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As the case of Michael JacksonWhitney Houston has become more valuable to the ILLUMINATI dead than alive. It has been widely reported this evening on Saturday, February 11, 2012 that at 48 years old, our Beautiful Black Songbird Whitney Houston is Dead as reported by publicist Kristen Foster. As of the the time this evening, it has not been reported when, where, how or why she died, and I hope that it is untrue and false. Already, the press is spreading a widespread illusion and image that her biggest DEVIL was herself.  “The biggest devil is me. I’m either my best friend or my worst enemy,” Houston told ABC’s Diane Sawyer in an infamous 2002 interview with then-husband Brown by her side. It is an illusion, image implanation and smoked mirror to focus the public and mold world opinion that theDEVIL in Whitney Houston was solely responsible for her  fall from grace instead of the hands of racism and the ILLUMINATI CONSPIRCY.
Michael Jackson was murdered by the ILLUMINATI by whatever name to control, manipulate and dominate the worldwide infinite phenomenon, spirituality and influence of Black Music that cannot be duplicated, because it involves the wisdom and mystery of GOD and the ages.  The death of our beloved Whitney Houston is added to a long list of shocking widespread suspect sudden deaths of America’s Rhythm and Blues (R&B)  industry artists. Whitney’s untimely death come on the eve of the 54th Annual Grammy Awards that cut R&B  awards in half to four. Male, female, and group R&B Vocal Performance awards are now only one.
Romancing the Image of the Black Mammy, The 21st Century ILLUMINATI CONSPIRACY,
Whitney Houston’s death also come on the eve of the 84th annual Academy Awards and its annual shameful Celebration of “Romancing the Black Female Misfit and Mammy” in mass media. The 2012 Academy Awards nominated “The Help” for four Oscar nominations.  “The Help” earned Oscar nods for Viola Davis (Best Actress),Octavia Spencer (Best Supporting Actress), Jessica Chastain (Best Supporting Actres), as well as Best Picture. The film is a shocking compilation and perpetuation of Old  Southern Mammy  Tales and Stereotypes and a trivialization of the Civil Rights Mass Movement of 1960s through the eyes and consciousness of a white heroine intended to crush the world image, mysticism and influence of the “Black Diva” that Whitney Houston once dominated with grace and beauty. The Association of Black Women Historian surged in statement about the film to fans of both the best-selling novel and the feature film to reconsider their attitude towards this tale of African American maids in 1960s Jackson, Mississippi.

“During the 1960s, the era covered in The Help, legal segregation and economic inequalities limited black women’s employment opportunities. Up to 90 per cent of working black women in the South labored as domestic servants in white homes. The Help’s representation of these women is a disappointing resurrection of Mammy—a mythical stereotype of black women who were compelled, either by slavery or segregation, to serve white families. Portrayed as asexual, loyal, and contented caretakers of whites, the caricature of Mammy allowed mainstream America to ignore the systemic racism that bound black women to back-breaking, low paying jobs where employers routinely exploited them. The popularity of this most recent iteration is troubling because it reveals a contemporary nostalgia for the days when a black woman could only hope to clean the White House rather than reside in it.”

Michael Coard recently wrote in the Philly Post  ”Oscar is a Racist” about the Oscars historically “Romancing the Black Mammy” and Black Female Social Misfits. In regards to Hallie McDaniel’s 1939 Oscar for Best Supporting Actress for her role in Gone with the Wind“She … was the daughter of formerly enslaved parents, and her father Henry fought in the Civil War as a member of the U.S. Colored Troops. Her life itself is worthy of an Oscar! But the Oscar she won wasn’t for the dignified person who she was. Instead, it was for her demeaning role as Mammy, an enslaved maid.”

He wrote of the Illuminati’s High Priestess Halle Berry’s 2001 Oscar for “Best Actress”, “Halle Berry for her portrayal as Leticia Moore [Musgrove] in Monster’s Ball. You mean to tell me that the first African-American actress in history to receive the Best Actress nod had to be an alcoholic, poverty-stricken, willing sex toy of a racist prison guard, spouse of an accused cop killer, and mother of a lazy and shiftless son.” Then of Mo’Nigue (Another High Priestess of the Illuminati) he wrote,  “And what was up in 2009 with that Best Supporting Actress award given to Mo’Nique in Precious for her portrayal of Mary Lee Johnson, the vile, child-abusing, welfare-cheating mother of an illiterate, incest-victimized, HIV-positive, “dark-skinned” daughter?”


“Oh man, why don’t you fuckin’ stop it? Shit, this is too fuckin’ big for you, you know that? Who did the president, who killed Kennedy, fuck man! It’s a mystery! It’s a mystery wrapped in a riddle inside an enigma! The fuckin’ shooters don’t even know! Don’t you get it?” (David Ferrie, JFK, the Movie)

I do not subscribe to any fashion that the racialist military industrial system does not fully understand the mysterious significance of the intricate Kemetic Ausar-Aset-Heru Triad Mythology and the Ancient African Divine Queen Motherhood and Sacred Son Complex to the spiritual and moral wholeness of Black People against Set-Seth (Evil-Chaos) and the Guardians of Darkness for world domination. (See Ra Un Nefer Amen, Metu Neter, Khamit Corp., Brooklyn, NY)

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) under the U.S. Department of Justice initated a secret wide spread domestic terrorism counter-intelligence program with its wicked sister, CIA, called COINTELPRO to continue to perpetuate the ancient spiritual warfare between good and evil for world domination.

COINTELPRO (an acronym for Counter Intelligence Program) was a series of covert, and often illegal, projects conducted by the FBI aimed at surveilling, infiltrating, discrediting, and disrupting domestic policial  organizations.[22]

COINTELPRO tactics included discrediting targets through psychological warfare, planting false reports in the media, smearing through forged letters, harassment, wrongful imprisonment, extralegal violence and assassination.[23]

J. Edgar Hoover, Director of the FBI, was among an inner circle Knight of Malta. Knights of Malta is generally synonymous with the medieval Order of Knights of Malta also known as Knights Hospitaller or, among other names, Order of St. John.[24] Knights of Malta is also a Masonic order closely associated with the Masonic Knights Templar.[25]Knights Templar is the forerunner of Euporean Freemasonry. Opus Dei is a subordinate organization to the Pope in Vatican City, who controls the Order of Knights.  

Hoover was also a “devoted” Freemason, again, among an inner secret circle of super elite masons directly connected to the racialist world domination agenda of Albert Pike. During the Civil War, Pike was a confederate general, and one of the founders of the Ku Klux Klan Post-Civil War. Pike was also a conspirator in the assassination of U.S. President Abraham Lincoln.

Hoover  had been raised a Master Mason on November 9, 1920, in Federal Lodge No. 1, Washington, DC, just two months before his 26th birthday. During his 52 years with the Masons, he received many medals, awards and decorations. Eventually in 1955, he was coroneted a Thirty-Third Degree Inspector General Honorary in Albert Pike’s Southern Scottish Rite Jurisdiction. He was also awarded the Scottish Rite’s highest recognition, the Grand Cross of Honour, in 1965.[26]

Both Knights of Malta and Scottish Rite Freemasonry are branches of the Vatican Confirmed Knights Templar and Knights Hospitaller of the Middle Ages, both stressed the supremacy of gnosis, or direct knowledge, over faith. They were persecuted, outlawed and suppressed by King Philip IV (April–June 1268 – November 29, 1314) of France [27] and the Pope for heresy, infidelity, and sexual misconduct. Many were burned alive, but most were driven underground along with the treasures of wealth and hidden knowledge from the Land of Canaan.

The Templars, whose full name was “Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon”, were founded in 1119 by knights sworn to protecting Christian pilgrims visiting the Holy Land after the Crusaders captured Jerusalem in 1099.[28]

A secret elite inner circle of Knights amassed enormous power stolen from the hidden treasure troves of wealth and knowledge from Solomon’s Temple in Palestine, Israel (Biblical Canaan) and helped finance wars of some European monarchs. They also dwelled deeply into the Canaanite-Osirian Mysteries of Kemet and took bits and pieces back to Europe to exploit.

A circle of  knights brought the divine and sacred Aset-Heru (Black Madonna ) worship to Europe. The knights also secretly identified with and worshipped the Kemetic God Set and followed the Guardians of Dark for world domination of the “Throne.” Legends of their hidden treasures, secret rituals and power have been popularized for mass media consumption over the years in films and bestsellers such as “The Da Vinci Code”.[29]

Baphomet is a pagan deity revived in the 19th century as a figure of Satanism. It is a term for a secret pagan idol revealed in trial transcripts of the Heresy-Inquisition of the Knights Templar in the early 14th century.

The name Baphomet then became associated with a “Sabbatic Goat” image drawn and created by Eliphas Lévi. The Baphomet of Lévi was to become an important figure within the cosmology of Thelema, the mystical system established by the Great Beast 666, Aleister Crowley, the Godfather of Modern Satanism. Baphomet features in the Creed of the Gnostic Catholic Church recited by the congregation in The Gnostic Mass, in the sentence: “And I believe in the Serpent and the Lion, Mystery of Mystery, in His name BAPHOMET.”[30] Set-Seth.

The ancient God of Evil, Set, and conspirators of antiquity (Guardians of Darkness), the Sons and Daughters of Seth, were adopted by the Knights Templar,[31] Freemasons[32] and the Illuminati, as plans for the creation of a Totalitarian One-World[33] under SET-Lucifer as god.

As just in the days of old, SET-LUCIFER seeks to destroy the balance of order, justice, peace and harmony on earth; and rein Evil and Chaos. Once again, Set-Seth and the Guardians of Dark are searching the earth to assassinate the Sons and Daughters of the Divine Order.

Kanye West’s Secret Luciferian Agenda, Cut Off the Head of the Black Messiah (Black Motherhood) with a Knight Templar Sword through the Temple-Womb of the Great Goddess Mother U.S. GOVERNMENT OFFICIAL POLICY TARGET MEMORANDUM, STOP THE RISE OF THE DIVINE HERU, THE “BLACK MESSIAH”Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., America's First and Foremost Martyed Moral Leader and Hero

On March 4, 1968, Knight of Malta and Master Mason Luciferian Edgar Hoover issued a target memorandum expanding its COINTELPRO activities against “Black Nationalist–Hate Groups,” and warning that Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., among others, could emerge as a “Black Messiah’ who could unify and electrify the black nationalist movement.” The target memorandum called for the use of “imaginative” techniques, and required a report on accomplishments within 30 days. Exactly 30 days later, on April 4, Dr. King was assassinated. Hoover’s cooperation with military intelligence units conducting surveillance and more U.S. Government deadly operations against King has been documented in Dr. William Pepper’s book Orders to Kill.[34]

It is also clearly unqualifed documentation and undisputable evidence that COINTELPRO was a major veiled Luciferian program initiated to suppress the rise of the mysterious “BLACK MESSIAH” that would unity the world in universal peace, justice and harmony. The FBI target memo is totally arbitrarily. It targets anyone, both heros and heronines who could unify and electrify the masses. The target memo is broad enough to include even targeting the “Divine” of the entertainment industry. That is what it says on official government business records. The covert war against the“DIVINE” and “BLACK MESSIAH” was and remains secret U.S. Government policy.

 “Let justice be done though the heavens fall.” (Jim Garrison, JFK, the Movie) 

On April 4, 1968, Master Mason J. Edgar Hoover assisted the Guardians of Darkness, the Set/Seth-Luciferians, to openly strike down and assassinate Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. (KING) in fear that he was a “BLACKMessiah” that would unity the world in universal peace, justice and harmony. Within hours of the KING’s death, almost every major metropolian area in United States was in flames including its masonic capital seat, Washington D.C. The sky turned “red.” I saw it! America was at the brink of collapse from within for the first time in its history since the Civil War.

The DIVINE King Mother, Murder by An Enigma, A Black Proxy

The Martyed Mrs. Alberta King & Marcus Chenault, The Riddle of the Murder of the Divine King Mother

On June 30, 1974, a 21 year old black man, Marcus Wayne Chenault, assassinated theKING’s mother, Mrs. Alberta Christine Williams King, inside the family church, Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta, during prayer service.[35]

Even Set (Seth) and the Guardians of the Dark were not foolish enough to directly attack Aset(Isis), the  “THRONE” and Queen of Heaven, or “Mother of All Living Things”, and “Water of Life and Fertility”[36] for fear of the wrath of the gods and the fall of heaven.

In fear, Luciferians would not openly attack Black Motherhood Water of Life and Fertility” to destroy heroes. Heaven would fall. In the 20th and 21st centuries, the fall of the Black Divas and attack on Black Motherhood and her sacred sons is a veiled psychological war campaign, mysteries wrapped in riddles inside an enigma. Marcus Chenault was a Luciferian Assassination by Black Man Proxy of the KING mother. TheKING Mother’s only surviving son, Albert Daniel Williams (A.D) was also killed on July 21, 1969, almost a year within the murder of his brother. A.D’s death was a riddle wrapped inside an enigma, he drowned alone in a home swimming pool. Chenault committed the crime in a mind controlled trance that the public still don’t fully understand the riddle or enigma used (CIA-MK ULTRA Mind Control) behind attacking Black Motherhood globally.[37]

Margaret Sanger, Founder of Planned Parenthood- “We should hire three or four colored ministers, preferably with social-service backgrounds, and with engaging personalities. The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal. We don’t want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro populationand the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members.”

– Margaret Sanger’s December 19, 1939 letter to Dr. Clarence Gamble, 255 Adams Street, Milton, Massachusetts. Original source: Sophia Smith Collection, Smith College, North Hampton, Massachusetts. Also described inLinda Gordon’s Woman’s Body, Woman’s Right: A Social History of Birth Control in America . New York: Grossman Publishers, 1976.[38]

Luciferians also use cutting edge scientific “imaginative” technologies covertly programmed as riddles wrapped inside enigmas to re-image sacred Black Motherhood and Heru-Hero complexes for self destruction.


If at all that you may believe that I am wagging the dog by the tail, above, Demonologist Kanye West of the BEAST 666 Re-Imaging the Divine Queen Mother Tiye’s great-grandson, Pharaoh Tutankhamen. Kanye West is packaged for mass confusion and chaos as a riddle inside an enigma.

Here is the Lucifer’s Servant Kanye West, a fraud and imposter to the Righteous “Throne,” Re-Imaging an “Avatar” of Heru-Horus.

Here is the Demonic Kanye West in a Heru-Horus Complex standing next to the golden coffin of the Divine Queen Mother Tuya, the mother of the Beloved Divine One, Queen Tiye, fraudulently Re-Imaging the bloodline of the Divine One and her seeds, Pharaohs Akhenaton and Tutankhamen of Kemet’s Glorious 18th Dynasty.

Everybody know I’m a muthafucking monster…

And my eyes more red than the devil is,
And I’m bout to take it to another level bitch….

Have you ever had sex with a pharaoh?
I put the pussy in a sarcophagus.  -Kanye West’s Rap Lyrics

Why has Mega Hollywood Movie Producer- Master Mason James Cameron and this satanist and self confessed “monster” singled out the Pharaohs of Kemet for particular NWO consecration?  It is a covert agenda for a New World Order-New Age Religion that will attempt to cut subconscious strings to the ancient Sacred-Divine Queen/King ruler based religious systems to enter into a new era of mass population mind control.

Tyler Perry’s Precious, the movie, is also a covert Luciferian Project designed to demean, denigrate worldwide the sacredness and divineness of the “BLACK MOTHERHOOD” by black proxy.

The ‘Crown’ hovering above the head of Precious is a Masonic phallic emblem, it being the first emanation of the Cabalistic Sephiroth …” [C.F. McQuaig, "The Masonic Report", Norcross, Georgia, Answer Books and Tapes, 1976, p. 34]

Keter (“Crown” in Hebrew: כתר) also known as Kether, is the topmost of the Sephirot of the Tree of Life in Kabbalah. Since its meaning is “crown”, it is interpreted as both the “topmost” of the Sephirot and the “regal crown” of the Sephirot.[39] The first Sephirah is called the Crown, since a crown is worn above the head. The Crown therefore refers to things that are above the mind’s abilities of comprehension.[40]

This first Sephirah represents the primal stirrings of intent in the Ein Soph, or the arousal of desire to come forth into the varied life of being. But in this sense, although it contains all the potential for content, it contains no content itself, and is therefore called ‘Nothing’, ‘The Hidden Light’, ‘The air that cannot be grasped’. Being desire to bring the world into being, Keter is absolute compassion.[41]

From this eternal and ancient androgyne–Kether–come forth Chochmah (Son), the great Father, and Binah, the great Mother (Ashur-Asset-Neru Triad). In this later arrangement, Wisdom, which is the attribute of the Son, becomes the creator of the lower spheres. The symbol of Binah is the dove, a proper emblem for the brooding maternal instinct of the Universal Mother.[42]

Precious’ butterfly wings are indicative of CIA-MK ULTRA/MONARCH mind control. “One of the primary reasons that the Monarch mind-control programming was named Monarch programming was because of the Monarch butterfly. The Monarch butterfly learns where it was born (its roots) and it passes this knowledge via genetics on to its offspring (from generation to generation). This was one of the key animals that tipped scientists off, that knowledge can be passed genetically.”[43]

Get the picture. The “Crown” represents the NWO Luciferian phallic (patriarch) domination over primal subconscious “Matri” (Black Motherhood), the Black Triad (Ashur-Aset-Heru), particularly the son, Heru-Horus.

The Monarch Butterfly wings represent the methodology and technology of domination, multi-generational MONARCH MIND CONTROL, and, among others, by deception “RE-IMAGING BLACK MOTHERHOOD” and the Son, “BLACK MESSIAH.” It is of utmost importance to determine whether or not Tyler Perry is a MONARCH child would seem to strongly indicate by his past and continuing program in the denigration of Black People for mass confusion and Chaos.

Sacred Aztec Birth Goddess Tlazolteotl, Beyonce, Lit’ Kim, Nicki Minaj, Amber Rose in the Luciferian Hip Hop Primal Squat.

The Denigration of Black Motherhood. The Luciferian Hip Hop Primal Squat (LHPS). Female stripping, it’s the “Money Shot”. LHPS is, by deception and re-imaging, the deliberate denigration, mockerly and covert control of  “Sacred childbirth.”

The Squating Woman and Kemetic “Sacred Childbirth.” Here, during the squating childbirth, the mother and child is under the sacred protection of the Goddess Taweret.[44] Taweret” means, “She Who is Great” or simply, “Great One”.[45] Pre-dynastic, Taweret is the mother of Ashur (Osiris) and the grandmother of Heru (Horus).[46]

A Primary Example of Re-imaging Heru for the 21st Century. This is , J. Alexander, an American Model, Television Personality. He represents the Perfect NWO Luciferian Antithesis Heru-Hero and Re-imaged Black Male for daily mass public confusion and Chaos. This is also an example of the classic military intelligence complex DOUBLE BIND (insanity without disease). There is something extremely disturbing about this picture, yet we are bound to respect his constitutional right to be whatever he chose and be silent, a DOUBLE BIND.

While I was working on this project, my seven (7) year old grand daughter wandered into the office, she noticed J. Alexander on my monitor. She sat down next to me at the desk with a pencil and box of canyons. She picked up a piece of copy paper and began to draw. She said, “That’s Miss J on America’s Next Top Model.” She started drawing, then looked up at me and paused, “You know Miss J is a man,” she said.  Then she told me in utter conviction, “He can’t be a Miss if he is a man.”  She looked at me for a moment then began to color her drawing. This is an illustration that even children have an innate courage and heroism to confront and struggle with CHAOS.

J. Alexander (Miss J) is featured daily on national-international television as a runway coach and talent fashion judge on America’s Next Top Model (ANTM). ANTM is the showcase of CIA/MK ULTRA-MONARCH’s infamous American model, media personality, actress, and businesswoman, Tyra Lynne Banks.[47]

Tyra Banks,Guardian of the Dark, Flying on the Wings of Pazuzu (King of the Demons).

Bank’s arms in position of the Ancient Kemet, Ka (Resting Place of the Soul). Here, Tyra appears to represents a vessel of the Fallen Angel-Lucifer.

J. Alexander, the Infamous MK ULTRA Gaze and an Re-Imaged Antithesis Heru-Hero.

Tyra Banks “Thor’s Battle” is most likely a MONARCH child. Left, Tyra in cat skin print (primal nature) that is used persistently by the NWO to denigrate Black Women. Right, Tyra, needless to say here with this image, the mind controlled sex (pussycat) kitten.

J. Alexander, Paul McCarthy of the Beatles, Beyonce, Madonna and Lit’ Wayne Flashing the covert Satanic 666 hand sign.

“Westerner’s know it as the “okay” (or “OK”) sign. It’s done with the fingers and thumb of right or left hands (usually the right). Simply touch the index finger to the thumb, creating a circle. The other three fingers then spiral off and there you have it—the well-known symbol for OK. Universally, this sign means alright, acceptable, good, right-on, you bet!, A-OK, satisfactory…

But to occultists, the OK sign takes on darker significance. First, we have the circle, indicating the sun deity and the Mason’s never-ending quest for more light. To Freemasonry, the circle also represents the female genitalia, or yoni. In the Hindu religion, the OK sign is a revered mudra (sacred gesture) meaning “infinity” or perfection. It is associated with the female genitalia — thumb and forefinger pressed together at the tips with the other three fingers extended.

In the practice of tantric yoga (sex rituals), the OK sign is a token of ecstasy, spiritual and physical. In ancient Sumeria and Persia, charms and amulets have been discovered of fingers and hands in the modern OK position, joined along with horns implying fertility. The three fingers extended outward are symbolic of ecstatic union with the Goddess, the third member of the pagan trinity.

In Satanism, when making this sign the three fingers not used to make the circle are considered symbolic of the unholy trinity — horned God, Goddess, and offspring (antichrist). Some go so far as to adopt the view that the bent three fingers are shaped as three number six’s, or 666. Thus, we have 666, the sun deity (Lucifer), the Goddess (Mystery, Babylon the Great, Mother of Harlots), and the beast (antichrist, 666), all in one unitary hand sign. Oh what a web of evil wicked men can weave around something seemingly so ordinary and mundane.

In the Illuminist philosophy, the OK sign becomes a sign indicating approval of the Divine King, their coming Lord of Light, whom we as Christians know as antichrist. To them it means, “He approves our undertaking.” This meaning is roughly equivalent to the words in Latin atop the all-seeing eye of Osiris on our U.S. one dollar bill—Annuit Coeptus” – Texe Marrs, Codex Magica[48]

If you have any doubts whether or not J. Alexander is flashing the hand sign of Great BEAST 666 above, left,  J. Alexander, The Horns of Great BEAST, middle, Devil from the Codex Gigas (Devil’s Bible), and right, Tyra Banks, The Horns of the Great BEAST.

In NWO Luciferian MONARCH Iatrogenic (laboratory) Multiple Personality Disorders (MPD),[49] one of the alter personalities is the “Barbie Doll Complex.” It was supposed to be named after Klaus Barbie.” Like Barbie doll? MIND CONTROL SLAVERY & The NEW WORLD ORDER – by Uri Dowbenko [50]

“Here I Am” Sick Nick Minja, Womb-less and Mindless ready for the NWO.

This is an extremely disturbing image of Nicki in a MPD “Barbie Doll Complex.” She appears to be in trance, an alter state of consciousness. Nicki admits she has at least three (3) alter personalities like tattoos. She just don’t seem to understand that MPD is not a fashion statement. It is a mental illness. It is a “trauma based” deliberate creation of multiple personality disorder. It is a mind control tool of the military industrial complex.

Believe or not, Tyra Banks stared in the movie, Life-Size. It is a 2000 made-for-TV Walt Disney film. It is a tale of a young white girl’s Eve Doll (Similar to the Barbie Doll) being conjured and resurrected into a living Perfect Luciferian (Antithesis Motherhood) Black Woman without a womb from a satanic spell from a Book of the Dead.[51] (SeePseudo-Occult Media

I totally underestimated what Kanye West knew about mind control techniques. Amber Rose’s pose in the “Barbie Doll Complex is an exercise in the an art of dissociation and trance. “The premise of trauma-based mind control (a version of which was known as the MK Ultra program) is to compartmentalize the brain, and then use techniques to access the different sections of the brain while the subject is hypnotized. Entire systems can be embedded into a person’s mind, each with its own theme, access codes and trigger words. Some of the most common and popular symbolisms and themes in use are Alice in Wonderland, Peter Pan and The Wizard of Oz, mirrors, porcelain/harlequin masks, the phoenix/phoenix rising, rainbows, butterflies, owls, keys, carousels, puppets/marionettes and dolls.”[52]

Amber’s photo shoot was directed by Kanye West. Doll symbolism often appears in fashion shoots to reinforce the mind-controlled nature of a model, who can be posed and commanded at will.[53] It appears that Demonologist Kanye West has been promoted to a CIA-MK ULTRA/MONARCH sex slave handler and programmer. Maybe, a upcoming black “Aleister Crowley?”

Tyra Banks, Alicia Keys, the Great BEAST 666 Aleister Crowley Channeling Baphomet.

The Last Rite of Black Female Cyborg, Tyra Banks, Alicia Keys in An Occulted Initiation Rite Trance, the Large Metal Medallions Above the Eyes Impede or Control the Pineal Gland (Third Eye). The Third Eye, Eye of Heru, it is also called the ‘Third Eye’ which in reality, is the Pineal Gland.  It is the Spiritual Third Eye, our Inner Vision, and it is considered the Seat of the Soul.  It is located in the geometric center of the cranium.[54]

Finally, there is a partial lineup of the black entertainment personalities primed to act as Luciferian Guardians of Dark and black Proxies to destroy then Re-Image worldwide for the NWO: Black Motherhood-Black Messiah Complexes; and the beloved Universal Language of Black People, music.



“Whitney is our Barbra Streisand…It takes us three generations to build a WHITNEY HOUSTON – ARETHA FRANKLIN, CISSY HOUSTON,DIONNE WARWICK, on up to our Whitney.” –Internationally Respected American R&B Vocalist-songwriter,Anita Baker [55]

DIVA: From Italian diva’ “diva, goddess”, from Latin diva “goddess”, female of divus “divine, divine one; notably a deified mortal.[56]

The word “diva” gets thrown around a lot when describing female songstresses, but there can only be one true commanding prima donna that upstages them all. Using categories such as “Taking The Listener On An Emotional Journey”, “Iconic Song/Moment”, and “Hand Gestures”, The Awl got all scientific in their quest to identify music’s greatest diva. It was a close race, but Whitney Houston nabbed the all-time top honor, besting Aretha Franklin by a Super Bowl performance.[57] 

Whitney Houston’s celebrated musical career is dually phased; Pre-Bodyguard and Post-Bodyguard. The Bodyguard is a 1992 American romantic-thriller film starring Whitney Houston and Kevin Costner. In the film, Costner stars as a former Secret Service Agent turned bodyguard who is hired to protect Houston’s character, a music star, from an unknown stalker.[58]

The Bodyguard presented a powerful subliminal reversal of traditional-historical mass media roles for a Black actress. In the movie, Ms. Houston was a beautiful powerful-affluent Black woman on the top, the Black Queen Complex. It was much more than a controversial interracial romance. Instead of being of subjected by a powerful white male, the subordinate white male (Kevin Costner) is under the spell of the Divine One.

As a side note, the film project was originally proposed in 1976 with white actor Steve McQueen and Diana Ross of Motown fame in the leads. McQueen refused to play second bill to Diana Ross. The film project failed.[59]

In a television interview with Oprah, Ms. Houston admitted the backdrop of her fall was the release of The Bodyguard. Ms. Houston’s movie soundtrack was overwhelmingly successful. It became the best-selling soundtrack of all time. It has been certified diamond in the US (sales of at least ten million) with shipments of over 17 million copies.  Worldwide, the sales are at a staggering 42 million copies. In addition, Houston’s “I Will Always Love You” sold 12 million units worldwide.[60] However behind the scenes, Dolly Parton was enriched. She pulled in the royalties on the song.[61]

Post-Bodyguard, Bobby Brown and Whitney Houston were married on July 18, 1992 on the grounds of her home in Mendham, New Jersey.[62]The Bodyguard opened nationwide on Thanksgiving Day, November 25, 1992.[63]


“Guide me, O Thou great Redeemer…Thou didst conquer, Thou didst conquer, Sin, and Satan…”[65]With the best of intentions, Whitney Houston was enrolled in a Roman Catholic all-girl high school, Mount Saint Dominic Academy. The academy was officially founded in 1892 by the Sisters of St. Dominic. The Dominican congregation was initially based in Jersey City with its roots tracing back to the Convent of the Holy Cross in Regensberg, Bavaria, Germany.[66]An impressionable Ms. Houston was dropped right into the hands of the Vatican, Illuminati Conspires and its collective moral crisis of mass pedophilia (child molestation). For the last decade, thousands of cases of pedophilia have come to be known to law enforcement authorities that represent only a small fraction of the true number of children that had been sexually abused, because many Catholic priest and nun pedophiles have been veiled by the Vatican.[67] On October 7, 2004, the Archdiocese over Mount Saint Dominic Academy agreed to pay $1.1 million to nine people who sued it over alleged sexual abuse by priests at its schools.[68]Rare Photo of Whitney Houston’s Former Soulmate, Robyn Crawford “]

The Divine and Most Beautiful One, Whitney Houston During her impressionistic ages, Whitney Houston was surrounded by a strong bonded and supportive Christian family, and a foundational church. At the age of eleven, Ms. Houston began to follow in her mother's footsteps and started performing as a soloist in the junior gospel choir at the New Hope Baptist Church in Newark, where she also learned to play the piano. Her first solo performance in the church was "Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah".[64]

According to Bobby Brown, Ms. Houston saw marriage and kids as the only way to dispell persistent rumours she was in a lesbian relationship with Robyn Crawford.[70]Nevertheless, the Houston-Crawford relationship allowed enough of a slither in the Houston-Warwick family armour for the Guardians of Darkness to crawl through.

Nevertheless, I wonder if their marriage was a way also to veil the perception that Ms. Houston was asserting her innate Ancient African Queenship just as high or supreme to the sacred white mother.


“Being Bobby Brown…He was my drug” –Whitney Houston”

Whitney Houston’s so-called “Tell All” interview on the Oprah Winfrey Show in September 2010 was covertly veiled for mass consumption all about that ANTIHESIS HERU, Bobby Brown.[71] According to Whitney Houston, Bobby Brown, “He was my drug.”[72] If Bobby Brown was her drug, who was Bobby’s drug, the Luciferian branch of the CIA?

Houston said the drug use got so bad at one point that her mother, Cissy Houston, showed up at the couple’s Atlanta home with a court injunction and asked police to help force Whitney into rehab. “She said, ‘I’m not losing you to the world. I’m not losing you to Satan. I want my daughter back.’ “[73]


At one point in her tell all of that ANTITHESIS HERO interview on the Oprah Winfrey Show, Houston said that Bobby started painting eyes, “just eyes” in the bedroom. “Evil eyes that were looking at every point in the room included Brown spray-painting “evil eyes” on the walls, carpets and closet doors of their home. Whitney Houston, “If I opened the closet doors…there will be one picture…and I close the doors, there will be another picture…there be eyes and faces…that he (Bobby Brown) spray painted.”[74]

Houston said she was attracted to Bobby Brown because he took control of their relationship. “He was very much in control. I liked that. When he said something, I listened. I was very interested in having someone have that kind of control over me.”[75] If Bobby Brown was controlling Whitney Houston, then who was controlling that antithesis hero, Bobby Brown and the “ALL SEEING EYES AND FACES?

It is highly unlikely and improbable that Bobby Brown would be painting eyes, changing faces and images on the walls, carpets and closet doors with a stray paint, possible but not hardly likely. Who was responsible? It wasn’t Bobby Brown. The answer lies someplace else.

This picture is a clue to Bobby Brown’s controllers and the entities responsible for the Whitney Houston’s harassing changing faces, pictures and ALL SEEING EYES. Brown’s extremely abnormal shirt is full of occulted illuminati symbolism.

Compare Bobby Brown and Baphomet's Cross, Baphomet's Cross Appear to Have a Rose in the Center

Brown’s background dark blue cross resembles the German Iron Cross, most particularly the Balkenkreuz, the emblem of the German Wehrmacht Army.[76] The Red Cross in the foreground inside the heart is an extreme occulted emblem of the Illuminati, the Rose-Croix of the Knights Templar, Knights Hospitaller, and the Illuminati.[77]

According to Dr. Leonard Horowitz, the author of the groundbreaking and best selling extraordinary book, Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola-Nature, Accident or Intentional, the Rose-Croix is also an Luciferian symbol, “Beginning with the Ordre de la Rose-Croix Veritas, more commonly known as the Rose-Croix, or Rosicrucians, the red (or rose) cross was adopted as an identifying symbol of the Masonic tradition. According to authors Baigent, Leigh and Lincoln in Holy Blood Holy Grail, themselves Freemasons, this practice began in 1188 when the Prieur? de Sion accepted the ceremonies of Ormus, said to have been an Egyptian sage, mystic, and “a Gnostic ‘adept’ in Alexandria”-a “hotbed of mystical activity” during the first century A. D. Here Ormus is believed to have exchanged theosophies with Judaic, Zoroastrian, Mithraic, Hermetic, neo-Platonic and Pythagorean scholars. The name “Ormus” was synonymous with “the principle of light” in Zoroastrian and Gnostic history. Thus, Ormus was not only the originator of the Red Cross symbol, but he apparently helped propagate the term “Illuminati.” Over time, “Illuminati” has come to mean the few powerfully illumined, or en-light-ened souls, who are said to draw their power from “Lucifer.” Illuminati, in fact, according to Webster’s Dictionary; is derived from the French word “Lucifer” meaning “light bearing.” Webster also cross references Lucifer to the word “light.”[78]

The extremely ancient occulted symbol of the Red Cross is usually within a circle, a “sacred loop.”[79] Bobby’s Rose Croix is within a heart. In Rose Croix folklore, the Heart is the “Seat of the Soul.”[80] The “Third Eye” (ALL SEEING EYE) was called by ancient philosophers the “Gateway to the Soul”.[81]

All together, the symbols on Brown’s strange shirt loosely translates to, “In the NWO, my heart and soul is with Illuminati with Lucifer as my God.” At the heart and soul of Bobby Brown is the mysticism of the German/Nazi-SS branch of Luciferians.  Undoubtedly, Brown sold his soul in a Luciferian Blood Sacrifice Covenant for Fame and Fortune, and all the cocaine and crack that he could consume to commit suicide. Undoubtedly, Bobby Brown joined the Guardians of Darkness as one of Lucifer’s hapless servants, and a black Luciferian conspiring proxy to destroy the Divine One. What did Bobby Brown offer in sacrifice for the Luciferian Blood Covenant for Fame and Fortune, Whitney Houston and Ancient Black Motherhood.


Oprah Winfrey's So-Called "Tell All" with Whitney Houston Didn't Publicly Reveal that She Had Been Harassed not only by "All Seeing Eyes" but "DEMONS"

Bobby Brown may be able to stray paint “ALL SEEING EYES,” but he doesn’t have the technical ability to produce stalking “DEMONS.”

According to Tina Brown, Bobby Brown’s sister, that shared cocaine and crack sprees with the couple at their home, “Whitney hallucinates and sees demons when she’s high; she bites and beats herself black-and-blue but blames the devil for the injuries.”[82] Tina says that Houston sees ‘demons’ everywhere she goes, and beats herself up while saying “The Devil be hitting me.”[83] 

Tina claimed that drugs have made Whitney so paranoid she sees evil apparitions and once drilled a spy-hole in her bathroom to look for “demons.” She said: “She’ll point to the floor and say, ‘See that demon. I’m telling you somebody’s messing with Bobby.’ She always thinks it’s something to do with Bobby.” She added: “She breaks everything – mirrors, phones, cabinets, appliances.”[84]

Whitney Houston’s “Tell All” interview with Oprah in September 2010 didn’t mention that she was not only harassed with images of faces and the “ALL SEEING EYE”, but she was harassed with stalking “DEMONS.”

Oprah, the High Priestess of the Color Purple Luciferian Coven, didn’t really tell all in the Whitney Houston television interview for mass confusion and chaos, because that terrible Black man, Bobby Brown, couldn’t produce Whitney Houston’s stalking and harassing “DEMONS.”


Decades ago, the military industrial complex studied and perfected the Russian LIDA machine (U.S. Patent 3773049). LIDA is a 1950s brain entrainment device used for “remote control” drugless sedation and mind control. The LIDA device about the size of a breadbox could be used to control subjects from a room in an apartment building.[85]

From LIDA, the U.S. military industrial complex has developed advanced Voice-To-Skull (V2K) technologies. V2K is used to taunt, mock and torture targeted people. Targets of V2K have reported doors slamming, voices, degradation of a religion, screaming, etc.[86]

The state of art of “Artificial Telepathy” in the 21st Century is not extraordinary military industrial complex science. “It’s as simple as receiving a cell-phone call in one’s head.”[87]

“Indeed, most of the technology involved is exactly identical to that of cell-phone technology. Satellites link the sender and the receiver. A computer “multiplexer” routes the voice signal of the sender through microwave towers to a very specifically defined location or cell. The “receiver” is located and tracked with pinpoint accuracy, to within a few feet of actual location. But the receiver is not a cell phone. It’s a human brain.”[88]

“Out of nowhere, a voice suddenly blooms in the mind of the target. The human skull has no “firewall” and therefore cannot shut the voice out. The receiver can hear the sender’s verbal thoughts. The sender, in turn, can hear all of the target’s thoughts, exactly as if the target’s verbal thoughts had been spoken or broadcast. For this reason, the experience could be called “hearing voices” but is more properly described as ‘artificial telepathy’”.[89]

“The problem is that artificial telepathy provides the perfect weapon for mental torture and information theft. It provides an extremely powerful means for exploiting, harassing, controlling, and raping the mind of any person on earth. It opens the window to quasi-demonic possession of another person’s soul.”[90]

Artificial Telepathy used as a “non-lethal” weapons system becomes an ideal means for the military industrial complex to target a subject for harassing DEMONS to discredit, neutralize, or simply “mind rape” the target insane.[91]

A hologram is a projected three-dimensional representation of a person or object, normally used in communication or entertainment. Holograms were used mostly in telecommunications as an alternative to screens. A holocamera of any recorder or receiver would acquire the dimensions, form and movements of an object by means of ray scanning. This vision then could be transmitted simultaneously somewhere else, or stored and reproduced on a holoprojector at a later time.[92]

Artificial Telepathy Hologram manipulations would explain how Whitney Houston could see faces, images and All-Seeing Eyes on the walls, carpets, doors, and inside and outside of her closets; and be harassed 24 hrs a day with holographic DEMONS.

A secretly coded “Holy See” Project was also publicly exposed two decades ago. The Holy See Project was a collaborative of the CIA, Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI) and the Vatican in the use of holograms to create visions of Angels, Light Beings, and DEMONS, etc. to mind control populations.[93]

Two decades ago, the military industry complexes were developing out-of-this world non-hertzian scalar electromagnetic surveillance, and manipulation and alteration of DNA/RNA to conform to with mind control hologram optical protocols.[94]

Many artificial telepathy electromagnetic victims report dream manipulation, sleep deprivation, or induced sleep at inappropriate time, memory input and control, subliminal control, visual hallucinations, holograms, hearing distortions, sense of touch distortions, microwave burns, involuntary muscle movement, voice and speech input, control of emotions and personality overlay.[95]

Artificial telepathy electromagnetic weapons used at lower levels of amplification can cause extreme forms of physical discomfort, debilitation and confusion, men and women are assaulted on sexual organs which cause extreme discomfort and pain, total control of body functions such as manipulation of breathing and heart beats. Many become ill with migraines, cataracts, burns, digestive tract health conditions with massive rectal bleeding, skin cancer, leukemia, breast cancers, brain lesions and tumors, various cancers, various diseases, chronic fatigue syndrome, various teeth problems, Alzheimer’s disease, Epstein Barr virus, heart attacks, heart disease, brain tumors, brain aneurysm, & death.[96]

Artificial Telepathy electromagnetic amplification can also explain the persistent rumors of the death and severe illnesses that plague both Bobby Brown [97] and Whitney Houston. [98]

Electromagnetic radiation might also explain Tina Brown’s claim that most of Whitney Houston’s have fell out her of mouth.[99]

CNN recently broke ground in television holographic technology when it beamed into its Atlanta studios holographic images of Will. I. am of Black Eye Peas. The holographic project was the decade long work of eerie vice president and the Washington bureau chief for CNN, David Bohrman. It is unknown if David Bohrman is related to escaped Nazi war criminal, Martin Bormann, head of the Nazi Party Chancellery (Parteikanzlei) and private secretary to Adolf Hitler.[100]

At one point, Wolf Blitzer and Bohrman revealed that Artificial Telepathy Technology is being developed and perfected off shore in Israel. In December 2003, Whitney and Bobby entered Israel under the guise of a “spiritual retreat.” They met with former general and war criminal (Sabra and Shatila Massacre) Ariel Sharon, Israel’s 11th Prime Minister.[101]

Meeting with Sharon, both Whitney and Bobby are dressed in symbolic blood red.

“And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.” Revelation 11:12

In the occult, the color red symbolizes fire, primal symbolism-HELL. Set (Seth) of Kemetic (Egyptian) Mythology, the slayer of Ashur, symbolic color was red. While tradition holds him to have been red-headed, the use of red in association with magick, from an Islamic perspective, is an innovation based on the deification of Prophet Seth.[102]

What’s going on here? I don’t believe that Whitney can see the two-finger “devil horns” symbol that Bobby Brown is flashing toward Sharon.  I truly don’t  believe that Whitney understands that Bobby has sold her out and scarificed her to an international elite coven of Luciferians.  Sharon is alleged to be a master mason connected to Knight Templar’s secrets in House of Holy, Solomon’s Temple in Jerusalem.

Whitney and Bobby entered Israel under the subterfuge of spiritual healing with the Black Hebrews, but after the trip little or nothing has become of their spiritual or religious awaking among the Black Hebrews.[103] It was a ruse. They most likely entered Israel as CNN’s Bohrman did as part of secret Holographic technology protocols and for medical examinations to study the effects of long term exposure to electromagnetic radiation.   Bohrman was the chief executive officer (CEO) of Pseudo Programs founded by internet genius and entrepreneur Josh Harris. Harris confessed that Pseudo was a fake corporation,[104] most likely a CIA front.

In 1999, Harris and Bohrman conducted human experiments called “Quiet,” which tested the effects of media, surveillance and technology on the development of personal identity. In New York, they invited New Yorkers to live in pods in a six-storey Broadway warehouse and be subjected to 24-hr total surveillance, in the shower, in the bathroom, etc. Everything was free: food, alcohol, drugs, a firing range, and shelter. Pseudo called in a spook CIA psychiatrist to maximum overload the subjects with intensive Project CHATTER-MK ULTRA type interrogations and harassment. The experiment is captured in a film, “We live in the Public”.[105]

In 2000, after exposing himself and a girlfriend to the “Quiet” experiment, Harris suddenly took off for refuge in Ethiopia, [106] the ancestral land of Ashur-Aset-Heru Mysteries, the Ancient Land of Kush. Even in the ancient Land of Kush under the protection of the most ancient Heru (Horus) and Aset (Isis), Harris believes that he had been shadowed by the Guardians of the Dark, the FBI.[107] Then, Harris have been in Kush developing secret Avatar protocols to re-image the Ashur-Aset-Heru Mythology as a backdrop of James Cameron’s blockbuster movie, Avatar. It’s only a thought or FEAR?

For decades the military industrial complex has been developing a new scientific discipline, Neurotheology (spiritual neuroscience). The Neurotheology theory is that man’s religious belief systems is neurological (MK ULTRA’s Aldous Huxley’sIsland).[108]

Decades ago, Dr. Michael Persinger of Canada, developed a “God Hemet” to feedback recorded EEG brain wave frequencies recorded from “spiritual states” and fed the frequencies back into subjects by VLF and ELF to the temporal lobes to reconstruct religious experiences.[109]

Current Neurotheology studies use neuroimaging to localize brain regions that are active, or differentially active, during experiences that subjects associate with “spiritual” feelings or images. David Wulf, a psychologist at Wheaton College, Massachusetts, suggests that current brain imaging studies, along with the consistency of spiritual experiences across cultures, history, and religions, “suggest a common core that is likely a reflection of structures and processes in the human brain.”[110]

Some Neurotheology scientists working in the field hypothesize that the basis of spiritual experiences arises in neurological physiology. Suggestions have been made that an increase of N-Dimethyltryptamine levels in the pineal gland (Third Eye) or stimulation of the temporal lobe by psychoactive ingredients of magic mushrooms mimics religious experiences.[111]

The NWO Luciferians are busy at break neck pace developing neurotheological sciences with holographic technologies with an agenda to mind control world populations to minic the worship of LUCIFER as GOD, Project Blue Beam.[112]


There is still hope that Whitney Houston can be Free from Military Industrial Complex Mind Rape

Don’t help the Luciferian Military Industrial Complex mind rape and kill the Divine One, Whitney Houston. Take a good and long look at what has happened to her. Ask yourself, why if the world has known for the last decade that she is a cocaine freak, why has she not been busted for drugs?

Bobby Brown may be a terrible individual, but he doesn’t have the power or technology to produce “Stalking Demons” which is electromagnetic state of art military intelligence mind control and harassment weaponry. There is still time. Take a moment of silence, just think about it. Stop laughing about and at her. Let us hope and pray that she get the help she needs before it’s too late.

Gone too soon are too many of  God’s beautiful musical songbirds and messiahs, John William Coltrane (September 23, 1926 – July 17, 1967), Minnie Riperton (November 8, 1947-July 12, 1979), Phyllis Hyman (July 6, 1949 — June 30, 1995), Curtis Lee Mayfield (June 3, 1942-December 26, 1999), Luther Vandross (April 20, 1951 – July 1, 2005), Theodore DeReese “Teddy” Pendergrass (March 26, 1950– January 13, 2010), Michael Joseph Jackson (August 29, 1958 – June 25, 2009), Gerald Levert (July 13, 1966 – November 10, 2006), Sean Levert (September 28, 1968 – March 30, 2008), Marvin Pentz Gay, Jr. (April 2, 1939 – April 1, 1984), Eddie Kendricks (December 17, 1939 – October 5, 1992), Davis Eli “David” Ruffin (January 18, 1941 – June 1, 1991), Paul Williams (July 2, 1939 – August 17, 1973), David Melvin English (October 12, 1942 – February 23, 1995), Harold Melvin (born June 25, 1939 – March 24, 1997), James Joseph Brown, Jr. (May 5, 1933- December 25, 2006), Tupac Amaru Shakur (June 16, 1971- September 13, 1996), Christopher George Latore Wallace (May 21, 1972 – March 9, 1997), Lisa Nicole Lopes (May 27, 1971 – April 25, 2002),Aaliyah Dana Haughton (January 16, 1979 – August 25, 2001), the list goes on and on, and its just a partial list of mostly Black Rhythm and Blues stars, a disappearing world-wide respected independent musical genre of America’s Black Folk. There is something wrong with this picture.

Sourced From www. 

We will do what we must to let Truth ring clear.

[4] At footnote 14
[7] Jackson, John G., Introduction to African Civilizations, The Citadel Press, Secaucus, New Jersey (1970) pg. 127
[12] Id.
[15] Bernal, Martin.  Black Athena–The Afroasiatic Roots of Classical Civilization: Vol. II: The Archaeological and Documentary Evidence. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, 1991.
[23] Id.
[25] Id.
[29] Id.
[36] Ra Un Nefer Amen, Metu Neter, Vol. 1, Khamit Corp., Brooklyn, NY (1990) pg. 234
[40] Id.
[41] Id.
[45] Id.
[49] Ross, Colin A., Bluebird, Deliberate Creation of Multiple Personality By Psychiatrists, Manitou Communications, Inc., Richardson, TX (2000) pgs. 255-261
[59] Id.
[60] Id.
[63] Id.
[75] Id.
[80] Id.
[81] Id.
[86] Id.
[88] Id.
[89] Id.
[90] Id.
[91] Id.
[94] Id.
[96] Id.
[107] Id.
[109] Id.
[110] Id.
[111] Id.

Views: 17246

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Replies to This Discussion

Absolutely amazing documentation...plenty of note taking,  Thanks for this one too!

very nececessary information, in now time, removing the implants of the psyche, takes, courage, will and fortitude as this system of mind control, and mk-ultra, stems back as far as the the first alatean era. this piece is brilliant.  Wholeness

Can and will they be stopped? it getting very scary, they are letting themselves out in the open. Doesnt look like there is anyone to stop them.

Wow and wow again at the LIDA machine, smh. Thanks Sevan for sharing

Oh yes they will be stopped the more know, the more they speed towards their end.

Who is "they" exactly? I'm more surprised she was still dating Ray J, smh.
It's very sad how they're diminishing the powers of black women when they have deepest roots to earth of all the colors

Wow, So documented, I can't find myself but impressed on how much documentation you're uploading to this dimension openly to everyone !

Wholeness !

 Supreme Apreciation! Peace to the God!

This is amazing information. Wow! I have completely been in the dark about these celeberties.... and most all of the things I am learning from the site. Thank you.  

the good news is that the fact that these forces,for lack of a more accurate term are going to such extreme measures to slow us down through our rising only confirms our powerful capabilities.lets focus all our emotions on resistance.what courage it takes to disclose this type of information. THANKS.



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