For those that have been inquiring about the book I have been able to get the complete title. The book is available on Amazon I could not find any pdf.'s or torrents containing the book, as We love to provide knowledge at no cost for those who don't have funds right now. But I'm sure its because the book is so big and has never been scanned in or available digitally.

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I was able to reserve a copy at my local library..
was just thinking about buying this book, then said "no" in my mind... then had the urge to look at the time on the computer as I clicked out of this thread and it said "6:27" (my birthday) so now I'm going to buy it. :D
I just Received this book in the mail today and it DESCRIBES ME ABSOLUTELY PERFECTLY!!!! I Highly recommend this book, i got it on Ebay for like 9 bucks. Wow, memories flashed in my mind as I was reading it of why I did certain things growing up and even described why I have the problems that I have with my family. It even explained to me why I am even on this very site!!! just wow, I'm amazed. It even has possible solutions for the problems and crystals that I should use! Great Book! Wholeness to you all!!!
I have this book...



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