I cant continue life as i once lived it, so i took it upon myself that as long as i am in this vesel i will do as much as i can to raise the vibration, balance and awareness.
I will introduce some of my ideas as a strategy for us to grow from within each pocket of resistance WORLD WIDE.
I write this to all members and future pocket of resistance members.
MY WORDS: "OneSoul"
I come to you with wholeness balance and vibrations to all. I was lost for many years living a very difficult life but at the same time I am very greatful for the challenges. After a while life was pointless to me i was just one wondering soul in the abiss. Many guides came to me along my path, some were like me and you and some were send from the celestial world. Many dreams kept me awake from falling deep at sleep into the depts of the illusion (I always wonder why a person with so much talent wasnt rich) I was growing "Roots" for something much greater. I got many signs that got my attention of the evol and weird world we live in, "alerted of this matrix".
Not till i notice i was in the grey area, living both worlds(Illusion and my path "spirituality"). So i began my journey on connecting the dots, at last! I made a choice, Me and Mr. spirit Mater found each other through signs(mind you i know him since we were kids but through out life we went different ways). Little after that i came into this site and found sevans book "the code to the matrix" took me a while to sign up because i was also very skeptical about everything(i couldnt trust much).
My whole life experience has been one weird experience. I reflected alot on Michael K. "video" ( http://www.resistance2010.com/forum/topics/we-love-you-to-michael-k ) because he reminded me alot of myself. I know we both have different lives but i started to think and in reality we realy dont.. the more i search i find people asking similar questions about life and who they are and what are they doing here, just like I did at one point in my life. Amongst you all i have learned alot more then i can musterd, tho I come with a touch of my own wisdom from the level of experience(My Innerstanding).
I Talk to your beign inside; I will be fearless when you fear. I will be your eyes when you are to afraid to look. I will share my plate when you dont have anything to eat. I will be in the front-line (soul-dier up) while you sit on the side-lines. I will risk my flesh and bones while you hold on to dear life because you havent realize you are far more then the vesel you shelter. I will light the way when is the most darkest because my eyes develop sight from within the darkness. If i come hungry and tired i will never quit even tho i need food and sleep. so i ask you this; what will you do once i am not there? > I'll tell you this, just like i did. There is someone out there the moves to my tune and will pick up the torch i lit, so these words were for you... i dont care who follows or who leads just dont ever let the "RESISTANCE" in you die with me... WE TOLL FOR YOU! you are the RESISTANCE!
SEVAN you served me as an insperation, I personally thank you "via" www.resistance2010.com - We all have a legacy to leave/live....
The Strategy
Date of Creation: June 30, 2010
(Click Link Below for Excel File)
Mission Statement - (from Sevan) Date of Creation: April 23, 2009
Welcome to the Resistance my name is Sevan and it is Our continuing mission to bring the final phases of true enlightenment to those who feel they are ready to ascend beyond in this lifetime. Our efforts are focused around the highest esoteric knowledge and application or alchemy of the body. As the power must be placed in the hands of the people, We resist all gods and have the Creator as Our focal point. Our ultimate goal is to allow true reality, which is actuality, to reach the minds of the youth who have been sent to Our world to handle what We are to face in the future as a Species.
Who are We?
We are you at your level of graduation. We have walked many paths to ascension and are able to help you on whatever level you are currently engaged in. We are the beacon in the dark lighting your way to your next supernatural experience. We have assisted many in collecting their energy to break the illusion, thus We operate outside of the Illusion and many will find that their discovering Our existence at this point is far from coincidence, which there is no such thing.
Where does this all come from?
In life We have discovered deeper portals of truth and life beyond this frequency which We will call 3D. As man has showed externally that he is more fascinated with the discoveries of Outerspace, We began Our discoveries in “Inner”space which is where high knowledge can be found and one simply needs a correctly calibrated body to begin travel, rather than billions of dollars worth of metal and plastic. So much of what you see here has been extracted from outside of time, meaning it will not only show relevance in this world but in the next, as much of the information presented is the language of hyperspace.
(I post this so we will never forget why we started this)
Greeting all Resistance members and all those interested in furthering their evolution of body, mind and spirit!
-This post is intended to bring about the next level in our quest for change with the highest intentions of connecting with all resistance members who are ready for action NOW!
- http://www.resistance2010.com/forum/topics/what-we-all-can-do-the
(I advise all to read "the missions" if you havent yet read them and if you need to re-read it, please do so wich it can only bring more light onto our next level of manifestation) Press F5 aww "refresh"
When reading this think "resources" around your beign. we all have someone who will help us.
- VIDEO CAMPAIGN = Youtube, Myspace Video, Yahoo Video, Daily Motion, Disclose.tv
we need members that can produce more videos to please contact me or son so we can brief you on our projects. whoever has a video recorder can start taping footage of esoteric building, sturctures, etc. across your area. Document everything!
a great ideas is to tape your selves doing the action. we can motivate others and camera is always good for protection from the "law makers"
List Of Courses Of Action:
-someone who can edit the videos(most of the time)
-list of how many memebers and who want work on this
-list of website where we can upload these videos
-list of location to video tape
Anyone in college can organize a level of awareness with all the schools in your country or state.
Can you create a pocket of resisatnce students? only if this works for you
-get all the names of colleges in your area and names of Teachers who move to the tune of the resistance. (use your resources: family members who work in schools, friends that attend school(s), counsellor who know you) use your thiking cap!
- POLITICAL CAMPAIGN = List / Contacts / Research
https://www.youtube.com/user/cveitch - Scottland "resistance" < we need to contact him
Get a list of all pockets of resistance involved in the political avenues. we can introduce our resistance to them with the book and package about who we are and what we are doing. (the "package" will have enough information for them to take us seriously)
- TRANSLATIONS = (Ineterpreting our content) book, articles, news letters, etc.
Languagaes: English, Spanish, French, Haitian Creole, Portuguese, Italian, Russian, German, Arabic, Korean, Japanese, Cantonese and Mantarin Chinese
(once is translated we ca use it for any future projects)
Members Involve with this: Margens / < we need others...
Softwares: "Babylon" (translation) / < we need to get this, any one has this? Margens, can you get this for us?
>>>We need this to spread to other languages, all of them if possible.
I have a translated some things in spanish, I have a guy in my area for that who covers languages above.
Members Involve: Soulosophy / Margens < we need others?
Any one with the means to duplicate alot of CD's or DVD's can help us with any duplication. I have 3 boxes and each hold 600 CD's we can start with those ill even send them to you if you need cd's. i dont care who does it or where does it get distribute all i care that it gets done.
Of all Websites we can focus on, posting and advertising
people that stay home all day for whatever the reason work or no work. you can help by assisting with re-search form alist we will all help in completing it for this mission, also there are things like http://www.friend-blaster-pro.com/ this helps big time for posting on sites specialy on myspace. yes i know myspace, but hey someone has to do it. i am sure there are programs out there for free or a few bucks that can help us on marketing because this is what it is, no matter if we are not selling anything but it takes marketing strategies to attrack awareness. posting on blogs, twitter other community sites with dedication specialy if you love to surf the web all day.
- MAP(S), LOCATIONS = Pockets of Resistance
this where roco comes into play, his idea is great lets us that.. we will post more on this later.
- Members Involve: Roco ( http://resistance2010.hyves.nl )< who else?
Where ever you see your energy gravitating to then use your own money if you can. help us with donations if you can or tell us your idea and if collectively we can come up with the cash for it or we will find an investor for the particular project. Man power also works as cash, just because you dont have money doesnt mean you cant help. your physical help helps alot. think about that! ill let that resonate with you for a while.
whoever can provide a place in your area where we can visit and set up mettings or discussions/seminars. maybe we can even gather people and have a show where sevan can even talk to others "via" Skype us using a projector displaying esoteric images on the mater at hand.
List: Who will be involve on day to day operations and what pocket of resistance is working on what?
-Son / OneSoul / Sevan / Mr. Spirit Matter / Roco / Nine / Soulosophy / Margens / < who else?
Now this is it! we all can start relocating if thats what you want or we can start merging forces from location to location. till we have a huge "network" of communication no matter what type it is... i can mail alot from my job, also can meet with others in my aread frequently or i can make arrangements to drive within my state from time to time.
-we can even provide for each other at first. like i want to start my own hydroponic growing inside my house if i have to much crop i can provide for others in need within the resistance, things like that.
- people can make orgone generators for the resistance and we can come up with a plan for us to jump on this task A.S.A.P.
-Me and Mr.spirit matter for a while now practice telepathy excercises; like > we pick a time in the day where we write down thoughts about what the other one is wearing, doing, saying, or thinking. then we check back 5 days later, and let me tell you it works.. then we can do it in groups then who knows ..?is very important we get closer, im personaly not scare of any of you why? because i come to you with respect, love and compassion. ill do to others as i would do for self, all i want is to grow within my beign amongst others who want the same for them selves.. i want to learn from all of you and get to know all of you so we can lead by example to the world.
ok look i have to go for now but i want to post this because i want this post to get the attention it needs for it to be re-arrange and structure the right way.. this is the start for the new resistance level of action.. lets see what you all bring. sorry i have to much to put in here but i need to bring it the right way i suggest others to start thinking what they can do for the resistance because the resistance has done alot for us... thank you much love and respect to all...
oh lets keep this post up to date. anything you all want me to add ill delete your reply and upload it to the structure we are doing here. ok thank you
come on lets get creative, pictures, videos, whatever you all want is your post as much is mine.. lets do this resistance... roco i know you will bring you structure into this one..
(The Speech)
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