I once said if someone really wanted to tell you what was going on here on Earth it would take no more than 100 pages well this one is 58. Few will completley innerstand what is written here thus it is rated Adept. Their are a few inconsistancies but overall the document is pretty accurate and explains the hiddens wars that exists between Al (Allah) and An (Annunakki) along with the positions of the Reptilian Queens and the Greys and the wiping of memories on the 9th Passageway.

Rated Adept

Views: 650


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How ironic...or is it? Irony suggests some kinda random coincidence, yet for some reason lately I feel in a strange way guided or compelled towards certain information. Seems like every door I open then opens another door, and another, and yet another. Anyway, about a month ago i read the "Terra Papers" and much of it seemed to really reasonate with me for some reason. It seemed to tie together many loose ends in my mind. After reading it I was lead to the phenomena of synchromysticism, which lead me to brother sevan's work, which then lead me here. So in a roundabout way the Terra Papers lead me here and when I get here I find the Terra papers again.

I would be very interested in hearing the perspective from others that have read the Terra Papers.
Brother Shawn,

You are not alone in this...
I will post this so it can surface at the top of the forum and set it self in front for those members who havent reach the depts ofknowledge in the archives.. Important to know...
Any question can be answered on the question and answer that takes place on most Sundays i recommend we start asking the big question, step it up



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