Date of Creation: April 22, 2009

Mission Statement

Welcome to the Resistance my name is Sevan and it is Our continuing mission to bring the final phases of true enlightenment to those who feel they are ready to ascend beyond in this lifetime. Our efforts are focused around the highest esoteric knowledge and application or alchemy of the body. As the power must be placed in the hands of the people, We resist all gods and have the Creator as Our focal point. Our ultimate goal is to allow true reality, which is actuality, to reach the minds of the youth who have been sent to Our world to handle what We are to face in the future as a Species.

Who are We?

We are you at your level of graduation. We have walked many paths to ascension and are able to help you on whatever level you are currently engaged in. We are the beacon in the dark lighting your way to your next supernatural experience. We have assisted many in collecting their energy to break the illusion, thus We operate outside of the Illusion and many will find that their discovering Our existence at this point is far from coincidence, which there is no such thing.

Where does this all come from?

In life We have discovered deeper portals of truth and life beyond this frequency which We will call 3D. As man has showed externally that he is more fascinated with the discoveries of Outerspace, We began Our discoveries in “Inner”space which is where high knowledge can be found and one simply needs a correctly calibrated body to begin travel, rather than billions of dollars worth of metal and plastic. So much of what you see here has been extracted from outside of time, meaning it will not only show relevance in this world but in the next, as much of the information presented is the language of hyperspace.

What should I do next?

As this is a virtual community filled with individuals from various walks of life extending across the far reaches of the globe the first thing is to fill out your profile correctly. Esoteric knowledge level, current abilities, and experiences are all valuable in assisting Us in determining what you may have interfaced with already and what direction will generate the greatest benefit on your ever quest.

There has been a method developed here that works as a default and will need very little fine tuning. As We do not exist in time it is of most value that you get started as soon as possible. A simultaneous approach We feel will bring you into “the know” much more swiftly.

This includes educating yourself with the book the Code to the Matrix available for free download at various points on the site including the first page and under the forum tab. This information will bring you present to what is happening in this world from ancient times to this very moment. It will also give you a Cipher which gives you the ability to “decode” your life for its true meaning and the depth of your existence individual and collective.

As We work with mind and body there are a few things that can be done to the body to produce rapid results in levels of comprehension and physical experience of a spiritual nature, this is:

• A half tablespoon of baking soda in the morning to Alkalize the body and rid it of accumulated acidic toxins.
• Avoiding products laden with Fluoride, mainly toothpaste, in which you can substitute baking soda. Food Grade hydrogen peroxide 35% is also useful for strengthening gums etc. (please follow dilution instructions when using this substance.)
• MMS – Miracle Mineral Substance is hands down the “cure all” for the various ailments a person faces physically and mentally. This substance can be used to purify tap water, eradicate pathogens within the body, kill bacteria within the colon and intestinal line that effects consciousness, as it oxidizes the body. This is the equivalent to hours of deep breathing. You can find this substance located on the “Store” tab, very inexpensive, very effective.
• Chakra centers as mentioned in the book can also be cleaned with the application of various crystals placed on the chakra centers before sleep. There is no specific layout, one is encouraged to make a trip to a local crystal store and allow the particular crystals for you to lead you to them. As crystals are one of the purest living substances here in 3D, you will find great adventures in being acquainted with them.
• You will also find various frequencies uploaded in the Forum section entitled “Downloadable Tools”. These frequencies will help awaken chakras, balance Auric energy, tune your ears to other wavelengths, and open higher channels of communication. As everyone’s experience is unique there is nothing required except that you just play the tones during times of focus or relaxation and see what happens.
• For those who wish to find something for all immediate senses including visual, they can locate “full spectrum” lights or color lighting, preferably soft pastel colors, to change the configuration and mood of the body and mind.
• Lastly we recommend that you locate some “pure” essential oils. While sampling them We suggest you close your eyes and “smell” the experience. When you find the oil that brings you into memories that you don’t necessarily remember, you have found a trigger.

Keep in mind you do not have to do all of what is listed above to gain total experience. In each of these methods you will find benefits as they cater to sight, hearing, spell, and touch. There are other treats you will find the deeper you get into the site especially in the archives or older forum posts, video, photos, etc.

As you can see Our objective is to present everything that We know works for growing the spirit body to allow it to break free of the cube and its normality’s. One of Our primary objectives is to awake the Superhuman or Homo Luminous. This is not a mere idea and We have in fact awaken many of the stages of the advanced Being within individuals associated with the site, including myself. So thus We are speaking from actual experience and not from mere data.

We are here for you on your incredible journey that will be the most exciting time of your life as you will be awake. If you feel the urge to contribute to Our cause and continuation you can find the donation button on the bottom of the first page. All contributions are greatly appreciated as they allow Us to formulate more effective strategies in raising the total consciousness of the people.
Here are recent questions that I often address so I will start putting the questions and answers here so I can refer people to this post.
1.How do I properly mix/use MMS?
2.How do decalcify my pineal gland?
3.How do I obtain a physical copy of The Code To The Matrix?
4.How long should I go through the cleansing process with MMS, before I begin the use of monotomic gold?
5.How can a cleanse my body completely?
1. MMS should be mixed 5 drops in a gallon of water and allowed to site for 24 hours. This water should be your regular drinking supply as it will not contain fluoride or bacteria after the treatment.

2. Gotu Kola will assist you the most in decalcifying the pineal gland. Also herbs such as Alfalfa, Oregano, Parsley, Cilantro, etc. Include lots of these herbs in food.

3. The Code to the Matrix has not been printed in mass. So you will have to refer to the post "The Code to the Matrix" Printable Edition and have it printer as the black background has been changed to white to preserve ink.

4. Monatomics will accelerate the process and should be taken as soon as possible.
For much more detailed information in regards to Supplements click "here"
5. One of the greatest questions, be sure to take a good review of the Complete Internal Cleansing Kit by clicking "here"
Wholeness and Balance Vibration!
James Evans Bomar III
Founder of the Planetary Resistance

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just wanna say thanks Sevan for the info , and accepting me into the group ! Wholeness and Balance to all....

Thanks spiritwalker ...
Hello. sorry for my english, I have come here not to empower my self, but to serve mankind.
thank you for the advises, but the path to enlightment is diferent for each person.
something can work on some people, but not for all.
this is not the time to follow any guru ot messias, but the time to graduate from this reality.
we have the chance to do this ascension really quicly now thanks to the streams of energy that are reaching this planet at this time.
we are servers of the divine plan, we have a mission.
we have to be the bridge betwin the old world and the new world.
You will know them by their fruits.
¿what is your action plan?
DUE TO THE UNPRECEDENTED SPIRITUAL ACTIVITY that is presently unfolding upon the planet, our globe has become a busy nucleus of activity for interested parties originating from other planets, galaxies and dimensions. Members of various interstellar confederations have moved closer to Earth in order to assist with the now imminent Great Transition, which shall positively affect all life on our world.

The memories and higher faculties of certain individuals are just today returning to them, and they are beginning to recall the purpose of their incarnation, their duty to humanity and to planet Earth. They are becoming aware of the close attendance of legions of incorporeal divine Emissaries, the exalted ranks to which they inherently belong. They are remembering that they are an essential part of a vast collective effort and tremendously important task, the scope of which stretches back across millions of years and a myriad of past lifetimes upon Earth and elsewhere, all geared toward the forthcoming and conclusive glory. In their remembrance, they are perceiving that they are about to realise the grand consummation of a vital phase of the Divine Plan for Earth, the solar system and beyond.

The Servers are awakening, and they are taking up their positions as agents of the New Spirit in order to play an active role within today's expanding world-consciousness around the planet.

So beautifully written it makes me want to cry. Ans so true.  I love you.

Thank you for sharing your knowledge and time!
Is there a particular brand that I should buy or stay away from?
good advice.. I use MMS quite a lot, and have been brushing my teeth in baking soda for quite a while... have not tried hydrogen peroxide but will as my gums are not so good.

I am not sure how I found this site but joined ... looking forward to having a nose around.
Iam very excited to be among other positive people that are doing things that I know are possible and allow me to do me for lack of a better phrase.
...the movement is home and home is heart.

~peace and foresight family
I know I've came to the right place! I'm ready.
Can't wait to dig in!



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