REAL FOOD THOUGHT

This post has been generated to clarify many misunderstanding about Monatomics, Monatomic Gold, and ORMUS. As I spoke of before there seems to be a trend taking place with these so-called spiritual instructors that they must find something new to talk about everyday so they have taken to demonizing everything that will assist people in entering higher states of conscious.


This has included MMS, Monatomics, Chakras, and even Meditation itself. It is correct to say that extreme excess, improper application, and incorrect technique of any of these things may result in side effects but this is common sense.


Too much MMS equals a great deal of trips to the bathroom, so one can follow the instructions on the bottle itself to avoid improper high doses recommended by people attempting to cure full blown diseases. The confusion with Monatomics right now is everyone attempting to use the same name to explain difference types of Monatomics which is highly dependent upon the Alchemist developing the substance. 


Incorrect or unbalanced Chakra activation has been known to cause an accompanying imbalance within the applicant but alas this becomes a part of the lesson itself. Many have also heard of the dangers of Kundalini energy that is built up in the meditations such as the Breath of Fire and the results of overloading the body with this energy. So here is the complete knowledge of these substances and there uses throughout history.


Monatomics - Elements having one atom in the molecule. This can be brought about through natural occurrences in nature or through laboratory procedures generally carried out by a chemist. This is where common sense comes in. You can find Monatomics in many places such as volcanic soil, dried up river beds, and even in your own urine. So how all of a sudden does something we have been using naturally for ages and is even produced by our own bodies become a way to keep us from ascending? Simple answer, they are wrong, and confused.


In addition what about elements that are far more harmful than Monatomics such as alcohol? Either someone is attempting to demonize Monatomics or they are confusing Monatomics with another substance.



What you will find in Monatomics is a combination of many trace minerals in there Monatomic state. The minerals are generally much needed within the body as they are seldom found in food especially the normal western diet. Generally people whole live in Volcanic regions ingests a fair amount of Monatomics since food is often grown in volcanic soil which contains natural Monatomics. 


As I have explained in the past certain substance such as Cobalt/B12 the body cannot live without and cannot get from everyday food. In the event the body gets Cobalt it will store it for up to 9 years just to be sure it has the small minute measure it needs to balance you bodies chemistry. In the event you run out of Cobalt in your body extreme depression ensues even to the point of self termination.


It is the same with many Monatomics listed in this chart, although the symptoms may not be as severe many imbalances in memory, energy, comprehension and much more are caused by deficiencies. So regular Monatomics such as those provided on the Resistance site from Harmonic Innerprises are like advanced daily vitamins containing nutrients that you do not generally ingest daily in a normal lifestyle but your body is in desperate need of. Also research Trace Minerals.




In conclusion you will find these Monatomics very safe and enhancing with no devastating drawbacks. In addition it is virtually impossible to overdose on this type of Monatomic. The most that you can do is cause a really big headache and some very strange dreams. General administrative directions should be followed.


Monatomic White Gold -This now gets us closer to the controversy and even I have corrected my terminology when referring to Monatomic substances when possible without causing even more confusion to the subject. A general rule of thumb is if the bottle/vial costs less than what the weight of the substance would be in gold than there is no way it can be 99.9% pure Monatomic gold. Gold is $1402 per oz.


The difference you will find with Monatomics and Monatomic White Gold is obvious. One contains various trace minerals in their Monatomic State while the other is pure gold in its Monatomic state. Products such as "Etherium Gold" provided by us contain very small traces of gold, so little it can hardly be considered enough to be categorized as pure Monatomic White Gold.


To explain Monatomic Gold I would have to first explain Gold (play /ˈɡld/). Here is a little secret about gold. Gold is formed from the a supernova nucleosynthesis process. This is basically when a star goes supernova and ejects its particles into another developing planetary system which eventually becomes gold deposits. So it is a fact that Gold comes from stars.


This now gets you closer to why gold at one point was said to be as plentiful as sand in Egypt. Could ingesting pure gold be an act of eating a Star Essence? In ancient alchemical treaties it often referred to different types of gold such as Uphaz gold. There was such a difference described in these golds it was said that it would be the greatest integer in determining if whether the Alchemist would be successful in forming the Philosopher's Stone.


Personally I have gone to the end of the Grail quest and I have seen the lies contained within it and how it leads one eventually to, surprise, the Anunakki once again. At this point I have also come to the conclusion that many people professing to be teachers in this field are drones following the mainstream of data being shoveled out to them.


They tend to have very little input that comes from their own experience as they have been following this version of the Grail persistently with groups of individuals over time. Generally the one who has the most money finds out the most as they have the ability to travel to the grounds of the Druids and Templars to gather more of the real information. 


From the outside looking in it is easy to tell they have remained in their child like phases of stories involving wizards, elves, fairies, castles etc. allowing that to totally blind them from the obvious, which is what those words really mean.The Wizards are Lizards the Elves work for El the Fairies are from the Fire and only the elite class live in Castles high in the caste system.


The entire Control Agenda involves keeping very equipped Beings depending on a father god while they remain in a child like state. In this state they will be abused by the "surrogate father" and his representatives "Elves" which is often seen in Catholic churches. Santa = Satan = Saturn = Pa = Pan = Papacy   Satan is Saturn who is El and his servants are Elves. Saturn is Chronos the Father of Time who never changes because he is not subject to Time.


Time is money so people are sacrificing their time, (first born) that they should be learning about real life and they miss that course so they return over and over. When that happens generation after generation Time disconnects everyone from their origins as they don't spend Time researching their lineage and talking to the Elders etc. So they have been cut with the scythe of father time the same way the umbilical cord is cut from the child. The growth of the creation at this point is unnatural, the culture "think petri", is unnatural. As the world has problems with money they will have problems with Time and it will be the same, they will run out of both. A conundrum.


The whole agenda was to get the world to speed up by using false "currency" so the current controllers could enjoy the new world as fast as possible. I will be canceling that parade also like new rain. 


Time equals change because everything changes in Time this is why during Christmas, the original Saturnalia, the Evergreen trees were used to denote this unchanging ability over time and seasons. Furthermore the Mistletoe was used as an emblem of Saturn because the Mistletoe is actually a parasitic evergreen that lives off other evergreens.


The idea of Monotheism or "One God" removes the God/Spirit from within. Basically when a person thinks there is only one god they also are very clear in understanding that it is not them also simultaneously, thus their power has been removed and they are left vulnerable and dependent. Watch for this.


Forward to Alchemy. So in a nutshell the Alchemist was not just looking for any gold to turn into  Monatomics and ingest, he was in fact looking for a certain kind of gold that could be found scattered about the eastern world. For those that are new to all of this gold cannot be put into the system unless it is in a Monatomic state, other than that it is poisonous. People should also know that the Alchemist were not just turning gold into it's Monatomic state but also meteorites and just about every other element. An element in its first monatomic state gives the person ingesting it the ability to vividly see how the body will react to it. So in effect one is able to use all of its properties.


I did have an opportunity to speak to Alchemist in Canada who was trained in Germany by a master. He said Monatomics could be made from anything and they often used vegetables, taking them through this process. He said of course it would not have the same effect as Pure Monatomic Gold but it did have an effect. He further went on that blood had even been used as everything could be put in a Monatomic state and ingested for its properties. This is of course were it started to get creepy, but I have grown real tolerant to this kind of stuff in order get the whole story.  By the end of the conversation it was very clear that these "societies" ingest various forms of Monatomics. This version of Monatomics he often referred to as ORMUS and even Quintessence which actually has everything to do with the sickness plaguing our Planet. Quin means 5 or the fifth element. The mighty Quin is the mighty five or Pentagram called Pow or Power. This Being was known as the Quinotaur, or god of the sea fisher and eater of men etc.


So it is clear that the 99.9% pure Monatomic gold involves much more investigation than general Monatomics so we will continue as such to the effects of ingesting pure gold. It is clear that gold is one of the best conductors and this led to major demarcations between Monatomic Gold and "Charged" Monatomic Gold.


The difference is Monatomic Gold will give the body the overall properties of gold conductivity over time, however, charged Monatomic Gold instantly transforms the Ph balance of the body thrusting the person into the gold frequency. Welcome to the danger zone if the aspirant is not prepared.


Now this whole approach to high spirituality causally is a western thing. Ignorance at times gives one the advantage of not being afraid, that is until they are face to face with the unexpected. The unexpected does not just fade in and out with charged Monatomic Gold and even pure Monatomic Gold when used over a prolong period of time. One is now in the dimension or frequency of the Adepts and there is no demarcation for the good ones and the bad ones, that is for children.


Put very simple one should use caution when ingesting pure Monatomic gold whether normal or charged as a method of gaining higher spiritual awareness. It is rather a tool for those that are already spiritually equipped , the Adept, who is aware of the pitfalls of being on another plane with other Adepts many of whom have no “physical” residence.


There is something about the whole spiritual experience that truly responds to a person based on how they approach it, it "reads" them beforehand. It will entertain any person but their experience will be tailored just for them. This is why so many people have failed when using cockiness and ignorance while approaching the subject.


There are enough dark Beings on the left sphere of Saturn to take any self proclaimed wanna be evil person for a long ride that they will never forget, or more correctly never remember. So there is a major part of this that requires a person remain free of all inclinations that this knowledge will get them rich and allow them to control everyone with mystical power.


What we are seeing is that there is a huge part of the ideas around taking 99.9% pure Monatomic gold and getting on the spiritual plane that is birthed from other ideas of cheating the pure ascension process. Those kind of ideas land one in in the sphere explain in this excerpt.


This is the warning that some are just beginning to innerstand. This is about the errors that come with using the spiritual knowledge for evil plans, whoever does this the jokes on them. "The March Hare Tricks the April Fool."




Note: Monatomics is often called ORMUS in the industry because most have now made the term Monatomics and ORMUS synonymous. This is done even by us to avoid confusion to those who have not read this complete posts or other write ups like it. 

Now we have come to the meat of the subject behind all the conspiracy and fear mongering behind Monatomics and its confusion with Codename: ORMUS. Like I said,many people are throwing these terms around but its very clear they have little innerstanding of the occult nature to things and just how encrypted it really is. These high levels of encryptions were invented with diligence to avoid the counterfeiting of the first bank notes issued by the Knights of Solomon.


Decoded - Interest = Enter SET


Allow me to enlighten you a little on who Codename: ORMUS is. The Priory of Sion, those in charge of preserving the Merovingian Bloodline, selected a new Grand Master, a Jean de Gisors who in turn adopted the title ORMUS written with the (M) symbol of Virgo and all its various connections with Ichthys fish, visica's, 13th letter of the alphabet etc.


Codename: Ormus was in fact an Egyptian sage from Alexandria who in A.D. 46 created the "Order de la Rose-Croix Veritas". The Order of the Rose Cross. Orm is french for Elm and Babylonian for worm or serpent. The entire clan faced treachery on Friday the 13th in France which is why that date is considered taboo as many words were uttered that day of revenge against the Papacy who basically saw an opportunity to take over the whole Pi and made a move since they are all squabbling within the ranks but still are all ruled over by one twisted being they call father. No matter we will deal with him first.


I want to notify everyone now that the only thing keeping me from giving you all of the information about everything is the shear time, energy, and resources I have. I tire of continuously asking people to donate so this research can continue so I'm now delegating that to someone who wants to take that responsibility. People keep emailing me and getting in touch with me saying they are going to do something but time has past and they have done nothing but everyday I'm doing this for you.


Daily I scan the internet and I find very little cohesive information about what is taking place but when I see the Resistance I see all of the scattered information put together and made comprehensive as much as can really be done.  Do not let such a precious resource fail because of selfishness, neglect, and greed. We are asking for help, we have assisted humanity and will continue until we can no longer do it on this level. Please innerstand what it takes to bring this knowledge to the forefront and all the energies that wish it not to be so that I have to deflect daily. Yes money is the problem but Alchemy teaches a small part of the poison becomes the antidote. A small amount of currency compared to what this world has misused, channeled in the proper direction will bring change. All these words indicate so, follow the clues, We are so close.



Post Script:


As far as the Priory of Sion and the Monatomics they ingested you got a hint of it above but it could be as vast as the periodic table itself. In their retinue they have their fathers of Science and many known Nazi's I might add.


  1. Jean de Gisors (1188–1220)
  2. Marie de Saint-Clair (1220–1266)
  3. Guillaume de Gisors (1266–1307)
  4. Edouard de Bar (1307–1336)
  5. Jeanne de Bar (1336–1351)
  6. Jean de Saint-Clair (1351–1366)
  7. Blanche d'Evreux (1366–1398)
  8. Nicolas Flamel (1398–1418)
  9. René d'Anjou (1418–1480)
  10. Iolande de Bar (1480–1483)
  11. Sandro Filipepi (1483–1510)
  12. Léonard de Vinci (1510–1519)
  13. Connétable de Bourbon (1519–1527)
  14. Ferdinand de Gonzague (1527–1575)
  15. Louis de Nevers (1575–1595)
  16. Robert Fludd (1595–1637)
  17. J. Valentin Andrea (1637–1654)
  18. Robert Boyle (1654–1691)
  19. Isaac Newton (1691–1727)
  20. Charles Radclyffe (1727–1746)
  21. Charles de Lorraine (1746–1780)
  22. Maximilian de Lorraine (1780–1801)
  23. Charles Nodier (1801–1844)
  24. Victor Hugo (1844–1885)
  25. Claude Debussy (1885–1918)
  26. Jean Cocteau (1918–1963)


Knowing is half the Battle. G.I.Joe


(proof read me pls)


Updated Conversation:

[12/3/12 11:24:36 AM] bryan a: Greetings Sevan. I know you are a proponent of Etherium gold. I too is, or I was at least.... I recently decided to stop taking it and even returned an order. I found something you should be made aware of, as you and your website members may be doing serious harm to themselves.

[12/3/12 11:24:37 AM] bryan a: [12/3/12 11:25:59 AM] bryan a: I found another website that also cuts through alot of the ego/b*******/astral b*******/spirituality b*******/newage b*******... i am not saying he is right or wrong, but he seems like an old sage and the website is pretty nifty. Just trying to help another feel human being out on the path

[12/3/12 11:26:19 AM] bryan a: [12/3/12 11:26:27 AM] bryan a: kind regards

[12/3/12 11:26:49 AM] Sevan Bomar: Lots of misinterpretations on the differences in monatomics and ormus, I have clarified things here

[12/3/12 11:28:41 AM] bryan a: i see.... can you tell me if this is good or bad?

[12/3/12 11:30:13 AM] bryan a: I guess it's bad hmm since it's monatomic

[12/3/12 11:31:19 AM] Sevan Bomar: No these products are not bad for you as they are not the pure white gold monatomics that the spiritual danger refers to

[12/3/12 11:31:29 AM] Sevan Bomar: You can generally tell by how much it actually costs

[12/3/12 11:32:08 AM] Sevan Bomar: If the amount given does not equate to that amounts weight in gold plus a little more for processing then it is not 99.9 percent pure gold

[12/3/12 11:32:43 AM] bryan a: alright. so you seriously don't think it can burn out the dna?

[12/3/12 11:33:55 AM] bryan a: when i was younger they had me on adderal, and due to my reseacrhing how it burns out certain parts of the brain used for everything from attention to empathy and i got off it, ive been using foods for vitality since

[12/3/12 11:34:10 AM] bryan a: that's what drew my attention to this product in the first place

[12/3/12 11:35:11 AM] bryan a: that's why that message about burning out strands of the dna really threw me off, but in a way i can't disreagrd it

[12/3/12 11:35:45 AM] Sevan Bomar: I'm positive Harmonic Innerprises Etheriuym products do not burn out DNA, 99.9 Percent Pure Gold Monatomics can because often people use the boost in conductivity to further bottleneck their kundalini causing the energy to invert itself. This leads to no spiritual ground. You should put that in the forum along with the source for the info just to clear up misconceptions as normal Monatomics and trace minerals are vital to the bodies conductive chemistry

[12/3/12 11:36:10 AM] Sevan Bomar: Yes Adderal is an entirely different matter

[12/3/12 11:38:37 AM] bryan a: Here's aother article that kinda lashes it... and it's from a website i would think you'd be familiar with. It's funny, I never took the time to read this part of the page since I thought I knew what it was lol

[12/3/12 11:38:38 AM] bryan a: [12/3/12 11:38:57 AM] bryan a: Can i ask you where you got your information from to write that article? [12/3/12 11:40:26 AM] bryan a: like where's your source of information? i don't mean to speak out of ego, again just trying further my understanding as much as you are

[12/3/12 11:40:51 AM] Sevan Bomar: That article on educate-yourself is actually the original article of these follow up articles reporting danger in monatomics. My information comes from experience, I doubt any of these people have actually tried any of the products. You can always tell when something is not right for your body, but again there are few that have tried pure monatomic gold because they cannot afford it

[12/3/12 11:42:42 AM] bryan a: Can you please tell me more about your experiences. i recently started taking it and i'd be happy to share my few profound experiences with you as well, it's just you seem to have more experience

[12/3/12 11:42:45 AM] bryan a: ?

[12/3/12 11:50:05 AM] bryan a: I mean for me the only thing that happened is I had vivid dreams [12/3/12 11:50:18 AM] bryan a: one night I even thought I died in my dream

[12/3/12 11:50:24 AM] bryan a: because i had about a dozen false awakenings

[12/3/12 11:50:42 AM] bryan a: and it was profound yes, but also kinda scary... I wished I was back in the physical world

[12/3/12 11:50:53 AM] bryan a: because I thought it had died.... like in the movie waking life

[12/3/12 11:51:02 AM] Sevan Bomar: Okay I will be brief since I have loads to do. With Etherium Gold (Harmonic Innerprise which is the brand we carry) after 2 weeks I experienced small popping in my head in certain nodes when touching crystals or metal objects, this is a sign of increased conductivity, thoughts were clearer and connectivity with higher self was cleaner also. I found that after using for more than 1 month effects did not increase but did stay the same. Etherium products only need to be taken again 3-4 months after your initial ingestion. Vegetable Monatomics which are second on the list according to strength cuased very strange effects after the first light dosage. This product is generally like sugar in taste and composition but is far from just sugar. In short dreams were vivid but not controlable in a negative way, the product was also very strong for the amount taken meaning that just a little caused effects very simular to strong substances, not aggressive but you could definitely feel it. I discontinued use since it was clearly not toxic but too much on the Ph of the body which can lead to negative side effects down the road. Real Monatomic Gold had the same effect but even more aggressive, it was clear the conductivity of the body was increased causing the chakras to be more active. Of course this can lead to great dangers if the chakras are out of balance basically excellerating error.

[12/3/12 11:53:06 AM] bryan a: i see. very interesting... hmm..

[12/3/12 11:53:53 AM] Sevan Bomar: I also find that the frequency of Gold is actually that of other entities, mainly the gold gods who are not as friendly. So in short it appears that Monatomics is for those tied in to the higher levels of the worlds silly heirarchy, if you do not know what you are doin gin there it will more than like lead to piggybackers or entities that attach themselves to you while you channels are open

[12/3/12 11:54:24 AM] Sevan Bomar: Pure monatomic gold that is, you have to be specific these days [12/3/12 11:54:25 AM] Sevan Bomar: lol

[12/3/12 11:55:15 AM] bryan a: lol okay... man no wonder there seems to be tons of confusion lol. wait so there's minerals similiar to monotonics in our urine?

[12/3/12 11:55:35 AM] bryan a: that's interesting.... my sister is reading a book on urine therapy lol [12/3/12 11:56:28 AM] Sevan Bomar: Urine therapy truly works, of course I speak from experience but your diet must be pristine to truly benefit from it.

[12/3/12 11:56:56 AM] Sevan Bomar: Had a friend who tried it right after he read about it, what a disaster

[12/3/12 11:58:11 AM] Sevan Bomar: Well that could be a stretch what you will find in the Urine is minerals that have been processed by the body so they are more assmilable to the body the second time.

[12/3/12 11:58:47 AM] bryan a: interesting. yeah i've been drinking my morning cup every day for the last week

[12/3/12 11:59:05 AM] Sevan Bomar: (beer) Cheers lol

[12/3/12 11:59:09 AM] bryan a: my diet's pretty pristine i'd say, even though i have to go out of my way living in america

[12/3/12 11:59:16 AM] bryan a: lmao

[12/3/12 11:59:26 AM] bryan a: right on man cheers

[12/3/12 11:59:40 AM] Sevan Bomar: For sure its harder in the U.S. but its doable

[12/3/12 12:00:48 PM] bryan a: yeah, but it gets priiiicey. i don't know how i'd do it without online shopping.

[12/3/12 12:01:15 PM] bryan a: oh and sprouting. you ever sprout your own foods? it's cheap, and living source of nutrition

[12/3/12 12:02:35 PM] bryan a: anyway i'll let you get back to work or whatever you do i'm going to grab a bite, this talk about foods making me hungry and it's lunch time in jersey

[12/3/12 12:02:48 PM] Sevan Bomar: Yes you are right, even locally here in costa rica the produce is not that great because of the pesticides, I would love to sprout but man I truly need thje time to do so I'm stretched very thin here so like you I count on Amazon and the products I can get from there [12/3/12 12:02:52 PM] bryan a: peace bro

[12/3/12 12:03:03 PM] Sevan Bomar: Wholeness Brother :)


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Replies to This Discussion

Hi Kai!

I heard good things about Jason Quitt's presentation at the Calgary Dowser's Society:

He spoke of shungite, ormus and sacred geometry among other subjects.

Hi Darren,

The GB4000 can be attached to this device to do similar things to the resonantlight from what I understand...


Although the resonant light is what this guy used to help cure his son of stage 4

Bobby is a 8 year old Devon boy who in early 2005 was diagnosed with Stage 4, High Risk Neuroblastoma which had spread into his head, bones and marrow from an abdominal primary tumor.

More info here>


Red wine, Aloe vera and pee blend smoothie anyone?

thanx seven great info! sometimes u gotta do what u gotta do, and if it takes to keep asking for donations, so be it. my intentions are to always give to my resistance and i can honestly say it slips my mine from time to time because its not like a everyweek sunday meeting i was involved in. we gotta step iy up peps, and give guys, its much needed just as sevens time and energy to keep us receiving the truth, lov wvb to all my resistance family and i am forever grateful to be a part of this beautiful movement;)
has developed a commercial Low Energy nuclear reaction.  Initially he was planning to produce silver and gold from copper.  However when working with our larger reactors he received a pleasant surprise.  Everything was mathematically programmed from the start but the ending results overwhelmed me. 
At this time Low Energy Nuclear Change is able to convert 94% of copper to silver, gold, platinum and palladium.  Now most would say this is impossible but this is the reality today.  We have accomplished this on 100 pound batches of copper.  The ending results was 1,300 ounces of precious metals. 
This process will be automated the first quarter of this  year wherein the United States of America will be the largest worldwide producer  of all precious metals.
We are reaching over 90% precious metals from copper with the majority of the precious metals being gold and platinum. 
We are producing over $9,000 per one pound bar of copper. 
It is amazing this would equate to over 8 ounces of gold for every pound if copper.
The problem is with this metal is it has gold, platinum, silver and the other platinum group metals. The value of the above bar starts from 100% copper and reaches values of $10,000 per pound.  Because of the complex metals you cannot just take the above and just run down to your metal buyer and exchange the metal for cash. At this time I am working with a metal refiner in Miami Florida who can take the above material and separate it into all of the metals of economic value. 
The LENC license is a technology license that allows you a step by step procedure to create one pound or a hundred pounds of the above material in six days. This is not a program that guarantees you a fast return unless you have an existing metallurgical infrastructure.
Just received an email from Red Ice Radio and they needed time to configure the interview because of the complexities of this subject mater.  This is not a simple topic for them and I am allowing them the opportunity to become familiar with my work. Depending on my availability this program should be recorded later this week. At this time equipment has been ordered placing the first monatomic gold plant in operation this month. This plant is located in the USA. As promised here is the audio file of Alex Putney's comments on Red Ice Radio the other day 
Monatomic gold - this has already been accomplished but I want to supply commercial quantities.  For those interested I am not trying to find a use or approval I plan on producing what the industry needs.  In this area I am speaking in ounces of pure white gold a day.  This will be available to the public and industries by March 15, 2011.
Maybe this is why some people are hoarding copper right now!
Copper hits a record price of 10.000 US dollars per ton and could keep soaring
February 3, 2011, by Mercopress

Maybe this is why some people are hoarding copper right now!
Copper hits a record price of 10.000 US dollars per ton and could keep soaring
February 3, 2011, by Mercopress

One of the by products of copper mining is.... and it happens to be one of the heaviest manipulated metals on the planet. Hoard Copper and it forces more to be mined... Funnily enough it was JP Morgan who started to hoard copper. Andy Gause covered this a few months ago.


I heard the Red Ice Radio article too... but this could also be a dis-info article to get people to sell their physical silver / gold in fear of loosing it's value. I dowsed it and it said BS... but I could still be wrong.  At the pont when / if that info comes out we won't need money anyway..


I'm confused by what you said when you said gold comes from stars.  Are you refering to the concepts of the big bang theory and the conservation of mass?  In that Case I understand that gold atoms could have been created at that time.  Or are you talking about gold forming as a result from the fusion of stars? In which case I'm confused as to whether you are saying the gold found here on earth was deposited from star emissions long ago, or if you are just saying that gold is produced in stars and also found on earth.
Good day Paul, if you research how gold deposits make it in to the Earth from any source such as wiki you will find this information.
Thanks for the reply Sevan, I read about ore genesis here but didn't find anything about star deposits.  Sorry to bother you with a pretty off the subject question.  I was just curious.


The brain image at the beginning of this topic uses colors to illustrate the 5 magnetic fields of this organ. has articles explaining this in more detail.


Regarding gold and other metals, this is an interesting read:


The true gold of the human body is the Golden Mean leading to an awareness of fractality:


It's also interesting to note that the antidote for excess gold consumption is BAL:

A commonly used antidote is Dimercaprol, HSCH2CHSHCH2OH, also called BAL (British Anti-Lewisite). BAL forms a stable complex with gold, rendering it physiologically ineffective and easy to eliminate from the body. Certain people develop a mild rash from wearing gold jewelry, although this phenomenon is not entirely understood today. This dermatitis may be caused by residual radioactivity in the minor alloys in the jewelry.


The Platinum group of metals are where we find the high spin state of ORMEs ( orbitally rearranged monatomic elements ) including the hidden Ultimatium. The product labeled Ultimatium is available in 1/2 oz. liquid suspension bottles. It contains iridium, rhodium, osmium, and over 40% UltimatiumÔ – (or element #2674 listed in ‘Occult Chemistry’).

By studying the Periodic Table of the Elements, we learn that Gold (AU) is only slightly different than the ‘transition elements’ known as the Platinum Group metals right next door. By subjecting Gold to certain alchemical processes, it is clear that the ancient Egyptians trans-mutated pure Gold, a fairly common and plentiful earth metal, into an even more valuable commodity – the basis of pure light and life both on a physical as well as spiritual plane – the Platinum Group ‘transition element’ of high-spin Iridium. 
In the exact center of row 6 of the Periodic Table, in the very heart of the ‘transition elements’ sits element #77 – Iridium. Iridium is only found on the earth in deposits associated with impact craters of meteors. Meteors are composed primarily of Iron (Fe) and Nickel (NI), the base transition elements, but through interaction with the gravitational field of earth’s atmosphere, intense magnetic stimuli, and the incredible heat and light generated from its pre-impact flight, other ‘higher spin’ transition elements such as Rhodium and Iridium are produced. Iridium is truly an amazing element. It is named after the Greek word Iris – meaning ‘rainbow’. 
Rainbows are formed by light energy interacting with water. Rainbows reflect every color in the light spectrum, as does Iridium. In Old Testament tradition, the Rainbow was a symbol of a contract between Noah and God following the flood. The Egyptians worshiped Isis – (seed of the rainbow) in ancient ‘temples’ where they obviously ‘spun’ gold into a weightless powder form of Iridium.

After we study this phenomenon , then there are the noble gases! Windows to other dimensions!

Needed to read this again so back to the top for fresh eyes to see




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