Join us live for another enlightening show as we dissect the Universe to extract the meaning of our own very existence. We will talk about getting over ego, fear, judgements, and every block that prevents one from seeing clear proofs.


To make it more exciting I will be using this new format that you are viewing below and then later in the week I will fill all of it in.



Show Time: Sunday August 7, 2011 10:30 A.M. CST  1hr 30 Min

Call in number to speak with the Host:

1 (347) 996-5688



DIRECTIONS - Press play on the widget below during showtime or go directly to the link above. Chat room will be available.


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Topics and Illustrations Discussed (Not necessarily in this Order):



Excerpt from Secret Society Booklet on the meaning of the Ebony Box and the Oath of Secrecy



How to steer around the lengthy life cycles of Karma and Dharma while dodging the spiraling vortexes of lost Kingdoms


The surprising amount of evidence that an E.T. Race did visit Earth, blend in, and then takes its original operators hostage. (These are the glyphs they often show that contain a Flying Saucer and a Helicopter but what they fail to mention is what this glyph means when interpreted).

The basics of the amazing inherent energy system of the body and how its still ultimately up to you in regards to what you will do with it.

A look into the big question of why those who never knew the knowledge are now the ones teaching it, and the horrible repercussions of such things.


Exactly why Christianity is still Saturnalian and but the first step of a very high ladder going in circles.


You have to know when to

How worlds are created through Cymatics and the true power of the Universal Language. We will also talk briefly about the Cymatic Software.


Why if you still have one of these things it should always remain covered up when not in use.


How to not be a "Victim" of the misconceptions and misinterpretations involving the Crucified Savior Myths.


There are many being oppressed, they must be freed.

To those perpetuating or involved in blind religious subservience We ask,

Is someone or some thing getting the best of you?


Other things that will be discussed:

The Circle opposed to the Elliptical Orbit and the clear sign of a none energy efficient system.

Clear sign's of how to build energy and why Truth is self evident.

Learn some interesting things about the spirit and why a Yawn is contagious.

A brief visit into the Ancient Mysteries and what they say about the energy system of the body.

A few comments on the landscape of the Astroplane.


Oh and the true Identity of Obi-Wan Kenobi and why a great deal of modern media is full of spell craft.

Ignorance is only a lack of knowledge. Sevan


Truth will always surface and it is self evident. The old reign of suppression is over.


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Replies to This Discussion

I started reading this information. And I felt as though I want on a journey to the inner Earth. This is very essential to learn on my path. I will stay tuned for your show
Looking forward to the show!
Cant wait! WBV

haha i thought it was funny for a second then i realized that i wish i knew how to open their minds

Great show! Well done!



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