cloned by the allspark... then you will move on like a parasite in a new form in 3d while still being controlled in 4d... hmmm.  I think the fight for our future may be soul-ly in the mind.  Any thoughts?

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