our souls are formed in the solor psy'stem,

and c'Aught with the plan'net,

they lock us in a con'tree,

so they can mine our mind,

and get B'Aught,

by so'ci'al grooming,

with the tell'lie'vision,

and plug us into there psy'stem,

and con'troll us with Aut'whore'it'i,

to detach us from the al'one,


Views: 51

Replies to This Discussion

i dig it, james. how you broke down the words made me aware of more connections between how our minds get "lord" or "lowered" into a closed-circuit program because of the language and how the "phi"-"cycle" reality manifests as a result. lately to really start to get free and gain some breathing room i have been letting my mind "think" in it's "own language." of course there is nothing new under the sun so this exercise is really just putting me in touch with the primordial energies coming from the source. it's also been helping me separate my emotional state from my mental state which has been key in staying at a high frequency. rather than getting bogged down in linear language technicalities that automatically lower ones frequency by their very nature, i focus on mentally generating high pitch frequencies and the music of the spheres plus visualizing the fractal tapestries that go along with it. this seems to begin to generate a bliss field that can further be amplified by simply focusing on this bliss feeling itself and letting everything that attempts to disrupt unwind and float on by.

This a Good One.  :)



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