Here's some of the latest of Dr Cassar's creations, very fun... Also presented with an intention to assist, heal and uplift consciousness to greater levels of awareness and sensitivity...

I personally have been experimenting with "the liquids of vitality" as well as some of the "superfoods" such as spirulina, maca, lucuma, blue green algae (I found the source he sources from and get a way better price straight from them, 1/2 pound of blue green has lasted me over 8months... probably should eat it more often...)

These are useful tools to transition towards teaching the body to assimilate liquids more efficiently, the pump however must be primed with appropriate oxygen and exercise so that the cells can uptake and utilize the nutrition and enzymes are able to break them down.

Dr. Cassars latest probiotics have been addressing the issues of nutritional utilization as well as the bacteria go to work on undigested foods and other matter blocking and clogging the body's optimal flow...

Enjoy and hope to hear from anyone going on the journey to learn through nature how to feed this amazing body system Blessings to all

Probiotic "cheese"

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Thank you for the Super Food List...Exactly what I was Looking for..:) TY LIsa



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