Join us on Esoteric Radio as we go into detail about the next habitations for Souls. While some are still pulling apart the meaning of the Matrix Construct many important facts have been looked over.


Should not one who worships the Moon find their next residence on the Moon? We will look deeper into other destinations in the Galaxy, their conditions, inhabitants, and the reason some may go to these places next.


To Die means to split in two, will you be splitting form your other half? To be reduced is to be two again, will you be repeating an Earth like dual cycle again or will you be graduating? Learn how to find out.


Date: Sunday June 5th 2011 10:30 A.M. CST

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this subject is one that is always on my mind so to speak.I love the shows with that substance.i heard an interview with john lear the other day ,he was talking about theres people who live in the moon and the sun among other places.WONDER TWINS ..ACTIVATE!!!!
Profound! Got me thinking of the word Afterlife = I Left Fear. Cant wait for the show.. WBV
I hope this show will be 2 hours long. Im thirsty for knowledge.

Let's get it on!

Die: a forming tool that shapes

not to be confused with

Dye: a coloring that affects the ability to absorb light

  • Di, a Latin word for "gods" and the plural of the word deus—variant plurals include dei and dii. The feminine form is deae ("goddesses"). This word may refer to a number of beings in Roman religion, including:

DI, the two-letter abbreviation, has a number of meanings:

Natural Sciences

  • Band 3, a protein ( that is a trippy connection! )
  • Deionized water (DI water), water deprived of the dissolved impurities of ionic nature

and my favorite DI - Destination Imagination !!! Get your flying boots on for Sunday!!

This is today.

excellent book on the ascension process is "Nothing is Exactly How Things Are" by Robert Frissel


Chapter 6- Our History
Fills in the gaps in what is in store for all of us. This planet has went through so many is not even funny. We are at the end of the 5th cycle. No wonder this planet
and its people are acting crazy....we just die and be reborn....

Great show, Sevan.

Would like to hear more about twin flame/higher self. I wonder if there's something in the library here. I'll look.

Great show!
Thank you to everyone. The show notes were so expansive I have decided to make a Resistance Style post featuring pictures and videos out of it. I will be working on this today so it will be up soon. In it you will find answers to all questions posted here.
Excelent show, as always.  But I got confused, I thought the cross was Jupiter's symbol.
Awesome, thanks for another fascinating show! Wbv



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