CAUTION - You have entered into the world of Fringe. This requires one to be determined to Know. Fear is the mind controller so if you have some, get that under control before you go further. 7


PiRAY DeltraTron Orgone Receptor

It is official, Our Paranormal Division has been launched Tuesday July 20, 2010, a whole new segment begins and once again the world will be amazed. We will ascend the humans by all means. I personally want to thank everyone who has made this point possible. I urge everyone to get involved, its really happening now, We have tons of proofs, get Activated.


We will begin coming to various cities spreading high frequency activation in the most wonderful ways. More on this later.....

SP9 - Frequency Plate

In the design of the genius Marco Rodin's (Vortex Mathematics) you are  looking at a box of pure energy once powered up.

2D Tesseract Frequency Plate

Bringing it from 4D instantly, thats how things get done fast, I mean fast.


This is a Zaplicator, more on that later.

SP Nuclear Scalar Wave Biomagnetic & Hyper - Dimensional Field Generators

I'm going in, cover me.


This of course is the very beginning and to not delay the dossier's to much of what you see here are still being prepared but We wanted to show you now ;-). There will be many updates and questions can be addressed below.


Views: 4832

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Yes Yes Yes, I have been waiting for this to actually see this engery being generated is beautiful. We all need healing from the toxic en-viro-ment. It is time to act and I am with you as you are with me. Infinity and beyond the limitlessness of energy and our bodies generators. How does it work Sevan?
I LOVE the intro!
I'm loving everything I see. Whole and ready.
loving it cannot wait for the gathering and to be a part of this giant step for human kind... anything i could do to help, am here.... just loving my home call the resistance, love this place... wholeness and balance vibrations.
Quite interesting this whole thing. Here is the specs to the PASIV device used on Inception. Click to enlarge.

I just saw this last night.
WOW! this is very exciting news
Ok, what is this somnacin device all about, is it real?
Not that they are admitting but you know how that goes.
just finished watching this movie inception, i guess the next one will be the extractor, cause if you can intercept you got to be able to extract... we know the reality of this movie but how far is follywood plan to take this into the illusions of the public's curosity, who Cpt Darren Bartel is? And what is exactly is Project Somnacin? The mystery of this already entertaining marketing campaign is spinning, which comes first the chicken or the egg, the movie or the video game mind crime.
blessings and wholeness 2 all. i cannot say that i can keep up innerstanding everything but i have all the trust and belief in the world in my resistance family. this is truly very exciting!



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