Ok, this is right in our faces. They don't even care anymore, and this is proof.

Take the word "illuminati" and spell it backwards. You will get "itanimulli"

Now, make it a link: www. itanimulli. com

It's a working link to The National Security Agency's website.

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Of course they don't care anymore, In fact, they know we know. Just look at some of the movies and commercials they purposely put out.

Great find Sweexy!
Woah, great find there as well. That was just blatant.

I guess there's no more smokescreen, folks. We have officially go their "goat". lol
totally agree check how they use this charger commercial...
Now this is getting mental..!
Not to mention if any "Joe" just did that they would be kindly knocking on his door or at least giving him a ring telling him to undue it. More importantly Godaddy registered it somewhere around September 11th so who knows. I just take it for the value it is, its there, the trail is hot, We must keep digging, did I mention it was also fun?
Lol is that the guys face there? You guys are real sleuths, whoa. Was that on his facebook or something?
Whoa you guys are really on it!

Great job! So it was a hack job afterall, but I agree with Sevan. The government wouldn't allow just anyone to create a redirect to their site. Especially a gov agency? Oh yeah they would have definitely been on that dude's a$$ if they weren't happy with his link.
i stumbled onto this by accident a few weeks ago, it has facebook links and all. to hide in plain sight comes to mind
Wow! This was crazy when i saw this myself. But hey it only confirms that they know who they are and what they're admitting to be. It's up to the public to know and get with the program and get theirselves together.
it and I am you to hell with I. itanimulli

I see it's been a while since thelast post. Just want to say hi to all since I'm a newbie here... Hi :)


This is an excellent find sweexy although it doesn't suprise me anymore. They just like to boast with their "power". Someone mentioned they start monitoring you if you go to the NSA website. Actually they monitor you through automated sofware responding to keywords etc. I myself did some research for my college diploma on 9/11, terrorism and God knows what not and soon after I got monitored by the US Army Informations Center (I live in Slovenia btw):

This is a program u can download for free called Peerblock. While not aware you are constantly being monitored in your activity on the computer. Mostly for the advertising and marketing, and research purposes, but as you can see, also for other reasons. Your computer is being contacted by a server that gets back requested information. They have access codes to your operating systems so they can monitor you. You would be surprised who is watching you right now... Try it and protect your privacy. If you can block them, why not ;)

oh.geez..this is shocking



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