It seems there is a trend in this group to be self-knowing as well as "outer" knowing.  I have made the switch.  All the information about who is doing what "out" there returns back to me, my own growth.  Many times that means trimming the branches, returning to my root system, fertilizing my own soil and cracking open the nut, or more recently finding eggs!  (Ha!  I just thot of it being Easter!)

I have recently found 3 eggs sitting in a nest down in my pelvis that I hadn't noticed before.  What else is in there?  Or am I so distracted by the stimulus around me, I fail to investigate the underside of the tapestry as Alan Watts calls it in Rolono's post.  Many times I find myself reaching out before I've really kindled the personal meaning of information within, repeating what I have heard.  I feel this is what the three eggs are about.  I also feel that the only way out of this situation we find ourselves in is within.  My reasoning is that we are igniting, or flipping a switch, but it needs the perfect balance of the masculine and feminine energies, in order to work.  I really think this is our natural state, a 8/5 ratio, as I have heard, Fibronacci...... ~and we are in the moment, the union, meeting Life and remembering who we are.  In a society hell bent on a 9/1, this can be a struggle.  (First # rep fem, 2nd masc)  From that point, we bloom  (or hatch) inways that are organic and natural, not forced or rushed by an over zealous mind trying to achieve something on its own.

Some of the discussions have lead to this point.  This discussion thread could trace some of our own journeys and insights as we "implode" as Daniel Winter suggests we are doing.  I have found that the more I long for spiritual enlightment, the more detached I get from myself, my own body which I am finding, is a storehouse for everything I could ever want.  The switch I have made is getting inside myself and finding those eggs!

I have just met a kundalini yoga instructor in Starbucks at the University nearby.  Very unusual in this part of the country.  Northeast Louisiana.  ......this is fixin' to get interesting............

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reaching out from the bayouGreat idea, Mike!

I found Michael Brown's first post so profound and also his website and numerous youtube videos that describe his journey through incredible pain to find what he was failing to integrate inside himself that kept him in "destination consciousness"  He simply states, judgements you make are really saying "You must behave like the me I am showing the world." (hiding your own negative emotions, thus projecting them)  triggering reactive behavior as you argue with your mirror.  Still conquering not relating, getting mastery over, not communing, destroying rather than building bridges.  I have thought of sending a flyer around or having a commun i "tea" letting them (hey thats me ht backwards) know I exist and what I offer that might be of service to them (me) in these times as well as asking them what they offer.  In doing this I realize I will be building bridges and stepping out and asking for love from another (me), rather than react to preformed labels and images that are inserted from the programmed mind or just madeup from partial, broken off tidbits of abstract "thot".  Big step.

So rather than come to them with top down energy I come from underneath the tapestry, where we are united in the web of life by all the interlocking threads, like the mycelium through which mushrooms spread.and pop up in the most unusual places.  Inserting these images helps me feel my way through new experiences when I want to honor the intelligence embedded within everyone.  Then we will see where the mycelium goes from there or what it brings up in me to  feel.  Spring has sprung here in Louisiana and we would simply be following its lead, spreading out in the fertile valley of possibilities.  Let's compare notes as we feel into this.  Then we will really "know" something, eh?

The mirror has an interesting way of manifesting things.

As i wrote above a thot occurred to me to have a bar b que of sorts in the middle of the street.

Last nite a limb fell from one of my oak trees, cutting off electricity for many blocks around.  Neighbors gathered out on the street with flashlites, introducing themselves and chatting for over an hour as the electric company repaired the lines.  I got to thinking about this, everyone not on automatic grid lock in my neighborhood, my oak tree.  I went inside and started grounding myself and asked to be a circuit of inner knowledge that would overflow into the neighborhood.  I felt like a giant oak.  Interesting Sevan would speak of the knowledge inherent in our tree friends today in his post.

As a result I now know some of my neighbors by name and will now wave and smile as I think of them as an individual and not just another person on the street. 

My feeling is that when we truly decide to inhabit our bodies instead of just walking around in them, the reflection will change to vibrant, connective tissue feeding Life as intended.  Rediscovered, reformatted, propagating, integrated and synced up with innerversal intelligence.  (Sevan) No gaps, No place for the "other" to enter.


I listened to this today.  Very revealing and answers so many questions as to how we are going to accomplish our soul's journey.  Verrrry practical.  There is an offer at the end.  ALL is very encouraging information.

(in a nutshell)   When Sevan says balance and wholeness, what does that mean to you?    What are we when we come from wholeness?   This is a fantastic interview revealing our innerstanding of who we are and how it works so that we are not affected by the positive ions that are produced by thinking too mush (yes, mush!) ~ too much mental info ~ overload, and how nature as in TREES have stepped out to assist us.  Scientific in her approach, how infra red light picks up information and drops it off at the next thing it touches ~did you know that Einstein sat under trees letting the information filter thru the leaves?  When we are out of balance, if we dont take steps to rebalance our field with negative ions (nature) we are attacked by man-made overload of positive ions who are acting destructively, from our point of view, but they are just trying to find their own balance through us.  For example suppressing the feminine (nectar, reproductive cycle) in GMO seeds, the seeds forget what they can do, info is blocked.  (sound familiar?)  Same with us, only think of it as right brain info, intuition, feeling, emotional intelligence and inner knowing suppressed. We are batteries and we need to plug into TREES to reMEmber the truth of our own nature based intelligence after having our true intelligence and memories hijacked for eons of time, that it has become habitual.  Once we say yes then there is no need to fear what is going on in the world we are so busy creating from a balanced, informed field and lower vibrational fields will disappear once we come online again in balance.  Balance is a dynamic field in constant motion of recreating itself not stuck in someone else's creation.  Kaitlyn explains what being out of balance is physically, not mentally.  Vital info for everybodY IN THE KNOW



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