In 1967, as part of the overall effort of COINTELPRO, the FBI developed a network and list of some 4,000 Black collaborators, assembled from what had previously been codenamed the TOPLEV (“Top Level” Black Community Leadership Program) to inform, disrupt, and aid in obliterating the Black Nationalist and Civil Rights Movement in America. The FBI’s BLACPRO (“Black Program”) called the “Ghetto Informant Program” was the list of its over 7,000 new collaborator recruits. [1]

From these networks, I suspect that individuals were carefully selected from the list of new collaborators by other governmental agencies such as the CIA’s OPERATION CHAOS which also began in 1967[2] for top secret classified MK ULTRA projects, then by stealth and deceit mercilessly turned them into guinea pigs. They became experimental subjects of some of the most far reaching technologies of the Twentieth Century such as Tesla technologies

Former U.S. Air Force Sergeant Sebron Flenaugh, Jr. and his brother Ronnie’s timetable to becoming Black Manchurian Candidates also began in 1967 with the inception of “Ghetto Informant Program” and OPERATION CHAOS.

In 1967, Sebron and his brother Ronnie were culled for trauma based mind control classified programs. In 1967, Ronnie most likely balked. He said that he didn’t want to commit treason.  He tried to get out, but he knew too much and got in too far to withdraw. He was abducted from the streets of Berkeley and poisoned with MK-ULTRA hallucinogen drugs and driven insane. According to Sebron’s wife, his mental state also began to deteriorate in 1967 at the time that Ronnie was abducted. In 1969, he had disappeared into Alaska. Just prior to Ronnie’s assassination in November of 1971, he had also disappeared into Alaska with his brother, the site of UCLA’S High Power Auroral Stimulation Observatory (HIPAS), and the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (H.A.A.R.P)  


Sebron Flenaugh Jr.’s deadly spree was politically opportune. It occurred just after the close June 1988 California presidential primary race of former CIA director and Vice President of the United States, George Herbert Walker Bush. The senseless slaughter and maiming of innocent white people by a deranged out of control Blackman had sensational political ramifications that at least indirectly furthered and aided the Republican Party’s “Law and Order” platform and agenda of fear mongering, and propelled Bush as a strong-arm fascist president into the Whitehouse.

On his deathbed in 1999, Adolf Hitler’s personal Commando Strumbannfuhrer SS Otto Skorzeny had some very interesting and chilling things to say about George Herbert Walker (GHW) Bush and the Nazi’s Secret Master Plan.  

Before the end of WWII, Hitler, Himmler and the SS Master Plan devised a series of historical events that, on the surface, would appear to be everyday, happenstance occurrences (natural disasters, man-made diseases, acts of murderassassinations,terror, manipulation of money and energy supplies, contamination of foods, pollution of natural resources, and war). Through timing of these events, patience, careful planning, and cooperation from others in positions of trust, stealth and deceit, they would acquire power over the United States and world through fear mongering, population mind control, deception, concealment, selected assassinations of national and world leaders, and war. 

According to Skorzeny, as part of the master plan, he and GHW Bush were instrumental in merging Nazi (SS) intelligence with the Office of Scientific Intelligence (OSI) to form the CIA with “Wild Bill” Donovan and Allen Dulles. He said that GHW Bush was actually a Nazi SS agent and spy implanted in the United States as the son of Prescott Sheldon Bush. George H. Scherff, Jr., became the 41st President of the United States as GHW Bush and George H. Scherff, Sr. from Nazi’s Germany Master Plan, was Nickola Tesla’s “trusted assistant. [3]

Furthermore, he said that Prescott Sheldon (PS) Bush was a double agent who worked primarily on behalf of the Nazi SS apparatus that controlled the German Central banks who, in turn, controlled their counterparts on Wall Street and in London. PS Bush AKA George H. Scherff, Sr. stole Nikola Tesla’s technology and, “robbed Tesla blind.” Skorzeny said that it was Reinhard Gehlen and himself who murdered Nikola Tesla on January 6, 1943 by strangulation/suffocation. [4] They stole his blueprints, plans and records and delivered them to Hitler and the SS. [5] Thereafter, Tesla Technologies became part and parcel of the SS (Knights of the Black Sun) Master Plan for World Domination.


The earth’s atmosphere is divided into three major sections, the troposphere (sea level), the stratosphere, and the ionosphere. For over 50 years, the U.S. military have been studying ways to understand and control the upper atmosphere as a military intelligence strategic plan. These strategic defense initiative research projects involving the sky are commonly referred to as Star War Technologies.

HAARP is an ionosphere heater system based on the research of Nikola Tesla. Tesla is a name not commonly found in history books, but Tesla’s name resonates throughout the U.S. government, and its interest in developing technologies not only to control global weather systems, but mind control vast populations anywhere on the globe.

Tesla technologies involve the manipulation of invisible universal electromagnetic forces. Tesla technologies resonate throughout the military industrial complex in developing non-lethal weapons, and Star War Technologies.  

Tesla symposiums and conferences are quietly held throughout the world. The meetings are highly technical, secretive, and highly classified. Tesla technologies also have very broad implication involving earthquake contrivances, world radar, particle beam weapons, and brain wave manipulation. Tesla technologies have the potential of destroying Planet Earth.

“HAARP will not burn ‘holes’ in the ionosphere. That is a dangerous understatement of what HAARP’s giant gigawatt beam will do. Earth is spinning relative to thin electric shells of the multilayer membrane of ‘ionospheres’ that absorb and shield Earth’s surface from intense solar radiation, including charged particle storms in solar winds erupting from the sun. Earth’s axial spin means that HAARP-in a burst lasting more than a few minutes-will slice through the ionosphere like a microwave knife. This produces not a ‘hole’, but a long tear-an incision.” [6] 

Tesla was of Serbian descent, born in the Yugoslavian village of Smiljan. Tesla attended the Technical University at Graz, Austria, and the University of Prague. 

In 1882, Tesla was employed with Continental Edison in Paris, France. In the 1880’s, Thomas Alva Edison developed electrical power systems based on direct current (DC) technologies.

In 1884, Tesla migrated to New York. He continued his employment with Edison’s organization. Tesla was an electrical engineering genius, and inventor. Tesla and Edison became fierce competitors. 

In about 1886, Tesla opened his own laboratory in New York. Tesla invented and perfected the alternating current (AC) electrical system. Tesla acquired 45 U.S. patents in electrical alternating currents. Tesla invented the incandescent bulb, which Edison took full credit for.

In the 1880s and 1890s, Tesla worked with radio-frequency electromagnetic waves. Despite the claims made by Guglielmo Marconi (1874-1937), it was actually Tesla who did much of the most basic pioneering work in radio frequency technology. [7]

In 1885, George Westinghouse, head of Westinghouse Electric Company of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, bought the patent rights to Tesla’s polyphase system of alternating current dynamos, transformers, and motors. By the turn of the century, the State of New York electrical power system was based on Tesla’s AC inventions. General Electric was formed by Edison to lease the rights to use the AC patents that Tesla-Westinghouse held to light up the world. [8]

Tesla’s research lab was located on the grounds of Wardenclyffe on Long Island, now called Shoreham. On Wardenclyffe, Tesla constructed a 180-foot high-power radio frequency transmitter and antenna. He claimed that he could transmit energy waves, and messages to any point on the globe.

Some believe that “The Tunguska Event”, the June 30, 1908 massive explosion in Siberia was the result of Tesla testing the power of his high-power radio frequency transmitter. The force of the blast at Tunguska has been estimated to have been equivalent to 10-15 megatons of TNT. The blast flattened 500,000 acres of pine forest, and was heard over a radius of 620 miles.

Nevertheless, Tesla touted the destructive power of electromagnetic warfare.  On April 21, 1908, days before the great Tunguska Event, Tesla wrote a letter to the N.Y. Times, which stated: When I spoke of future warfare I meant that it should be conducted by direct application of electrical waves without the use of aerial engines or other implements of destruction…This is not a dream. Even now wireless power plants could be constructed by which any region of the globe might be rendered uninhabitable without subjecting the population of other parts to serious danger or inconvenience.[9]  

In 1934, Tesla announced that he would create a space shield around the United States to protect it from enemy missiles, rockets, and planes. Tesla also claimed that he would zap enemy missiles, rockets, and planes from the sky with a “death beam”. [10] 

On September 20, 1940, Tesla announced that he was ready to divulge the secret of his “Teleforce” and “Death Ray”, and his invisible “Chinese Wall of Defense” to protect the United States. [11]

Sava Kosanovich was a distant nephew of Tesla, who he allegedly detested. On the day of this death, Kosanovich, a man associated with RCA, a writer for the magazine Popular Mechanics, and a locksmith gained entry to Tesla’s room. They broke into Tesla’s safe, and the cover story is that they instead of the Nazis removed Tesla’s research papers and materials involving the “death ray”, and the “wireless transmission of electrical current”. [12]

The FBI discovered that Kosanovich was a Yugoslavian Minister of State representing the government in exile. In 1941, Nazi Germany and the Axis Powers invaded and occupied Yugoslavia.  The FBI believed that Tesla might have been working on secret experiments for the Yugoslavian government in exile. [13]

During WWII, Tesla wrote a letter to the U.S. Congress that he had an invention, a particle beam weapon, which could end the war, but they essential disregarded him and his claims. The Yugoslavian government in exile was very much interested in Tesla’s invention to defeat the Nazis and end the war and occupation of Yugoslavia. But before Tesla would spare that invention with them, the Knights of the Black Sun killed him and stole the blueprints.

 On January 7, 1943, Tesla was dead and penniless in a cheap hotel in New York City. Tesla’s possessions were literally seized by the government, J. Edgar Hoover and the FBI. Allegedly, Tesla’s possessions included trunks which held his papers were turned over to U.S. Custodian of Alien Property for safekeeping. 

On January 9, 1943, federal alien control agents went to the hotel and seized all the remaining property of Tesla, consisting of about two truckloads of materials. They sealed all articles and transferred them to the Manhattan Storage and Warehouse Co., New York. [14]

The FBI notified the Department of Justice, Offices of Vice-President Wallace, Office of Scientific Research, and Military Intelligence Division about the seizure of the equipment, experiments, and research of Nikola Tesla. [15] 

The belief persists that the FBI and U.S. Government still possess and secret valuable working papers of Nikola Tesla. [16] It is also generally believed that the Soviet Union’s interest in Tesla’s “Death Ray” and “Wireless Transmission of Electrical Current”, and Tesla’s research ideals intensified after the U.S. dropped two atomic bombs on Japan in 1945. 

The Soviets took Tesla’s research and electromagnetic radiation (EMR) seriously, while the U.S. toyed with Tesla’s ideas as the”mad scientist” science fiction ramblings until the end of WWII when the Knights of the Black Sun used Tesla Technologies as another bargaining chip with Allies Forces. Tesla’s possessions were eventually inherited by his nephew, Kosanovich, and housed at the Nikola Tesla Museum in Belgrade, Yugoslavia.

Tesla Magnifying Transmitter (TMT): THE MOSCOW SIGNAL

In 1952, Soviet scientists held a series of secret meetings in collaboration with scientist representing the United States at the Sandia National Laboratories in New Mexico. These meetings dealt with the Soviet proposal to exchange information regarding the biological hazards and safety of electromagnetic radiation. The Soviets were well ahead of the U.S. in EMR (electrical magnetic radiation) research and development. The Soviets may have sponsored the meetings with the US to covertly access their knowledge of EMR.

Due to their ignorance of the subject, the U.S. scientist downplayed the significance of EMR and its hazards, and that played right into the hands of the Soviets. Shortly after the meeting, the Soviets began directing microwave beams, called the “Moscow signal”, at the U.S. Embassy in Moscow. 

In 1962, the CIA discovered the Moscow signal bombarding the U.S. Embassy. The CIA bought in an outside consultant, Dr. Milton Zaret, and code-named the investigation “Project Pandora”. Dr. Zaret found the Moscow signal was composed of several different frequencies, which was directed straight at the Ambassador’s office. The Moscow signal remained secret for a decade.

Monkeys were brought into the embassy and exposed to the Moscow signal. The monkeys developed blood composition anomalies and unusual chromosome counts. Embassy personnel were not informed of the Moscow signal or its harmful effects until about 1972. [17]

Stoltita, a major Soviet newspaper, reported that Victor Sedletsky, a scientist from Kiev, claimed that the practical testing of “new kind[s] of weapons based on the impact of certain frequencies on the human body” occurred back in 1965. [18]

The U.S. government began to examine the affects of the Moscow signal. The job was turned over to the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). DARPA is now developing electromagnetic weaponry. The man in charge of the DARPA program, Dr. Jack Verona was alleged to be so important and so secretive that he didn’t even return President GHW Bush’s telephone calls. [19]

DR. Jack Verona, The Raven, was listed as a defense witness in People v. Flenaugh.[20] Dr. Verona was the head of the DIA’s Scientific and Technical Intelligence Directorate, who simultaneously ran a DIA mind-control program called “Sleeping Beauty” that dealt with the offensive use of microwave weapons.

In 1967, Dr. Valerie V. Hunt of UCLA, probably the world’s foremost electromagnetic radiation (EMR)/human effects researcher and TESLA TECHNOLOGIES expert outside of Russia, entered Agnews State Mental Hospital near Stanford University to conduct experiments on hapless mental patients. The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), CIA-MK-ULTRA institution, underwrote her research which more than likely was to clandestinely study the affects of the Moscow signal using mental patients as human guinea pigs. During her research and experiments, Ronnie Flenaugh was a patient at the hospital and possibly became one of her experimental EMF-Moscow Signal guinea pigs.

At the time, Dr. Hunt was also working for Sturmbannfüehrer SS Dr. Wernher von Braun’s National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). [21] Nicola Tesla had developed a revolutionary electro-propulsive (Anti-Gravity) technology among others that the Nazis were very interested in exploiting.

As early as 1934, SS von Braun had become directly involved in Tesla Technologies.  At Los Alamos, New Mexico, in a secret project called “p2″, between 1936-38, under the direction of Wernher von Braun on leave from Nazi Germany, had come to New Mexico on the invitation of the American Rocket Society, the Smithsonian, and the Simon and Florence Guggenheim foundations, to work with Dr. Robert Goddard, at his laboratory at Mescalero, New Mexico. Tesla apparently agreed to work in the German project, after he had offered the technology to the U.S. government on several occasions, and was treated like a lunatic. He had been led into the project under the idea that it was “for peace” and “all mankind”. [22]

In 1988, Dr. Hunt publicly revealed at a Psychotronics (mind control machines) conference that she had been covertly experimentally bombarding human beings with ELF (mind control frequencies). Dr. Hunt was one of the first in the US to bombard human beings with electromagnetic high frequency radiation (EHF) causing disruption of the human nervous system. [23] The experiments were probably based on the Tesla Magnifying Transmitter (TMT) that the Russians were perfecting with the Moscow Signal. 

Dr. Hunt’s colleague at UCLA, Dr. W. Ross Adey of the University of California’s Brain Research Institute, a CIA MK-ULTRA (mind control) contractor, was also one of the first to conduct research on EMF and brain waves, confirming that brainwaves could be entrained to externally generated signals. The U.S. Navy underwrote his research. [24]  

An AURA is the electromagnetic energy field that surrounds, encompasses and permeates the body as well as all living things. The colors and patterns within this energy field constitute a blueprint (the results of the energy we radiate from our feelings, thoughts, and physical being). The first aura photo was taken by Nickola Tesla in 1891. The USSR expanded on his work through the development of Kirlian photography, and by 1975 UCLA researchers, Thelma Moss and Valerie Hunt, were measuring the Aura with TESLA TECHOLOGIES with precise accuracy for the CIA. [25] During that time, GHW Bush was the director of the CIA. Parapsychologist Thelma Moss worked directly with the CIA Mind Control Maestro, Dr. Louis Jolyon West, at the UCLA Neuropsychiatric Institute. [26]

According to Alex Constantine, one of their subjects, “… was whelmed by “back-to-back psychic experiences…she realized, but precognitive dreams ‘that had to be fed to me.’ (Biotelemetric subjects routinely complain that their dreams are commandeered.) For 15 years she walked through a barrage of novelty effects. The “psychic” episodes gradually gave way to torture, including head pains and endless hours of “persuasive coercion,” the art of psychological paralysis honed by the CIA in the prison system. In 1994 she began to receive non-stop audio transmissions that still torment her, cybernetic “voices” registering on her brain’s “primary frequency allocation,” her mental “channel.” [27]

Another Psychotronic protégée of Dr. Hunt in the U.S. Psychotronic Association (USPA) was Dr. Elizabeth Rauscher; director of Technic Research Laboratory in San Leandro within just miles of Sebron Flenaugh, Jr. Dr. Rauscher of UC Berkeley had been doing ELF/brain (TESLA TECHNOLOGIES) research with human subjects for some time. One of the frequencies produces nausea for more than an hour. Another frequency, she calls it the marijuana frequency, gets people laughing. “Give me the money and three months,” she says, “and I’ll be able to affect the behavior of eighty percent of the people in this town without their knowing it.” [28]  Dr. Rauscher was also an expert in TESLA TECHNOLOGIES. Along with Thomas E. Bearden, she lectured on the “Introduction to Tutorial Day of Tesla Physics” at USPA conferences. [29]

Tesla Magnifying Transmitter (TMT) & THE RUSSIAN WOODPECKER

On the bicentennial of the American Revolution, July 4, 1976, the Soviets began broadcasts that became known to ham radio operators around the world as the “Russian Woodpecker”. The Woodpecker signal seemed to have come from an early model of a HAARP-like device using a Tesla Magnifying Transmitter (TMT). 

The official Defense Department explanation was that it was an over-the-horizon radar system designed to detect enemy missile launches. This is what the Over the Horizon Backscatter (OTH-B) program, the original occupier of the HAARP site, was intended to be.  These broadcast-interfering electromagnetic signals were on the 3 to 30 MHz bands and were usually pulsed at an on-off rate of 10 per second, which gave the characteristic tapping, which gave rise to its being called the “Russian Woodpecker”.[30]    

In the Zapping of America, Paul Brodeus wrote: A report published in the New York Times on October 30, 1976, revealed that in recent months a mysterious broadband, short-wave radio signal had been broadcast intermittently from the Soviet Union. The signal was so powerful that it disrupted radio and telecommunications throughout the world…Dr. Zaret is concerned about the Russian signal…because of its potential hazard to human beings…it was very clear that such encoding impressed onto carrier wave-lengths could have a central-nervous-system effect. [31]

In 1976, The Boston Globe reported that the U.S. Ambassador to the Soviet Union, Walter Stoessel, developed a rare blood disease similar to leukemia and was suffering headaches and was suffering bleeding from the eyes. Two of his irradiated predecessors, Ambassadors Charles Bohlen and Llewellyn Thompson, died of cancers.[32]

On the July 18, 1981 TV show “NBC Magazine, David Brinkley revealed to a wide range of television audience that the Soviets were bombarding the U.S. with low frequency waves. On the air, he said: As I say I find it hard to believe, its crazy and none of us here knows what to make of it: the Russian Government is known to be trying to change human behavior by external electronic influences. We do know that much. And we know that some kind of Russian transmitter is bombarding this country with extreme low frequency radio waves. [33] 

Dr. Andrew Michrowski, Ph.D., Technologies Specialist with the Canadian Department of State, President of the Planetary Association of Clean Energy (PACE), wrote: Since October 1976 the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics has been emitting extremely low frequency signals from a number of Tesla-type transmitters. Their frequencies correspond to brain-wave rhythms of either the depressed or the irritable states of humans-and scientifically tenable tests have shown that the U.S.S.R. signals do lock-in human brain-wave signals. The U.S.S.R. signals have been assessed by the Environmental Protection Agency…to be psychoactive (i.e., liable to produce psychological response and vulnerability in humans). The same agency has noted that the U.S.S.R. ELF signals can be absorbed and re-radiated at 60-Hertz power transmission lines and even be magnified by water pipe grids. The Soviets are on the verge of a break-through into a new weapons technology that will make missiles and bombers obsolete. It would allow them to destroy up to five American cities a day just by sending out radio pulses. They could induce panic or illness into whole nations.[34] 

At least five U.S.S.R. installations were operating simultaneously up to 24 hours a daily since July 1976, with an intensity of up to 40 million watts. [35] The Soviet installations were radiating ELF at a frequency, which could resonate with neurons in the human brain, and the transmission could be a carrier wave that could be modulated (varied in amplitude, frequency or phase) to carry a hidden effect 24 hours a day.

In 1976, GHW Bush was the CIA director. Between 1975 and 1976, Sebron Flenaugh, Jr. had been delivered to the U.S. Naval Hospital in San Diego as a civilian housekeeper, another CIA-MK ULTRA institution.  


During the early 1970’s, the S Factor, Stanford University, the handmaiden of the Medical-Military-Industrial-Congressional Complex in covert mind control experiments had also been experimenting with Tesla technologies.

In 1974, Dr. Robert Helliwell and John Katsufrakis of Stanford University’s radio science laboratory showed that very low frequency radio waves can vibrate the magnetosphere. A magnetosphere is a highly magnetized region around and possessed by an astronomical object. In the Antarctic, with a 20km antenna and five-kilohertz transmitter, they learned that the magnetosphere could be modulated to cause high-energy particles to cascade into Earth’s atmosphere. By turning the signal on or off, they could stop the flow of energetic particles. [36]

According to government sources, SRI developed much of the high frequency transmitting programs with money from the Defense Nuclear Agency (DNA) of the U.S. Department of Defense. [37] The DNA has been renamed as the Defense Special Weapons Agency (DSWA). 


Playing catch up with the Soviets, the US began developing its own radio-frequency-radiation transmitter Tesla Magnifying Transmitter (TMT) installations. High Power Auroral Stimulation Observatory (HIPAS) is the “older brother” of HAARP. [38]  

The HIPAS facility is run by the UCLA Plasma Physics Laboratory, and like HAARP, is engaged in the study of the ionosphere through the use of high power transmissions. It is located 25 miles east of Fairbanks, Alaska. HIPAS consists of eight 150 kW transmitters broadcasting from an eight element circular crossed-dipole antenna array. HIPAS operates at 2.85 and 4.53 MHz (behavior modification frequencies) with an effective radiated power (ERP) of 84 megawatts at 2.85 MHz. Like HAARP, the site also includes several diagnostic instruments. Current projects at HIPAS include experiments in double frequency ELF/VLF (extremely low and very low frequency) generation and in ion cyclotron excitation. [39]


During the presidency of GHW Bush in 1993, Sebron Flenaugh’s former employers, the U.S. Air Force and Navy jointly publicly initiated HAARP. HAARP is the most powerful, versatile and largest radio-frequency-radiation transmitter in the world. It has at least three times the power of any known Soviet installation.

The HAARP project sits on a 23-acre facility located 200 miles east of Anchorage. It consists of two main parts, 48 ionosphere research instruments (IRI) and scientific suite of other instruments. The IRI is a high-power transmitter and antenna capable of producing up to 36 million watts.

 HAARP can manipulate radio waves in several different ways, such as electron acceleration of Infrared and other optical emissions, generating geometric field-aligned ionization, and using oblique heating to broaden ionospheric enhancement technology. The U.S. Navy can also generate extremely low frequency (ELF) waves, which allow communications with submerged submarines.

These techniques can be applied to surveillance of the sky and ground. The system can be used against populations, such as for crowd control. This would be achieved by producing mild to severe physiological disruption or perceptual distortion or disorientation. U.S. military documents reveal that this system has the ability to interrupt and exploit human mental processes through pulsed radio-frequency radiation over large geographical areas.    

By creating and directing balls of energy at lightning speeds, it could be possible to manipulate the minds of people by altering the electrical energy already present in their brains. Imagine, if you could, the ability of a police force to soothe a rioting mob with a pulse of electromagnetic force or perhaps the ability to render the same crowd docile and subservient. If today’s society can be monitored and controlled by means of influencing public behavior, the threat of a highly-dominated technosociety is a real prospect. [40]

The HAARP project was based on the August 11, 1987 patents of Dr. Bernard J. Eastlund of Texas entitled: Method and Apparatus for Altering a Region in the Earth’s Atmosphere, Ionosphere, and/or Magnetosphere. This patent was filed on January 10, 1985. On April 11, 1986, The Office of Naval Research sealed the patent application under a “Secrecy Order” which forbade further work or any disclosure of information on the patent. [41] 

Viktor Schauberger (June 30, 1885 –September 25, 1958), one of Nazi Germany’s most ingenious scientists, was brought over to the United States in Project Paperclip to work with scientists at the National Atomic Research Laboratory; known today as the Brookhaven Labs, located in eastern Long Island, New York.

Schauberger, Nazi High Priest Occultist, was one of Himmler’s SS, Knights of the Black Sun. According to Joseph P. Farrell’s Reich of the Black Sun, Schauberger’s concern with “implosion”, extremes of temperature gradients, and vorticular motion were coupled with his detailed study of ancient mathematical doctrines and “occulted physics” within ancient doctrines and philosophical texts. In short, Schauberger was the ideal candidate, from the SS’s point of view, to lead a project involved with areas of physics and esoteric systems that were central to the SS ideology. [42]  “In a nutshell, Schauberger’s theories bring us to the very edge of what appear to be wartime efforts – a well funded, and deeply black effort – on the part of the SS to understand the relationship of the zero point energy, rotating fields, and gravity.” [43] TESLA TECHNOLOGIES.

By 1972, the Brookhaven scientists were fully immersed in the Montauk Project—understanding how the mind works, learning to control the mind, and in turn, using the mind to control time. Schauberger’s patents, inventions, and ideas, were signed over to those working on the Montauk Project; and the U.S. military has incorporated them into different projects, one of which is HAARP.[44]

In 1970, Flenaugh’s father said that he stayed with him in New York. He told about his son’s strange behavior, he said that Flenaugh would go outside washing the car in raging cold during the middle of winter. He would also ride his bike through snowdrifts. He described his speech as rambling. He observed extreme passivity in this behavior, and emotional withdrawal. His father said that Flenaugh saw some type of clinician in New York. He didn’t who or whether it was a psychologist or psychiatrist.[45]  At that time, Flenaugh didn’t appear to have any source of income. It would seem natural that if Flenaugh had visited a Veteran’s Hospital in New York his father should have been well aware of that. Was Flenaugh visiting Schauberger’s Brookhaven Labs as part of Montauk-HAARP?

Hanscom Air Force Base runs the public effort for the HAARP Program. Kirkland Air Force Base (the home of high-tech weapons systems) runs the information distribution process, Maxwell Air Force Base develops doctrine and policy for non-lethal weapons systems and Brooks Air Force Base puts together research on the bio-effects of radio frequency radiation. UCLA, Stanford University, Penn State, and University of Alaska all work on the project. Atlantic Richfield Company (ARCO) through ARCO Power Technologies Incorporated (APTI), their subsidiary, and E-Systems that bought APTI provided HAARP industry contributions.

APTI under E-Systems was then acquired by Raytheon Corporation in a huge buyout.[46] Raytheon is another one of the world’s largest defense contractors.

E-Systems technologies were part of the central nervous system for the nation’s intelligence community. $1.8 billion of their $2.1 billion in sales was for classified projects. A large party of the projects came from the National Security Agency (NSA) and Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and other intelligence agencies. Many of the company employees are former personnel from NSA, CIA and military retirees. The company hires people with highly technical backgrounds and history of working in government intelligence circles almost automatically. Retired Navy Admiral William Rabon, CIA director under Lyndon B. Johnson, for years served on the board of directors. [47]

On CBS’s 60 minutes segment aired on February 26, 1995, the company was described as an organization operating in the “black (white) world”, an area so secret that employees were not permitted by law to discuss anything about their work except with those individuals who have an official “need to know” classification. [48]

E-System’s core business focused on intelligence, reconnaissance and surveillance, which include systems for law enforcement which can intercept faxed messages, telephone calls, modem transfers, and video transmissions on a single system in eavesdropping by the government. Their Global Positioning System (GPS) technologies (satellite based) can locate objects anywhere in the world within one foot of the object’s actual location. [49]

Essentially, HAARP Manchurian Candidates, such as possibly Sebron Flenaugh, Jr., John Allen Muhammad and Lee Malvo could be triggered anyplace on the globe.

At least once source, Ital Iman I, suggests that the death of Black Nationalist Khalid Muhammad by a brain aneurysm was linked to a HAARP instrument that was turned up the day he died on February 17, 2001. [50] How did he know that HAARP had been turned up? Strangely enough, Iman supports DC Sniper John Allen Muhammad from Fort Lewis, Washington, home of the First Earth Battalion, as “like a message from a high priest, this initiation rite to take the world, especially black people, to a higher level, to get a higher consciousness.” [51]

Was it a coincidence that John Allen Muhammad of the First Earth Battalion and his cohort experiment Lee Malvo had an E-Systems’ Global Positioning System (GPS) devise when arrested, and they seemed to have been triggered by (HAARP) remote messages.   


The brain operates within a relatively narrow band of predominant frequencies. The predominant brain wave frequencies indicate the kind of activity taking place in the brain. There are four basic groups of brain wave frequencies, which are associated with mental activity. The first, beta waves, (13-35 Hertz or pulses per second) are associated with normal activity when a person’s attention is directed outward toward normal activities. The high end of this range is associated with stress or agitated states, which can impair thinking and reasoning skills. The second group, alpha waves (8-12 Hertz), can indicate relaxation. Alpha frequencies are ideal for learning and focused mental functioning. The third, theta waves (4-7 Hertz), indicates mental imagery, access to memories and internal mental focus. This state is often associated with young children, behavior modification and sleep/dream states. The last, ultra slow, delta waves (.5.3 Hertz) are found when a person is in deep sleep. The general rule is that the brain’s predominant wave frequency will be lowest, in terms of pulses per second, when relaxed, and highest when people are most alert or agitated. [52] 

“Entrain” has several non-technical and non-medical meanings such as “to draw away with”, or “alter oneself”, and “to collect and transport”. Radio frequency radiation, acting as a carrier for extremely low frequencies (ELF), can be used to wireless entrain brain waves.

“Entrainment” is the results of external stimulation of the brain by electromagnetic means. An external signal generator can lock on to, or entrain, brain patterns, overriding normal frequencies of the brain’s operation. The outside signal capture, retunes, the brain to harmonize with the external signal. This causes changes in the brain wave patterns, which cause changes in brain chemistry, which then cause changes in thoughts, emotions and physi-meditation, calm, even euphoria. Used unknowingly against an individual it is the basic mechanism of radio intracerebral mind control. [53]

Dr. Robert O. Becker experimented in the early 1960’s with ELF by putting the signal on top of a DC current to carry the ELF signal. In other words, ELF rode like a passenger on a bus, maintaining its own integrity but being carried to its specific destination. Dr. Becker tested this concept by using an ELF, 1-10 Hertz (cycles or pulses per second) signal on humans resulting in an increased loss of consciousness among test subjects. [54]          

HAARP has the capabilities to radiate radio frequencies carrying ELF that can draw away with, alter, or transport brain waves that can influence brain activity of entire populations. Biomedical Instruments, Inc. markets electromedical devices used to control or manipulate brain activity. The power level needed to achieve a measure of control over brain activity of control over brain activity is very small-from 5 to 200 microamperes-which is thousands of times less then the power needed to run a 60 watt light bulb. The trick for influencing brain activity is in the combination of frequency, power level and wave form. [55] 

Research internationally found that the brain can be easily entrained or can be influenced to change states by external electromagnetic fields. Again, the brain can be easily entrained or can be influenced to change states by external electromagnetic fields. The tools for brain wave entrainment include electrical cranial stimulation devises, sound systems, light pulse systems, and a large variety of other brain entrainment and feedback devices. [56] 

Military research looks at brain wave entrainment technologies as potential weapons systems development. The HAARP project could be not only the biggest ionosphere heater in the world, but the biggest brain-entrainment devise ever developed. According to HAARP records, when the devise is built to full power it can send VLF and ELP waves using many wave forms at energy levels sufficient to affect entire regional populations. [57] 


The joining of the use of radio transmissions and hypnotism to control a subject is called Radio-Hypnotic Intracerebral Control (RHIC). Recall that Tesla technologies have the capability to send messages to anyplace on the globe. 

The Neurophone device, developed in 1958 by Dr. Patrick Flanagan, can convert sound (like words and music) into electrical impulses, which can be transferred through any point on the body directly into the brain, bypassing the ear and associated hearing mechanisms, entirely.

Dr. Flanagan later went to work for Tufts University. As a research scientist at Tufts, he developed a 3-D holographic sound system, which could place sounds in any location in space as perceived by a listener. [58]

Dr. Flanagan’s developed an improved digital Neurophone. DR. Jack Verona of the United States Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) placed the patent for the digital Neurophone under a secrecy order as a matter of national security. Dr. Flanagan was forbidden from conducting any further research or even talking about his technology for four years. [59]

Putting voices in peoples heads as a means to control or trigger them is decades old. In 1974, a FOIA request produced a document from the Army Medical and Information Agency entitled “Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Radiation” which discussed the research of Dr. Allen Frey and others. The document revealed that the military was actively researching ways to induce voices inside the brain by use of signal modulation at very low power densities. [60] 

Also in 1974, another FOIA request produced a document from The Joint Publications Research Service in Arlington, Virginia, entitled “Psychotronics in Engineering” by J.F. Schapitiz. Dr. Schapitz wrote that the spoken words of a hypnotist could be conveyed directly into the subconscious portion of the brain by means of modulated electromagnetic energy. He believed that he could use this method to program the subconscious without employing any technical devises for receiving or transcoding the messages and without the person exposed having any chance to control the information input. This technology, he said, could be used to induce hypnotic states in subjects at a distance; and by using words modulated on the microwave carrier frequencies, human subjects could be conditioned to perform various acts. He further proposed a research program to develop this technology. He also suggested recording the brain wave patterns induced by various drugs, then beaming these patterns via microwaves at test subjects in an attempt to cause mental disruption in the subject appropriate to the prerecorded drug. Dr. Schapitz’s research was funded by the U.S. Department of Defense, Dr. Jack Verona and the same folks funding HAARP. [61] 

The HAARP project is jointly funded by the United States Air Force, the Navy, the University of Alaska and Dr. Verona’s Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) [62] of the Defense Intelligence Agency. [63] 

In 1973 at Walter Reed Hospital, Dr. Joseph C. Sharp, while in a soundproof chamber, heard words spoken to him from outside the room. They used pulsed microwave audiogram (computer simulation of voice) broadcasting from 300 MHz to 3 GHz. The words reached Dr. Sharp’s brain in such a way that he was able to understand the words that were spoken. [64] 

On the subject, Dr. Robert O. Becker, wrote in 1985, “Such a device has obvious applications in covert operations designed to drive a target crazy with ‘voices’ or deliver undetected instructions to a programmed assassin.” [65]

According to most all the clinical psychologist that interviewed Sebron Flenaugh after the shootings, concluded that he shot the people while he was in a “dissociative state”. 

Paul S.D. Berg, Ph.D. described the “Dissociative state” “It’s a kind of splitting where the a person sometimes, its described as trance-like hypnotic. It’s used sometimes in the example of what they call in Berkeley, as out of body experience where a person through drugs or whatever else is outside of themselves that’s the split. Bit it’s a splitting off of the person’s awareness from their activity, basically behavior.” [66] 

Dr. Samuel Benson, psychiatrist provided another very good description of a “Dissociative State”, “a person is on “auto pilot” where only his subconscious impulses are working.” Dr. Benson concluded that Flenaugh thought he was only “target-shooting”. [67]

Dr. Douglas Anderson, a psychiatrist, met with Flenaugh twelve times. Dr. Anderson believed that, during the shootings, Flenaugh was in a psychotic dissociated or “trance-like” state which is relative alteration of consciousness. He explained that in such a state, which is analogous to an alcoholic blackout or sleepwalking, the conscious part of the mind that involves judgment became suspended and that behavior in connection to the unconscious, a person only has a vague recollection of what he did. [68]

The Neurophone has been improved by the pentagon and military intelligence with 21st century engineering using biologically compatible signals. [69] HAARP has the capability to use Neurophone technologies to mind control individuals and entire populations[70]

 Nazis do play this HAARP to create mind controlled assassins to terrorize the masses and polarize the races as part and parcel of their master plan for a 1000 year Third Reich of Aryan World Domination.

[4] Id.
[5] Id.
[6] Begich, Nick Dr., Manning, Jeane, Angels Don’t Play This HAARP, Earthpulse Press, P.O. Box 201393, Anchorage, Alaska, 1995, citing Letter from David Yarrow to Gar Smith, Earth Island Journal, August 18, 1995
[7] Smith, Jerry E., HAARP, The Ultimate Weapon of the Conspiracy, Adventures Unlimited Press, Kempton, Illinois, 1998, pg. 37
[8] Id., pg. 39 
[9] Id., pg. 46
[10] NY Times, Tesla, At 78, Bares New ‘Death-Beam’ July 11, 1934
[11] NY Times, Death Ray for Planes, September 22, 1940
[12] Unclassified FOIA FBI documents, Ref. No. 100-2237, July 2, 1980
[13] Id., footnote 1
[14] Id.
[15] Id.
[16] Id.
[17] Id., footnote 2, pg. 113
[18] Id., pg. 113
[20] I found Jack Varona (Verona) listed as a defense witness in the court files in PEOPLE v. SEBRON FLENAUGH, JR., Contra Costa Superior Court No. 890224, October 8, 1991
[23] Explore!, Volume 9, Number 4&5, 1999,
[24] Id., pg. 68
[27] Id. , at footnote 23
[30] Id.,  at footnote 23, pg. 66
[31] Id.,  Brodeus, Paul, The Zapping of America, W.W. Norton and Co., 1977
[32] Id., footnote 2, pg. 113
[33] Id., pg. 67
[34] Id.
[35] Id., pg. 68, Planetary Association for Clean Energy newsletter, July 1979
[36] Id., footnote 1, pg. 66
[37] Id., pg. 40, citing National Telecommunications and Information Administration memo, “NTIA Preliminary Assessment of Air Force Ionospheric Research Instrument”, Oct. 1, 1993
[38] Smith, Jerry E., HAARP, The Ultimate Weapon of the Conspiracy, Adventures Unlimited Press, Kempton, Illinois, 1998, pg. 95
[39] Id. Pgs. 95-96
[40] Berlin, Brooke, HAARP: PROGRESS OR MIND CONTROL? Poptronics, October 2001, v2, i10, pg. 29
[41] Id., pg. 96
[43] Id.
[44] Id.
[45] Notes from Unpublished Opinion of the First Appellate Division of PEOPLE v. SEBRON FLENAUGH, JR., Contra Costa Superior Court No. 890224, October 8, 1991, Michael J. Phelan, Judge
[46] Begich, Nick Dr., Manning, Jeane, Angels Don’t Play This HAARP, Earthpulse Press, P.O. Box 201393, Anchorage, Alaska, 1995
[47] Id., pg. 91, citing, “The Secret’s Out: Covert E-Systems Inc. Covets Commercial Sales”, by John Mintz, Washington Post, October 24, 1994, pg. A1, A10.
[48] Id., pg. 92
[49] Id., pg. 92
[52] Id., pg. 134, citing Mega Brain, New Tools and Techniques for Brain Growth and Mind Expansion, by Michael Hutchison, 1986
[53] Id., footnote 1, pg. 68
[54] Id., Footnote 21, pg. 136, citing Cross Currents, The Perils of Electropollution, The Promise of Electromedicine, by Robert O. Becker, M.D., pg. 227.
[55] Id., pg. 135, citing “Mega Brain”, M. Hutchison
[56] Id., pg. 135, citing “Mega Brain”, M. Hutchison
[57] Id., pg. 136
[58] Id., pg. 137
[59] Id.
[60] Id., footnote 2, pg. 143
[61] Id. pg. 145
[64] Id.
[65] Id., citing Becker, Robert, Selden, Gary, The Body Electric: Electromagnetism and the Foundations of Life, Wm. Morrow & Company, 1985
[66] People v. Flenaugh (1989) Contra Costa County Superior Court, Case No. 890224, Appellate Opinion Unpublished.
[67] Id.
[68] Id.
[69] Id., footnote 53
[70] Id., citing discussions with Dr. Patrick and Dr. Gael Crystal Flanagan with author Dr. Nick Begich through 1994-5

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wow the time is now. even all the more reason for seriousness and relentless persistence.nothing else is important. i wish i could activate instantly using my K.E. to burn out the last of my impurities.i want nothing more than to help the innocent.thanks for all the information. WHOLENESS.



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