Traditional Tibetan Drugs & Tibetan Psychopharmacology (Books)










This little handbook of selected Tibetan drugs is primarily
intended for the use of all those patients resorting to the
traditional Tibetan natural method of treatment. We hope
that it will not only dispel whatever misgivings these pa-
tients may have on those small "magical and sacred" pills
dispensed by the doctors, but also satisfy both their legal as
well as their moral right in knowing what exactly they are

Scholars and researchers of this tradition will also find the
handbook of immense use as it is for the very first time that
an attempt has been made to bring this ancient system of
medicine onto more scientific lines�an attempt that is both
essential and imperative if the system is to survive and
flourish in a modern scientific world.

From among thousands of Tibetan medical formulations,
we have selected the following 175 drugs because of their
popularity and easy availability. In fact, practically all these
drugs may be purchased from the manufacturers and prac-
titioners of Tibetan medicine in Bhutan, China, India,
Mongolia, Nepal, and Tibet.

We hope that many will benefit from this work and that it
will be a stepping stone towards further research and de-
velopment into these formulations which have, indeed, a
tremendous potential in contributing towards a more
rational and safer system of healthcare.

Tibetan Medical Publications

CONTENTS (Tibetan)



1. Agar 8- Eaglewood 8             1

2. A-gar l2            1

3. A-gar l5             2

4. A-gar l7             2

5. A-gar l9         3

6. A-gar 20             4

7. A-gar 31             4

8. Agar 35- Eaglewood 35            5

9. A-phyag Drug-thang        6

10. A-ru 7            7

11. A-ru lO        7

12. A-ru l8          8

13. A-ru        23    8

14. A-ru      25      9

15. A-ru 35            9

16. A�rusMan-nag      10

17. A-wa l5             10

18. A-zhi mNyam-bsres         11

19. Ain-dra bZhi-thang             11

20. Ang-bhi Drug-sbyor             12

21. Aug-chos 5                 12

22. Aug-chos 7                 12

23. Aut-pal 8             13

24. Bi-ma-la             13

25. Blon-po gSum-sbyor             14

26. Bong-dkar l3                     14

27. Bong-dkar bZhi-thang             15

28. Bong-dmar7                             15

29. Brag-khyung Ril-bu                 16

30. Brag-zhun9                             16

31. Bre-gal3                                17

32. Bu-bnzasTzan-danl8                 17

33. Bya-khyung sNgon-po                  18

34. Byi-thang 7                              18

35. 'Bam-sman 7                    19

36. 'Bam-sman 9                    19

37. 'Bol-sman 7                         20

38. 'Bras-bu gSum-thang             20

39. 'Brong-rtze A-gar 8           20

40. 'B'a-sam sMan-mar           21

41. 'B'a-sam rDo-rje Pha-lam  21

42. Chu-sman Ril-bu     22

43. Chu-tzi  25          22

44. Cong-zhi  6          23

45. Cong-zhi  21         23

46. Cong-zhi  35         24

47. Cong-zhi Ril-dkar    25

48. Cong-zhi gSum-sbyor 25

49. Cu-gang  4          26

50. Cu-gang  9          26

51. Cu-gang  25         26

52. Cu-gang bDe-byed Chung    27

53. Cu-gang bDe-byed 'Bring-ba   28

54. Cu-gang bDe-byed Che    28

55. ICags-phye INga-thang    28


      Formula                    Page

56. IChum-rtza  15       29

57. 'Chi-med Srin-sel    29

58. Da-Li 16-Rhododendron 16             30

59. Da-Li 18-Rhododendron 18             31

60. Dangs-ma gNas-sbyor 31

61. Dreg-thang          32

62. Dug-nyung bZhi-thang  32

63. Dza-ti20            33

64. bDe-byed sNyoms-Idan   33

65. bDe-myug         34

66. bDud-rtzi Ril-dkar   35

67. Ga-bur 25          35

68. Gar-nag 10          36

69. Gi-wang 9          36

70. Gi-wang l3         37

71. Glang-chen l8(l)     37

72. Glang-chen 18 (2)     38

73. Glo-sman bDud-rtzi'Chi-sos  39

74. Glo-tsad Kun-sel     39

75. Go-yul3           40

76. Go-yu dGu-sbyor    40

77. Grub-thob Ril-dkar   40

78. Gur-gum 8          41

79. Gur-gum 9           41

80. Gur-gum l3         42

81. Gur-gum mChog-bdun 42

82. rGun-'brum7(l)     43

83. rGun-'brum 7 (2)     43

84. rGya-ru l4          44

85. rGyam-tsa bZhi-thang 44

86. Ko-byil3           44

87. Khrag-'khrug Kun-sel  45

88. Khyung-lnga        46

89. Klu-bdudl8         46

90. dKar-po Drug-sbyor  47

91: sKyer-shun 8         47

92. sKyu-ru 25           48

93. 'Khrugs-glo Kun-sel 49

94. Li-khyung Ril-bu    49

95. Li-shi 6             50

96. Ma-nu bZhi-thang    50

97. Man-ngag bSil-sbyor 51

98. Mig-nad IDe-gu      51

99. Mig-sman sKyer-khen 52

100. sMan-nagl5         52

101. sMug-po gYul-rgyal 52

102. Nor-bu bDun-thang  54

103. Nor-sbyor          54

104. Nyi-ma'i dKyil-'khor 55

105. Nyi-zia Gyen-ldog   56

108. rNo-mchog 6         58

109. sNgo-sbyor rMa-sman 58

110. sNya-lo gSum-thang  58

111. 'ol-se 27            59

112. Pad-ma'Dab-brgyad   60

113. Phan-pa Kun-ldan    60

114. sPang-khrag Ril-bu  61

115. sPang-rgyan 10      61

116. sPang-rgyan 15      62

117. sPang-rtzi  l2       62

118. sPod-dkar lO         63

119. sPod-khyung l5      63

120. sPrin-bral Zla-zer  64

121. Ril-dmar            64

122. Ru-khyung Ril-bu    65

123. Ru-rta 6            65

124. Ru-rta lO            66

125. Ru-rta l3           66

126. Ru-zhi'i Ril-bu     67

127. Se-'bru 4           67


Formula             Page

128. Se-'bru 5         68

129. Se-'bru ll         68

130. Se-'bru l2         69

131. Se-'bru l5         69

132. Se-'bru 23             70

133. Se-'bru Kun-bde     71

134. Se-'bru Ril-dkar     71

135. Se-yab 6                     72

136. Sems kyibDe-skyid         72

137. Shing-kun 25                     73

138. Shing-kun Ril-bu             74

139. Shing-mngar 6                 74

140. sLe-tres gSum-thang         75

141. sLe-tres INga-thang         75

142. Srog-'dzin ll                         75

143. Sug-mel 10                             76

144. Zhi-gser Ril-bu                         76

145. bSam-'phel Nor-bu                 77

146. gSer-mdog 5                             78

147. gSer-mdog ll                         78

148. gSer-thang l8                         79

149. gSer-tig Ril-bu                         79

150. bSe-ru 25                                 80

151. Thang-chen 25                     81

152. Tik-ta 8                             81

153. Tik-ta 9                             82

154. Tik-ta 25                         82

155. Tik-ta INga-thang                 83

156. Tzan-dan 8                         84

157. Tzan-dan 9(l)                     84

158. Tzan-dan 9(2)                     84

159. Tzan-dan 10                     85

160. Tzan-dan 18                         85

161. rTa-zi dMar-po                 86

162. sTar-bu 5                             87

163. rTza-thag l3                             87

164. rTza-thag l6                             87

165. bTzan-dug 8                         88

166. gTzo-bo 8                             88

167. Ya-srin IO                             89

168. Yung-ba bZhi-thang             89

169. gYu-dril l3                             90

170. GYU-RNYING 25            90

171. gYu-thogChu-gang 25             91

172. Zangs-thal 25                             92

173. Zhi-byed 6                                 93

174. Zhi-byed 29                             93

175. Zla-shel Chen-mo                     94

Notes                                                  95

Transliteration 100

References 101


CONTENTS (English)

Formula                            Page

Aconite 8                         88

Aconite 13                         14

Amla 25                             48

Balancing Comforter         33

Bamboo Pith 4                    26

Bamboo Pith 9                     26

Bamboo Pith 25                 26

Barberry Bark 8                 47

Betel Nut 13                     40

Bhim Mitra                        13

Black Camphor 10                36

Black Medicine 15                 52

Black Medicinal Myrobalan    10

Blood Gentian Pill                      61

Blue Garuda Bird                            18

Blue Poppy 8                                13

Buckthorn 5                               87

'B'a-sam of Indestructible Diamond     21

Calcite 6                                     23

Calcite21                                    23

Calcite 35                                     24

Camphor 10                               63

Camphor 25                                35

Cardamom 10                           76

Carex 15                                    10

Chaenomeles 6                            72

Cinnamon 6                                 74

Cliff Garuda Pill 16

Cloud�Separating Moonbeams     64

Clove 6                                    50

Codonopsis 18                           46

Compound of Three Ministers            14

Continuously Comforting Pomegranate    71

Conqueror of sMug-po                            53

Cooling Formulation of Secret Oral Tradition    51

Copper Calcine 25                                92

Decoction of Chrysan-themum 6               6

Decoction of Elecampane 4                         50

Decoction of Polygonum 3                         58

Decoction of PowderedIron 5                  28

Decoction of Salt 4                                 44

Decoctional Felwort 5                              83

Decoctional Holarrhena 4                      32

Decoctional Tinospora 3                            75

Decoctional Tinospora 5                            75

Decoctional Turmeric 4                            89

Destruction of Undying Microorganisms        29

Devil's Dung 25          73

Devil's Dung Pill          74

Eaglewood 8              1

Eaglewood 12             1

Eaglewood 15             2

Eaglewood 17             2

Eaglewood 19             3


Formula                        Page

Eagle-wood 20                4

Eaglewood 31                 4

Eaglewood 35                 5

Eight Lotuses                60

Elephant 18(1)                   37

Elephant 18 (2)                  38

Eleven Holders of Life          75

Eliminator of all Lung Imbalances          49

Eliminator of Lung Inflammations          39

Embelia 7              18

Eye Medicine of Barberry Extract         52

Felwort 8    81

Felwort 9   82

Felwort 25  82

Formulation of Betel Nut 9         40

Formulation of Calcite 3           25

Formulation of Wealth              54

Four Decoctions of Aconite          15

Four Decoctions of Power           11

Gallstone 9                          36

Gallstone 13                      37

Garuda 5                              46

Garuda of Camphor 15       63

Gentiana 10                      61

Gentiana 15                          62

Golden Colour 5                  78

Golden Colour 11                 78

Golden Decoction 18          79

Gout Decoction                   32

Golden Felwort Pill             79

Grape 7(1)                  43

Grape 7(2)                  43

Grass-Rope 13               87

Grass-Rope 16               87

Great Crystal Moon              94

Great Decoction 25             81

Greater Comforting Bamboo Pith        28

Happiness of Mind         72

Herbal Formulation of Wound Medicine         58

Incarvillea 5                     12

Incarvillea 7                        12

Less Comforting Bamboo Pith           27

Maintainer of the Site of 18 Essences 31

Mandala of the Sun 55

Medicinal 'Bam 7 19

Medicinal'Bam 9                       19

Medicinal Butter 'B'a-sam                 21

Medicinal Softner 7                 20

Medium Comforting Bamboo Pith                 28

Mind-Increasing Jewel              77

Mixture of Pacifying Myrobalan            11

Most Excellent Safflower 7 42

Mountain Goat 14          44

Myrobalan 7       7

Myrobalan 10          7

Myrobalan 18            8

Myrobalan 23           8

Myrobalan 25            9

Myrobalan 35               9

Myrobalan 8 of 'Brong-tze          20

Nine Divisions of Eye Disorders            51

Nutmeg 20                     33

Old Turquoise 25                  90


Formula                    Page

Pacific 6                          93

Pacific 29                              93

Pacifying Herpetospermum Pill 76

Parturient Sandalwood                 18

Pill of Clove Garuda                      49

Pill of Medicinal Fluids             22

Pill of Pacifying Saussurea              67

Pill of Saussurea Garuda              65

Podophyllum 27                           59

Possessing All Benefits                 60

Pomegranate 4                                  67

Pomegranate 5                              68

Pomegranate 11                              68

Pomegranate 12                              69

Pomegranate 15                              69

Pomegranate 23                               70

Principal 8                                       88

Pterocephalus 12                              62

Pulmonary Medicine of Death-Healing Nectar      39

Red Aconite 7                                  15

Red Pill                                               64

Red Pony                                           86
Reed of Comfort                               34

Rhino 25                                            80

Rhododendron 16                              30

Rhododendron 18                              31

Rhubarb 15                                       29

Rhubarb 25                                       22

Rolled Turquoise 13                          90

Safflower 8                                         41

Safflower9                                          41

Safflower 13                                   42

Sandalwood 8                                84

Sandalwood 9(1)                              84

Sandalwood 9 (2)                              84

Sandalwood 10                                    85

Sandalwood 18                                    85

Saussurea 6                                        65

Saussurea 10                                       66

Saussurea 13                                66

Seven Precious Decoctions                  54

Sharpest 6                                           58

Shilajit9                                                16

Sinusal Microorganism 10                   89

Six Compounds of Ang-bhi                   12

Six White Formulations                         47

Subduer of All Blood Disorders                 45

Thiaspi 13                                                    17

Triple-Fruit Decoction                                 20

Upward-Returning Sun and Moon                 56

White Pill of Calcite                                 25

White Pill of Nectar                                 35

White Pill of Pomegranate                         71

Yogic's White Pill                                         40

gYu-Thog's Bamboo Pith 25                         91



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