wholeness and balance to you my friends,

lately i have been seeing a sequence of 11:11, 1234, 10:10, etc i would like to ask if any one of you have seen these sequences  and what do these numbers mean i searched the web and no one seems to really know or i am not fully satisfied with the answers seems like people i just guessing, if anyone knows what this mean please clarify the meaning behind these numbers,

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I have been seeing the same sequence of 11:11 as well as 111, 444, 333, 555, 777, 1212 but mostly 11:11 from my research it says something about DNA activation or some digital time code here's some links hope this helps http://www.crystalinks.com/11.11.html and http://www.maya12-21-2012.com/dna-activation.html although I would love to find out more info on this myself

I have the same thing with 10/10 and 20/20...but i'm starting to see some answers

There is a big answer and a smaller answer. Its just me trying to give it to you in a way that is going to be of use. Because if it doesn't have any grounding here then it'll be nonesense.

Short answer - Spirit trying to connect or rather integrate with body.

Longer answer. Imagine you are seeing the the edges of a grid, your hitting them almost, its a bit square, its not really lining up right. Something in your life is missing, days drag on and don't seem to get you anywhere, or not where you want to be anyway, you lack energy, you lack spin. The wheels on the chakras and the body are not turning, not even wobbling perhaps, certainly not moving like your birthright as creators should have them move. Welcome to ascension :), where when your lined up inside and out, things don't even have to be changed around you, they change. It takes grit determination, dealing with your urges, dealing with the constant toxic load on the body, putting your emotions in check, quelling the mind or stepping into the observer, and so on. Resist the old patterns and your a programmer. Meditate in the storm and your a healer. Say no to the old triggers and you walk as a Master. 11:11 - All things in Duality.

The exact meaning is going to be from your eyes not mine, but I hope it helps get you started, this is just my interpretation of it all, and perhaps a little bit of flowery language :). Yours will be your own words, and your own heart.

<3 I find your explanation beautiful and inspiring. Thanks!

The longer explanation was truly from my eyes, I still dont know what the numbers are telling me.

Of course another short version would be to say, to look into numerology :)

It can, and should, be very personal but I have found that these numbers seen on a regular basis takes the meaning that you are on the right path.

Here is a great lecture from a guy who takes a ton of info from my fave Carl Jung.

Carl Jung is my fave too! This video is no longer available. Could you please share the name of the lecturer? Thanks!

its a strange coincidence that this is the first thread I read as I am brand new to the resistance. my first page comment was made at 11:11 and it was 11 hours ago. it was weird.
They are from religious text books.
Hi. I found it helpful to research numerology. I see 11 11alot & 10 just today. Type Angel number and the number youre inquiring about in Google. I find it accurate in an innate way. Hope it helps.

I am going through seeing triple and doubles of the same numbers (0-9) in addition to seeing 1212, 1010.  When seeing the numbers it means that  one is in alignment with higher consciousness and is manifesting. This is an amazing time for anyone seeing such.  Share your wisdom where it applies. 



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