Join us this Sunday as we discuss what people often encounter when they activate. We will get into a deep dissertation in regards to Spirit Guides, Angels, and Deities and where these Beings live in our Mind Body and/or Soul. We will also talk about how they get there.

We will discuss the Bio Chemical Cell Salts and the importance of applying the lessons learned properly in order to avoid the repetitious outcome of many of our future's. We will talk about how to economize your core energy to continuously wax strong versus becoming weaker.


Date: Sunday May 29th 2011  10:30 A.M. CST

Call In: 1-347-996-5688


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My notes for today's show:

The Soul and the Spirit - What is the difference

The Spear Ritual - Spearing vs Hooking Fish

Lessons and Abilities Spirits give and Teach

Spirits are Straight lines or Rays poking and spearing each other.Spirits move in straight lines and are intrusive to gain access into the Orb Soul,
This is also redundifed when visualizing the entry of a Spirit into a Planet/Plant such as earth to give it life.

Entry into Earth - Earth is an Animal Plant and Mineral

The Body and the submission of the childlike fearless Spirit
The more fire the more malleable or manipulative the Being becomes
The Earth is protecting itself from our misunderstandings

How Entities master a certain part of the Human Body while the Soul is in it.

The Body as a house/temple for Spirits to dwell

What is a disease? Ailment or attached / Spirit?

Raise your energy and get rid of disease.  Vital - Magnetic - Electric

Getting the right combination of Intelligences

Walking around the dimension like you have the healing rod of Hermes
Your Galactic Mission Begins here  your combination of Essences govern whether or not you are an effective force.

The Rise of Intelligence and the population causing a problem for the controllers

Regardless of what happens you will still need to develop your Soul in order to fair better in club afterlife.

Non Activated Symptoms

Looping - Non interest in the soul - stuck on one religion - difficulty thinking and most importantly acting

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Nice looking forward to it brother going along with the recoccuring theme When help arrives help arrives in you. Flush out the parasites, Prepare the dock and send out the beacon.

"from my dream journal"

5/11   Strange havent been remembering all I recall is I was learning something that had been forgotten a technique for something! I was explaining when they arrive they arrive in you Nerve circuit intergration upgrade commence.


Funny that your doing this topic as recently I've been pondering something that I saw during  my sleep.  As I laid sleeping I saw what looked liked the picture you have on the far right by my bed, the only difference was that it was covered in what looked like gold plating and looked mechanical/organic   .  I tried to move my body but could not.   I believe that Credo Mutwa had a picture or drawing of what I saw in one of David's interviews with him.


Looking forward, backwards and in all directions to the show.

In 3 hrs
This made my day



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