The words; Gnosis and/or gnostic. Genesis, and Moses (wisdom).
Means "knowledge". Also, now? Breaking old paradigm and belief systems...And "yes", you've heard it here! God ie. G.O.D.- is defined as and is simply DIVINE KNOWLEDGE ! Where as Creator, ie. Prime Creator is something else entirely ~
Know your philosophical [premise] & astral mind; Don't bow down to those witch* have it over you?!

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Knowledge=wisdom, thus Celtic oak wise/Oak tree, dereu oak-tree.

Thus truth, true or verily, 'Amen' especially, thus drew tree=drew 'wood'.

Drew wood = Druid - Celtic religious order of 'priest', soothsayers, judges, poets etc.

Priest=sPrite, Amen=nAme.

Amen (nAme) can be said before and after a prayer/program.

Now,  'Log'- (Name) on to the Ma-trix (mother circuit 'board') and then 'Log' off.

Mother (Gai,Maya,Mai,'Ma') 'board' = Mother 'Tree' of knowledge or Life.

Matrix of Files = Mother tree of Life. 

File=liFe of this "CunTree" (country). 


Wisdom is the ability to recognize the salient point in any array.

Understanding is the process of measuring resonances between the salient point and all other points in an array.

Knowledge is the fruit of understanding; because it is fruit, it is understood to be conditional to the parameters of its formulation.

Wisdom is masculine, understanding is feminine, and knowledge is their child: hidden in this present age, although the progress of its gestation is clearly evident.

For this reason, knowledge (daath) is not usually displayed in the configurations of Adam Kadmon, the Tree of Life.

Intelligence wrests with the chaos of ignorance by means of the virtues of wisdom and understanding. Knowledge is indebted to all three for its very existence.

Wholeness balance and vibrations. Knowledge? Has to be brought into action as practical (there-by being) experience. Otherwise it is just information. Concerning your premise of (Daat) Bob Finton? That is simply The "hidden" realm, correlating to "much more" in the relevance of the macrocosm. The "tree of life" is more about the descent from the divine than Knowing anything? We will stay on point here...The name Moses "simply" means knowledge. Wisdom as an attribute of the "effect" of putting it to use; By materializing! Intelligence or containing information is "not" the matter. All else is phantasmagorical / ... Word: Phantasmagorical Meaning: A series of random, fantastical events occurring as in a dream; kind of like surrealism minus the.- unquote.
According to the illusion (Matrix) as "Being" a reflection of self.

Yes, the name Moses implies knowledge. It can be read as "to pull out" or as "from" (mem) "the Lamb" (shin he). And, yes, Moses is pulled out of the waters of Mitzraim/Egypt/confinement/limitation, etc., etc. These are all derived meanings that have been delivered to us by traditions.

But with knowledge as something more than information, nothing is simple. And there is much work to be done, collectively, before Moshe can be finally rescued from the basket in which he was hidden. We serve that day--willingly, or not; consciously, or not.


Messages (mem/m) of wisdom (shin/sh) that enlighten (he/h).

Freedom (m) in spiritual (sh) discernment (h).

The unfettered (m) stimulation (sh) of revelation (h).

The meanings of Moses are not so simple. I could tire us both with more translations.

We all understand the potential for Knowledge as an absolute and the need to strive for it.

My point is two-fold. First, is that we are yet enslaved by partial knowledge, which borders on ignorance, after all: perhaps more in my case than in yours; but that is of no consequence, collectively. To equate knowledge with Knowledge is error enough, but the equation of knowledge with Wisdom is what confused (mem) and disturbed (shin) my analysis (he) of your post.

So be it...One does not look for credibility, or to over complicate things (Ideals) presenting intelligence is not what it's about here. Be well; And I will always stick with the basics in regard to ascension you are missing the simple etymology and ciphering of words here.
   To anyone else the "other" words Gnosis, gnostic, and geneses are included in the meaning in concern of wisdom. Your validation efforts are appreciated Bob.

Thank you for the tone of your reply.

I equate gnosis with knowledge and epignosis with Knowledge.

I also differentiate between wisdom and Wisdom, but I'll let that be for now.

Thank you. I do respect what you say, and your additions of ciphering in your response are on point; impressive work...I just wasn't prepared to go into the discourses. Be well.

Wholeness, Cheers and long-Life; Most concurred! Very "plainly" stated. While "Yet" the most, profound? And; informative....In a Lt. Spock voice.



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