Intensity is one of the keys to ascension, or the expanding of self through experience.

Intensity is one of the keys to ascension, or the expanding of self through experience.


It bothered me why there are many methods for ascension, to name a few I know:


1, Raising Energy levels, 2, Absolute Devotion, or 3, Expanding Awareness


Then after yesterdays final realisation I knew all these methods had one thing in common, from my perspective - Intensity. 1, Raising inner energy to be so intense it leaves the body, 2, Devotion with such intensity/focus/attention, 3, Awareness of everything to such an intense level you expand to leave the physical form.


Whatever you do, do it on a hugely embracing, or rather empowering scale. If you sit there and meditate, be all that you can in that moment. Feel and live all that you can. Be the energy inside at every moment, let it grow, expand not contract. Go deeper, or more silent, or smaller, or more expansive and further than ever before, live!


Out for a walk:

Awareness: If you can walk down the road, reaching out to know all that is around you, the birds, the trees, the atoms within the trees, the energy within the atoms. The communication between each of these things, on the micro and macro level. How it all fits together in the spiral of life, as it grows and grows, into conscious expansion. How you grew from all of these things, every atom in your body rotating, growing, empowering, splitting. Need I go on?, no but you might :). This would be an intense walk.

I have had a walk today where I was cultivating intense joy, it literally almost spilled into tears from walking alone, and everyone I met turned my way to engage with me, the smile wasn't fixed to feel happy, it was to stoke that fire and joy. This is just one simple example :).


I now know more of why the Mona Lisa smiled so much (Thank you Mike it was a dual lesson returned ;) ).

Not to feel happy, she smiled to raise the intensity of the moment. If that is your focused goal, intensity, intensity, intensity and positive action you'll literally start to explode forward when you have the right energy linked up. 


If you pour yourself forward, everything into helping others as Sevan and others here are doing, you will feel intensity, this is why I was able to generate 20 minutes or so of bliss, and why the raw emotion comes forth in the care and attention he gives us all in his recordings :) And when I say bliss I felt, I mean mind numbing, absolutely, tears, crying like a baby in joy that I cannot express in words. That is the intensity you need to leave the body, and that is why everything I do now I will be building it, from a balanced perspective.

Only send out what you can deal with.


Probably the most potent video I have linked yet, hope it helps some beings on the way! 




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