I think everyone should be on this theraphy. Especially in the time period were in now. I been praticing it for awhile and through my own experiments this is truly the answer to many of the body's problems. Im pretty sure UT raises your frequency and Chi through my own experiences. Proven that Urine is actually a by product of blood it thus carries most of its characteristics. Its about time we realize that free 24/7 life force is available to us all the time. We should be grateful for this blessing are body produces. A natural Medicine made especially for you. UT is acts as a serious detoxifier, one who pratices this theraphy will be extremely cleansed of toxins. Im pretty sure it even helps in detoxifying the pineal gland. When meditating one day i thought about how man descending from his original state. Breatharian to Liguidarian to Fruitarian to Vegetarian to Meat Eaters. and it hit me, could urine possibly be our primary food source second to the sun? because it contains all the nutrients your body needs. The true diet that respects all living things. Plus its the closest to our natural non eating state.

Through my experience I'll share some of my changes
Skin and Hair becomes youthful, radiates a shine, very healthy
Senses Increase dramatically
For those sensitive to their prana/chi/life force.. you feel a dramatic increased!!!!
Happier "its rather hard not to be"
Extremely more energy
People will notice your powerful energy, you will yourself
attraction from opposite sex.. *trust me*

man on the real there so many benefits i just named a few hopefully to motivate people to open there minds and remember this ancient pratice we all used to do. Amnesia sucks!!!

for more information check this out

http://goodmanlivingwell.com/urine.htm   (packed with information)

and heres a ebook http://www.shirleys-wellness-cafe.com/shivambu.pdf (for those that read more than articles lol)

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When you reingest urine.. it makes urine a sort of vaccine.. because present in the urine is a blueprint of all the activities which occured in ya blood.. wether a weak virus.. or excess vitamim c.. Your urine will contain the solution to anything goin on in your blood at that specific moment.. so if u had a virus in ya bloodstream.. in ur urine will contain the anti bodies used to combat it..

so in otherwords ur urine contains everything ur body needs to neutralize ur blood at the exact moment..
i just recently (past several months), got into UT and don't ingest it often enough, but when i do, i can attest to the other advocates. it is nothing short of miraculous! i use it on my face and it clears up any skin blemishes and tones and softens. i'm a teacher and am always picking up something from the kids. the moment i am feeling sick, i will begin to drink the midstream morning urine and i feel better within 24 hours.

when i get my menses, i actually get bummed that i can't drink my urine. for those who are skeptical, i understand. it was REALLY difficult for me at first, but i will say if you can just give it a try for a week or two, the way you feel will rid you of the conditioned biases. there is TONS of research on it as well.

i have a question for those of you who are full-fledge UT'ers :)

i am doing a heavy metal clease with cilantro, spirulina, garlic and fish oil and am wondering if i can safely drink my urine. i have not done it because i am afraid of autointoxication. am i correct to stay off of the UT while doing this clease? i am normally a vegetarian who backslides every now and then. when i do, i avoid ingesting urine. perhaps those who feel so strongly against it are responding to their own body wisdom...their bodies may be correct in telling them NOT to do it based on what they put into it. until they evolve to the place where it would be beneficial to them, perhaps it is their PERFECT TRUTH to avoid the practice.

when you're ready, though...i will say that UT is magical!!!

i will also like to add that drinkin your urine when on menses is completely safe and harmless.. theres nothing in the menstrual fluid that is harmful to the body if it happened to be reingested with your urine..

i just recently (past several months), got into UT and don't ingest it often enough, but when i do, i can attest to the other advocates. it is nothing short of miraculous! i use it on my face and it clears up any skin blemishes and tones and softens. i'm a teacher and am always picking up something from the kids. the moment i am feeling sick, i will begin to drink the midstream morning urine and i feel better within 24 hours.

when i get my menses, i actually get bummed that i can't drink my urine. for those who are skeptical, i understand. it was REALLY difficult for me at first, but i will say if you can just give it a try for a week or two, the way you feel will rid you of the conditioned biases. there is TONS of research on it as well.

i have a question for those of you who are full-fledge UT'ers :)

i am doing a heavy metal clease with cilantro, spirulina, garlic and fish oil and am wondering if i can safely drink my urine. i have not done it because i am afraid of autointoxication. am i correct to stay off of the UT while doing this clease? i am normally a vegetarian who backslides every now and then. when i do, i avoid ingesting urine. perhaps those who feel so strongly against it are responding to their own body wisdom...their bodies may be correct in telling them NOT to do it based on what they put into it. until they evolve to the place where it would be beneficial to them, perhaps it is their PERFECT TRUTH to avoid the practice.

when you're ready, though...i will say that UT is magical!!!
Thanks *Queen* for your great contribution to this discussion. through u sharing ur experiences with this ancient pratice, u may have motivated or cracked these tough cookies to be open minded.

and with your question.. Urine is abosulutely safe to drink no matter what u ingest. Even if u drunk poison, your urine is coming out safe to drink with a antidote. I will also like to say that if you plan on detoxifying ur system.. why dont u use solely urine. Urine itself is the most powerful body detoxifier.. leaving what u mentioned far inferior. But if u feel u gonna need back up for the detox feel free to add wateva..

Urine is beneficial regardless of diet.. even if u eat only steak.. urine will eventually purify your blood.. Im sure if people really did listen to their body's wisdom they'll be drinking it all up not wasting a cup.

i also suggest that u try to drink more of it zia.. carry a little cup in your purse.. the more urine the better.

much love.. Melanin
i have just recently found out that garlic is a poison...bad poison for the brain.


I'd recommend listening to oneradionetwork show by this researcher on heavy metal detoxing he doesn't recommend using cilantro spirulina etc worth a listen anyway for an alternative view...




Have you heard also of boyd Haley? and OSR?


 he has been interviewed by oneradionetwork also...


I heavily do UT too and plan to post on the topic when I've read all the way through :)

thanks melanated...and yeah, i keep a cup at work (hehe). i do innerstand the benefits of ingesting urine.

my question, however was more directly whether one REINGESTS THE HEAVY METALS (mercury, aluminum, lead etc.) that are being dispelled during a heavy metal cleanse, such as the one i am currently embarking on? it seems to me that if heavy metals are exiting one's body via the elimination channels, then one would reingest while drinking urine. how would you get rid of them if you keep reingesting them in your urine???

i've read a few "experts" on the subject say that in certain instances one should abstain. perhaps that's from their perspective, but such suggestions were during such a cleanse, eating heavy meat and junk food (poison) diets and taking lots of pharmaceuticals. as has already been mentioned here, there are stories of mayan and other men drinking the urine of women who have ingested ayahuasca or other sacred herbal elixirs, in order to get the full fledge psychadelic experience without the side effects. heavy metal are not substances which can be neutralized.

last week, i had the worst headache and joint pain which i KNOW came from the heavy metals being pulled out of organs and circulated through my system. i also recall when my urine flows have been heavier than normal, indicating to me that metals are passing through. just trying to get to the bottom of the contradictory views from different "experts". i hear you...you're die-hard ut'er, no matter what...hehe, but i'm trying to see what the objective data is regarding reingesting heavy metals and other poisons. i know the body can sterilize and neutralize virus and bacteria, but how do you neutralize a heavy metal??

outside of that, again, i am a die hard advocate and intuitively agree that urine provides your body with the perfect prescription at the time of ingestion. it also (even more impressive to me) provides a bit of essence (melanin), as i understand it, if ingested early in the morning (first urine) after you have been in deep sleep. that, to me, is pure gold and a spiritual elixir bar none!

honestly im not too sure of that one.. but i will tell you.. if not through urine the waste will be released via feces.. but just to be safe maybe you should take a week off.. or atleast still ur done with the cleanse..

and yes indeed that melanin drink my body produces is truly valuable.. im sure its not just the morning urine either.. but i do know the morning urine is most potent.

Have a listen to Dr David Jubb on this very topic... it is a 2 hour show will post link soon :)


he mentions that lungs, skin and No. 2's are much larger detox regions than the urine tract and should not be an issue...

Here is my response to the heavy metals question. After reading this, watch this video to see what I am talking about:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0WnQ6cfKrPU . Use a small pinch of Borax in an ounce of water to detoxify the fluoride in your body. Use an Iodine Tincture, and paint it on your feet bottoms at night 4 times a week before bed which will administer Iodine at safe levels into your body, and it will draw out the heavy metals and fluoride through the pores of your feet. Also, be sure to be taking Magnesium Chloride, Calcium, and Lecithin(found in egg yolk) supplements to replace what the Iodine draws out. According to the famous Edgar Cayce and his 4-element-theory, we are only made of four elements which make everything else: water, salt, soda, and iodine, and humans today simply have severe iodine deficiencies which leads to heavy metal build-up and disease. Also, to maintain the benefits, drink only pure distilled water. Also, maybe urine therapy should be practiced with a day on day off type of scenario, but I am still experimenting to figure out proper dosage for the highest levels of efficiency. Now, watch the video and be amazed. This was a similar question I had, and I think this is the answer to practicing urine therapy SAFELY without re-administering your body with the same heavy metals over and over. Diet is key with successful Urine Therapy. As Dr. Delbert Blair states, we are only products of what we eat, drink, and think.  * Hint: Here is where I figured out how to make my own Iodine tincture incredibly cheap: http://www.ehow.com/how_5933391_make-iodine-tincture.html , and here is where I purchased the kelp: http://www.vitacost.com/Starwest-Botanicals-Organic-Kelp-Powder .  This is where I get my Borax: http://www.acehardware.com/product/index.jsp?productId=3006766 . I bought 2 bottles of Magnesium Chloride and 2 lbs of organic kelp with a bottle of Gotu Kola, and the total cost was $32 after shipping.  Enjoy UT SAFELY!!

Sounds good info will definitely check this out.


BTW Dead Sea Salts from Waitrose are minimum 47% MgCl and are completely natural and about £10 for a kg. Also Bishoffit (spelling?) salts from Russia are mainly MgCl and are about £2 for 500ml in Russia though :)



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