Just wanted to clarify WHO IS WHO within the spiritual levels.

Innerstanding we are MULTI Dimension Beings.

Can anyone give me some assistance on where they see or innerstand the dimensions or frequency

How many levels.3...7...12...? or 144..? or Infinite

Where do these aspects/ facets of our being reside other then inner/core center

Innerstanding that its all ONE..Nothing becoming Something..but fragmented down thru the levels


2-Higher Self


or is the Soul all of it (oversoul/higherself/ego) innerstanding Spirit is all of it but once the fragment

within each level or frequency you have a version of Light Being because we are in a Light Construct learning to create with LIGHT and remember we are all of it....(ET/ANGEL/BEING) right from the top down the EGO/Self is present in all forms/BEINGNESS.

I have a theory, lets say there are 12 dimensions and we are right now the 3rd Dimension focusing our energy/life stream into this body into one singularity which is your STORY/EGO and to incorporate the other energies into this VEHICLE should be called ascension and descension. So only 3rd of our over all energy is here or suppressed/controlled here. The rest of us are fragmented up thru the levels on every dimension thru 12.

And we are the 13 dimension...its actual not levels but frequency shifts, its all in one big vortex/spiral so its 12 around 1....the Jesus Story.

So when you see a light being/ angle/ ET you are seeing an aspect/ facet of yourself as that BEING who is helping you to remember all your 12 facets.

So where is the Oversoul is it even in the CUBE or is it out of the CUBE and the Higher Self is the one in the Box with the EGO/Story and the 12 other aspects of SELF.

Or is it all outside of the box and the illusion is that we are in the box looking at this from the Outside in...that we are not moving AHEAD or UP or OUT in time but we came back in time to help ourselves remember there is no BOX we only THINK there is and that is the illusion? its a closed LOOP.The Control/Cage that the body is the container holding the experience/ perception/Story

I am at a point in my perception that when I look at anyone I know its me, speaking to me as them listening to me trying to wake them up from who they think they are. Even when I meet someone new they are a mirror of me/aspect of me to remember what needs to be remembered...not learned but unlearned.

I could be wrong its just a theory...lol

Is there a technique to get all the fragments of our being I think Sevan had spoke about this in a 2012 show real Shamans can do this.

Love to hear your thoughts.

Thank you for the responses

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There is no box but so many on both sides of their divide would have you run the program that one exists, that their way is the only way, its all the same micro macroed out in a different guise. - Gratitude Manifested and sent for the reminder.

It doesn't become breaking the box but instead, out growing it piece by piece, through integration (energetic/mental/physical)



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