What you will need to reboot your brain:
3 individual stacks of sticky notes, not just 3 sticky notes 3 STACKS, you will need all 3, you can get a 3 pack for a dollar some places.
writing utensil
blank sheet(s) of lined paper
patience and free time.

Great way to shut up the chit chatter and organize ideas and thoughts just like organizing files in a computer.
Step 1
With first stack of sticky notes, you will write down everything you want. Yes, EVERYTHING! it can be material, it can be a feeling, it can be a person, it doesnt matter, theres no limits, this is for you...Keep going until you wrote down EVERYTHING you want in life. short term, long term, etc. Once you feel that you are done with your wants, put it somewhere hidden and take a five minute break.
Step 2
The second stack of sticky notes you will write down everything you need to do. Try your best to not get it confused with your wants. Your immediate to long term needs is what we're looking for here. Remember! EVERYTHING! Once you are done put the needs list somewhere in another different hidden spot and take a 5 minute break.
Step 3
The third and final stack will be your fears list. You will see how this all connects later on. Write down on the sticky pads all of your fears. This could be anywhere from fear of spiders to fear of dying from diabetes. It doesn't matter. You're the only judge of this. Write down EVERYTHING! Once you've wrote down all of your fears put that list somewhere separate from all of the other pads and take a 10 minute break.
Step 4
Now gather all of your sticky notes, from the wants to the needs to the fears and read everything you wrote OUT LOUD. Very important that you read them out loud.
Step 5
Once you've done that you are going to look at your fears list and find solutions to what you are afraid of via your wants and needs list. For example, If you FEAR of becoming fat and lazy but you think you NEED to get a gym membership you've now found a solution to your fear. Make sense? Once you've found a solution to a fear cross it out until you've crossed out the majority if not all of your fears.
Step 6
The last but most key essential step of the process is to Prioritize. So look at your need list and prioritize them from most important to least important. Than do the same with your wants if you'd like. The needs is vital, however the wants might tie into it. So it's all at your discretion.
So when you complete this process you will have a clear understanding of what you want, need, and what you are afraid of. You will also find solutions to your fears and prioritize all of your input listed. Let me tell you, this exercise will blow your mind and make you feel great. It will almost feel as if you are floating when you complete this task. I look forward to hearing the results once you are through.

Views: 446

Replies to This Discussion

do we have to be as detailed as possible or can we be very general since we are always wanting something else and we are constantly changing and wanting variety. i think it could be summed up. i feel as though i would be writing forever if i had to write down what i needed and wanted. to me needs feel a little like wants also lol. this is cool...

Stay in the now, What would you ultimately want and need now that would expand your situation ? Theres things that you need to do, perhaps you have been putting off? such as call someone, pay that bill etc. And things you want like some new clothes, you are the judge of what you feel you need and what you want..



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