Concerning the symbol-terminal of 'Serpent', it is usefull to distinguish of what actually in each specific occasion-event it represents as commonly agreed-upon reality symbol
As per agreements-alignment universe definitions (of golden inverted triangle), Snake represents:
'to agree is to know the meaning of:
Good Snake / Evil Snake'
What often seems to be confused with:
'to agree is to know the meaning of:
Good Bear / Bad Bear'
Few notes from Pilot's stuff:
'You might think of each definition as a line drawn down the middle of a sheet of paper. But the definitions don't line up. If you stack these papers ontop of one another, you would have to turn them at various angles.
For example, the definition of Good / Bad does not line up with the definition of Good / Evil. Combining the 2 definitions gives 4 classes of things. These are:
a) things which are Holy Good and Nice Good,
b) things which are Holy Good and Nasty Bad,
c) things which are Evil and Nice Good, and
d) things which are Evil and Nasty Bad
If you extend this to include numerous definitions, you will see that it is quite a problem'
However, there are more symbol bodies-terminals as Serpent, which are sort-of 'alike', namely Snake and Lizard Man (symbols from penalty universes and cross+over treadmill)
Short example of Snake People (original) phenomena in penalty universe of 11D:
To Construct (Beaver People)/ To Arrange (Block-Head) or To Engineer (Lobster People)/ To Build (Snake People)/ To Structure (Crystal Germs)
(the goal 'To Engineer' may belong in a higher goals series Or possibly 'To Build' may be the incorrect one Or may be this goal 'To Arrange' which was located late in the research is the incorrect one None of these three were run throughly and one of them is probably some sort of guiding spirit behind a constructive civilization rather than an embodied individual in that civilization The guiding spirit type of body would go with a higher goal series)
In that dimension/plane/facet Lizard Man would represent:
Environment - a space city similar to arse-LYC-us which get's 'too big'
Enslaves other races - This Means Enslavement
(picture is for the reference)
To Build is Native State - To Build is to be Static' ('to build' isn't static and native state)
Sun in orbit - This Means Time
Space city, sun orbits the city - This Means Space*
(* - note, Sun orbits the city, not city on the planet orbits the Sun?)
Lizard Man - This Means You
Aircar smashes into building - This Means Crash
Snake person under collapsing roadway - This Means Crush
There is tremendous exhilaration at a fantastically complex and beautiful construction
You (Lizard Man) undertake 7 projects to expand the city You hurt slaves in the process, but its for the greater good Then you have problems with construction errors, riots, etc
Eventually the part your building gets too big and falls apart and the enraged citizens chase you through the sky
Divided against yourself, can't build anymore, burried, tossed into volcano-hell, etc - usual penalty universes 'procedure'
Thus actually, Lizard Man does represent (as symbol manifestation) enslavement for the purpuse of building (space-city), or at least that is what's concerned original placement of the terminal (no wonder Lizard Man participates in 'conspiracy theory' events of humanity enslavement on this plane recently)
(picture is for the reference)
Yet there was/is cross+over treadmill symbol body-terminal as: Snake
'to disagree is to postulate being Snake'
'this means an end to arbitrating' - says Snake
Snake opposes arbitration of Minotaur by disagreement
Thus quite various definitions and representations concerning Snake and, or Lizard Man First one in alignment universe Good / Evil and Disagreement in cross+over, Lizard - enslaver for the purpose, but actually represents decaying and abberative representation of goal 'To Build' in implant universe
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