Distracted by so many things in life most do not even consider breathing, eating or drinking water. Down the hatch and off we go. This common event is being exploited by those who know human beings are habitual. People never thinking twice about downing a cool glass of water after hard exercise or that overly salty piece of pizza. Dark scientists working in cooperation with your government have developed a medium of control never really considered by the common citizen. A look behind the scenes is a good start to unravel a guarded practice carried out now for years.
Many are told not to drink water from the tap because it is fluorinated. Fluoride was used on death camp inmates during the third reich nazi regime to make inmates unable to produce offspring and pacify them among other lethal effects. Fluoride we are told protects teeth when used in small safe quantities. Users not familiar with the fact that they are using a poison to clean their teeth. Water is treated with chlorine also to eliminate dangerous bacteria which grows in the water supply.
Community water supplies are sifted through sophisticated filtering systems separating urine and feces. Useable drinkable water now as highly cleansed water safe to drink. Many survivalists and boy-girl scouts are familiar with the tiny round chlorine tablets used to purify water in the rough from lakes and streams which could have questionable bacteria in them. House wives and husbands are familiar with radical flash floods hitting urban communities; rendering water supplies unsafe to drink. Instructions given by civil defense networks on how to clean water with emphasis on always keeping at least 50 gallons of useable non contaminated drinking water supplies stored in the house at all times.
Water water water; do this to water. Do not drink filtered water. Do drink filtered water. Drink ionized water. Ionized water will kill you if you drink too much of it. If you drink too much of any water that will kill you. You need to drink at least 8 tall glasses of water a day. No, forget it, new findings show if you eat plentiful amounts of fruit and veg you only need 3 tall glasses of water. My British colleague research counterparts have many arguments against the use of fluoride in water supplies which they have gladly shared with me along with their toothless British smiles. One colleague in the United States best friend died from drinking heavily chlorinated water constantly in the Portland metropolitan area. She drank it faithfully from mainstream advice specifying the drinking of lots and lots of water. She forgot to investigate before use into the heavy off the charts scale of chlorine pumped into that particular water supply. Excessive chlorine consumption a big component in the BIG C.
I can tell you EVERYONE has missed the plot.
Forget about the concept of cleaning the water you are about to drink. Leave all that old school nonsense way behind as it will not help you in the real world present time. That water you are about to drink is a suicide weapon. You are about to do yourself in by drinking that full glass of water. All your chemical treatment and loving gyrations cleansing with charcoal or other variations is superficial rubbish for all future times now. Come with me and look past what you know about consuming this liquid. To really survive you need to examine the hidden side and nature of water. Water being used against you as it is a critical necessary commodity.
Ok so humans are composed of 90 to 95% water. Water is a critical staple for survival of humans as that is their main composure. Humans can go for extended periods without food depending on health conditions. Yet they cannot go beyond certain red light thresholds in lack of consuming water.
Before I defected from the Illuminati heard the word or even knew what that word meant I was an unwilling unknowing teenage participant. Housed at a secret boarding school high in the hill country of South West Texas. We were told and encouraged to drink water that came out of the ice chilled water dispensers at the school as the cleanest healthiest water in the United States. Just as clean as could be so said Mr. Rothschild the patron saint and owner of the sprawling school which covered thousands of acres along the banks of the Guadalupe River.
A river which we affectionately called the Gaudaluup. Basically there was mutual affection because we swam in its water on 46 degree celsius days and fished out some good dinners. We watched deer behind blinds on the banks that became endless outdoor barbecues listening to Shawn Phillips, Don McLean and Willy Nelson. I was not a killer and I always managed to get my horse to rear up and miss my shot or stumble on invisible rocks displacing my bullet in yonder trees or deflecting off of rocks. Yet the venison I was grateful and happy for.
Down the road in neighboring San Antonio I would be interviewed for a job by Texas Instruments. Innovators which made possible the first hand held calculators and digital watches. A scientific community aware of bytes microscopically placed beyond the reach of the eye. Texas Instruments Neighborly with Southwest Research. South West Research (SWR) despised for animal experimentation yet rarely known as co theorists and creators of organic intelligence systems. Combining red blooded humans interfaced with computer based implant technologies. Technologies originating interface between machines and organic lifeforms. A science now at the top of government grants in the area of development of cutting edge organic based robotic technologies.
We swam in the water, fished from it, drank until we all had screaming headaches from the chill yet we all were unwilling Guinea pig participants in the development a new cutting edge science that used a natural resource against us and generations to come. Water redesigned Water redefined Water as bitter as turpentine. Water as a carrier of Luciferan intel. I Robot?
Wilson,Kevin. Following Family X : A History Of An Illuminati Family. KausePointPublishers. 2012
It is fairly well known that crystalline substances are partial instigators in memory functions by programming. Human beings are composed in great part of mineral crystalline substances. When I worked for a large manufacture of television broadcast equipment we all basically had to de static ourselves and remove any magnetic devices from our person before entering manufacture area of the instrument complex. Then each of us did a self test by stepping onto an instrument that qualified our non magnetic sterility status before building equipment. Then strapped ourselves by the wrist to insure compliance to ground interference. Despite these precautions when instrument boards were tested on occasion one of us was singled out and asked to remove something we forgot to which neutralized info from a particular programmable chip. This is all mundane well known information that most know in terns of electronic theory. It is old school and well established.
Ancient conservative Brahmins (janai) and rishis of India are against the consumption of alcohol. Now in current times a stale ritualistic tradition lingers through lineages spanning thousands of years. The brahmins today just abstain from alcohol and rarely question why. They assume as everyone else does that alcohol is an intoxicate like other drugs like ganga which clouds spiritual perception and connection with source. Alcohol and fermented foods including fluoride neutralize pineal gland resonance. Moderation and knowledge of these effects are necessary to remain intuitive by quantitative scientific standards. In the end result chemical electrical activity in the brain translates as one and the same when observed outside of human physiology.
Charles Musaios. The Lion Path You Can Take It With You.1989.
Wilson,Kevin. Transmutation An Investigation Into The Healing Practices Of The Ancients. KausePointPublishers.2012,1999
McKenna, Terence. Food of the Gods: A Radical History of Plants, Drugs, and Human Evolution. Rider and Company.1999
Forget about crystal technology, Atlantis, Eisenhower making secret deals with the alien grays who gave him micro chip technology eventuating in supposed cutting edge computer technology present today in exchange for resources. That is all mainstream BS bull buffalo chip out of date off this planet malarkey. If your into that flip on the Manchurian Candidate and get off to an exceptional performance by Denzel Washington. Because that is all you will. Get a good performance backed by extremely out dated superficial worthless technology disinformation edging on stupidity. You all have been duped and smoke screened to look into the wrong direction by distraction and feint. The real programming medium has always been water. Nice cold clean water. The water you give your baby and children.
If a person wants to make you do something against your will that you would refuse to do under normal non interfering conditions one would spike your drinking water with only 2 eye dropper drops of 40% alcohol mixed with a programmable substance. Yea I wrote that and I mean it. One could take that same two drops and programmed substance and multiple it by conversion to a large metropolitan population area and make the human and animal population do whatever they wanted it to do. That is in more detail they would use a small portion of water mixed with alcohol or other programmed in a free energy machine. Take the resultant product out and place it in a corresponding water supply. All thanks to the wonders of alcohol and related substances that holds a charge in compliance to configurative principles of correspondence, harmonics and resonance. There is a secret science to co creating by use of water. Secret because power mongers and shady governments always want a piece of the action.
The wrong people know about this science. To use water as a weapon against exponential growing non complying populations. China is the leader in development and research in cutting edge electronics used for medicine and other things not so healing followed by the United States, Russia and Iran.
Nevertheless water does not hold a charge memory for long. Chemistry enters in such as introduction of florid into water supplies. Science of memory retention is cardinal to generate ongoing living developing consciousness held as memory retention in water. This is termed smart water as the medium evolves as intelligent and innovative over time. This innovation is developing intelligent waterborne brain. A brain of immense size and power with you as its operative having consumed an abundant water supply by consuming municipal brain. Humans in entire cities, communities, megalopolis are manipulated via water supplies. Let us put the idea of broadcasting commands distantly through electronic smart boxes at population centers on the back burner at the moment. That subject is a proven fact already discussed elsewhere and before.
The obvious good news is if you buy bottled well or mineral water that supply is not communal and thus has not been filtered through potential tampering processes supposedly. If in doubt place your water in dark blue glass bottles in the sun before consumption for 10 hours. Or use a waveform generator set at 35MHz within 20 centimeters of your water supply for 5 and 1/2 hours. Nevertheless where you store your bottled water is important. Any area of your house where arguments constantly take place will spike your supply. So if you are into rage store your bottles where heated discussions transpire. In the end result this is no big deal in comparison to what could happen to your water by processing it through municipal systems.
A potential victim does not have to be sensitive or clairvoyant to suffer effects by tainted water.
Many years ago I was at a symposium where an American naturopath was selling her wares through the medium of plastic rods filled with programmed water. Clients were coming to me so as to influence endorsed validation of this doctors product. They were surprised that although I had attended this woman's lecture and examined and tested her products I refused to back them. I stayed far away from her magic medicinal rods. The state of Texas where this therapist originated from had placed the good doctors products long ago in the quaker barrel. The result sent therapist to the far reaches of the earth to countries where she would not be legally prosecuted by selling her plastic wonders. By the way a suicide occurred in relation to the plastic imports which influenced a licensed naturopath in Europe to give bad advice to an hysterical client rather then send her to the hospital for treatment. Buyer beware water can be tainted and programmed with commands not known to the general populace.
A highly respected UK doctor recognized both in Europe and abroad requires an extensive study course with licensing to qualify as a therapist armed with a water programming unit used for treatment and cure of pathologies which have been successfully eradicated in cases of numerous patients worldwide. This programmable technology has been in the hands of aberrant commoners for decades used to bring down populations. No lie no exaggeration guard your water supply or suffer potential fatal consequences.
Primitive warfare is no longer profitable as the infrastructure which produces product and profit is dismantled. Know the enemy. Passive fat, dumb and happy docile subjects are the result of new forms of warfare. Warfare right in your face and under your noses.
Do not question or challenge authority. Drink up and be stupidly merry.
Or urinate the stuff out and clean up your act.
I Robot Not
©2012 Kevin Wilson PsyD PhD
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