Once again I find that our greatest hindrance is ignorance and being saturated with those who refuse to tell or live the Truth. Summon your courage once more and protect what we have worked so long to build, Our Planet, Our Universe.


A series of books have already been written about the nature of the Fallen Reptilians and their lowered state, their jealous against humanity and their unceasing attempts to make us fail but they are liars and now the Truth is upon us.


I'm most grateful in having the opportunity to bring this to you, this is the first time this book has been OCR* and put into audio format as the Resistance continues to do its part for humanity tirelessly I wanted to thank all for making me who I am and allowing me to do something that truly has meaning beyond self.


I will be posting the other books also in the same format I only ask time as these conversion processes are lengthy. The other books include Jivaro and Hallucinogens and Shamans. I'm also attempting to locate Outside of Time but it appears it is not available anywhere, but I will do my best. Wholeness


The Way of the Shaman by Michael Harner (e-Book)


The Way of the Shaman by Michael Harner (Audio)


*OCR - Optical Character Recognition

When a book is scanned in it cannot be read by a computer thus it cannot be searched or digitally read by a text to speech software. Running a document through an OCR process allows it to be read.


The Way of the Shaman Harner OCR Edition Resistance 2010

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Thank you brother I know its been a mission to get this one out but now its here YEE! thanks again for this, Amazing image Is that the one you were telling me about

Wholeness never pieces

Attempting to use audio link, but it will not work. Not sure if it is just me??  The Google comes up for that link and the e-book link. 


Timely info here seeing as a Peruvian shaman visited me in my dreams 2 nights ago.   

Links appear to be working may want to try right clicking and selecting "save as" or try this

Great.  This works.


Good read so far.  The audio and text really helps with absorption.  I'm getting that "I can't put this book down"


Thank you for your efforts Sevan,





I stumbled on an interesting animation series a few months back... very similar themes:

*for anyone who's interested anyway.


*Tanada is a herbalist training to be a Shaman - he goes in for a soul retrieval to heal a girl, but finds himself stuck in the  spirit world/  SSC (book term).


*The woman's name is Balsa; a spear wielding the book, Micheal Harner carries a "Balsa staff" for protection while in the jungle..


Reptilian Connection: Merovee" (merovingian connection) - "sea beast" with "blue blood" who wants to be worshiped..."They came from the sea..."  They also seem to be in the from the spiritual world/  the "SSC".


@ 5:20:



Hey Jon, Balsa is telling a story of JIGARO, the man that raised her and protected her. Notice the similarity to JIVARO the title of a book that Sevan mentioned as part of the series of books by this same author??? Odd huh?!


They said many are called, but few are chosen. I know for sure you are chosen to help humanity, and your brothers and sisters. Thank you again Sevan.
Thank you for this sevan, I'm only 2 hours in and this man's adventure is absolutely amazing, wholeness and vibrations
My wife and I have been watching this Japanese animation a couple of shows per night. Wow! Sevan, what a CO-INCIDINCE!!! Synchronicity ROCKS!!!!
This series is available at NETFLIX live streaming.  Please search.... MORIBITO  and you will find it. Good luck watching it in sequence as the title is too long and the series doesn't seem to be listed in order. We love this movie. We think the same people that produced directed and acted in Avatar, the Last Avatar or something like that.


Dear Sevan. Thank you for the download. What a gift!... Does this book reval a certain message for us to take away?



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